Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1578: Bassack is mad

The black **** just raised his hand, and a layer of visible light shield protects An Qi, who has a stubborn heart and a stubborn face. The other arm is released in front of it. The energy that people feel fearful and invisible is just a moment's time to directly blow the black body of Ambrio and cast it into a discus.

The appearance of this black **** looks so gorgeous that it is even more gorgeous than the body of Ambreio. It is also painted in black, but it has a green and shimmering glow. The smashed lines, the whole body looks like a seamless one, full of streamlined beauty.

It doesn't look like other ass, it's rough, simple and square, behind it is carrying two wings, but also a pair of dreamy and beautiful wings of light, and one of them is a weapon-type backpack, ready for use at any time. Take it down and use it. The whole body looks like it is wearing a gorgeous armor, with a black angel with a wing behind the imposing helmet.

This body is a steel 堕 angel belonging to Leonard, a new body that was created in a short time after coming to the world to take over the copper alloy. One is the most suitable for use by Leonard and uses the Burning Legion. As produced by technology.

Based on the original steel 堕 Angel original foundation, the new armor, materials, weapons, replaced with a more advanced cooling technology, that is, the armor that flashes the green light, loaded with the Glow Passer system, using a new Energy and equipped with a small particle storage tank.

After the body of Ambreo became a discus, the black scorpion angel that Leonard drove removed the shield that protected An Qi, and halfway down, let An Qi step on the body. After the palm of the hand, the green particles ejected and began to fly quickly toward Xiaoran.

Behind this body, countless gunfire roared, and the **** of the amalgam in front of the entire sacred column suddenly fired toward the surrounding enemies, and it was wrong to hear that Leonard suddenly went to Amboio. The enemies who attacked had not had time to slow down, and then they were attacked by the 'friends' behind them. They suddenly suffered heavy casualties, and countless black smoke and fires appeared.

"All the members, began to attack all the enemies except the non-mercury alloy troops." Xiao Ran suddenly smiled, also controlled the body in the direction of Leonard's embarrassing angels, and waited until the two aircraft merged to protect the angels. Behind him, he said: "I thought you were preparing to lurk for a while."

"There is no need for this." The angel's head turned in the direction of the sky, and Renard in the cockpit saw several bodies that were flying in this direction, and then put An Qi On the ground, the body began to turn around and said: "Those things that need to be investigated have been investigated, and there is no need for Ambry to exist. Let Eblio guide all this end."

"Yes." Xiao Ran nodded, looked around and couldn't understand and asked: "What about Basque?"

"It will appear soon." Reinard looked at the towering tower of the distant tower. Only a huge explosion suddenly appeared in the middle of the ruins of the ruins. Countless fireworks from the side of the tower of the prince Suddenly appeared, but then there were countless explosions from bottom to top. It was not known how much manpower was spent on the Xiaozhiu column and it collapsed and began to collapse.

A blood-red body that spurted a green light spot and a white light column also rushed out of the collapsed Xiaozhiu column at this time. It was the body driven by Basque.

"Is it the destruction of Xiao Yu's column?" Xiao Ran nodded lightly, watching the body of the Bassacks think that the guy would fly directly to meet, but I didn't expect the guy to bring a curved trail directly to the tail. In the middle battlefield, the flames of the legs suddenly appeared on the ground, and the whole earth began to vibrate. The ground of the two or three kilometers centered on the body of the Basquek also began to crack.

"This guy." Seeing the action of Barak, Xiao Ran also shook his head gently, and Leonard said: "It is better to let him vent, but this time, but I have been hiding for days and nights. ”

As a mad warrior, Basque is the kind of special race that should try not to suppress his heart. The more he suppresses, the easier it is to squeeze more arrogance in his heart. Once he can't control it, it will become very difficult. Clean up, and about this Bassac himself knows, Xiao Ran, these teammates also know.

Otherwise, how could Xiao Ran let Bassack be messed up in the days of Aubu, and finally only a small punishment for this guy, and this time Bassac to cooperate with Leonard, and not to be Abu Leo noticed his existence but spent a lot of time in the dark place, and he could not control the madness when he appeared.

"Roar! Come over!"

The screaming screams suddenly rang through the sky. Luo, who had just placed An Qi’s body on the ground, heard the helpless expression of Bassack’s shouting. He grabbed his hair and bent his foot directly to make a catapult. The direction of the Basque body rushed over, and Luo's movements were completely copied on the body, but at this time, a raging fire suddenly exploded outside the body.

Leonard looked at the angle, direction, and direction of the current position of Barsack. After shaking his head, he edited a message and sent it directly. The amalgam unit that received the news soon began to move quickly. Dispersed and then withdrawn, the whole process was neat and tacit, and quickly retreated to the edge of the battlefield.

And Xiao Ran also said in the communication channel: "You can spread it, and the rest will be handed over to them."

"What is this? The two bodies are on fire?" Jetto responded to Xiaoran's voice and then reflexively pulled the lever. In a blink of an eye, Luo and Basak's eyes almost didn't show themselves. When the next screen appeared, I suddenly shouted with a scream: "I rely on, what is this operation?"

I saw that the body controlled by Bassac reached out and grabbed the legs of Luo’s body while Luo’s body flew over him. Then he quickly rotated and waited until a body didn’t know how to get close to the two. Barsac even grabbed Luo's body and gave it to the body. Although he turned the body into pieces, he was smashed several times by Basque.

"Super... Overlord... Movie bomb!"

"Vo... vomit... vomit... don't... vomit..."

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