Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1599: No. 2 machine Asuka

The battle between the two sides has already begun without real contact. Various beams, missiles, and rockets come back and forth, once again bringing the third new Tokyo city into a noisy, and the night sky is once again being countless beams and The explosion was illuminated, and some of the bodies headed by the first machine launched an attack in the direction of the Thunder Angel.

But the development of the incident has once again subverted the imagination of some people in the place. The alarm of nerv sounded again. This is another alarm that represents the invasion of the apostles. It is clear that a new battle decision has just been made. It is clear that the team has completely dispersed. In response to different situations, the new apostle suddenly appeared at this time.

Just like God is deliberately giving the Victory Fleet, and bringing trouble to the world, a brand new apostle looks quite thin, and the blood-red core is directly exposed to the outside, just like a simple skeleton to support. Thin and fragile.

But even if this new apostle looks so good, no one will easily look down. After all, this is an apostle, an apostle that ordinary people can’t deal with, and it can bring world destruction. The apostle, even if it was thin, the apostist’s position at the end represents absolute defense.

And the place where the apostle appeared was to let all the people sweat on their faces, and the people of New Gion were the big school, because this apostle appeared directly in the huge pit that the thunder angels blasted. Above, and below is a line of armor that has been broken by more than a dozen layers, enough to directly enter the underground space.

Xiaoran couldn't help but take a breath after seeing this scene. Unexpectedly, Xiao Ran could no longer sit still, and stood up and walked out of the bridge in two or three steps.

No one wants a second apostle to appear, and no one thinks that the emergence of Ray Angel is simply for the second apostle. The seemingly random attack gives the second apostle an excellent path of invasion. And it is not the path that the general body can follow after the second apostle drills into the channel.

Just looking at the thin body of the second apostle, just the appearance of several brackets together, but also the ability to twist and deform indiscriminately, directly from the sky, so I want to rush into the hole, but at this time it is fundamental No one can afford to intercept the apostle.

"Haha, it’s finally time for me to play!"

Just as the second apostle was about to fall to the ground, a girl’s voice suddenly rang, and a gap suddenly appeared in the ground near the hole made by the Thunder Angel. A huge red figure was directly Ejected from the gap and rushed directly into the air.

The huge red figure is another eva. It is directly ejected from the ground to the ground through a very different launching method. It is also very domineering while holding two huge assault rifles. The fired snakes accurately hit the first drop from the sky. Above the apostle's position, the blasphemy shot countless sparks and let the apostle deviate from the beginning of the landing track. Although it only took a few angles, it eventually made the apostle directly in other places. .

At the same time, the red eva falling to the ground was free to throw away the two assault rifles directly, pulling out the high-shock dagger and running fast on the ground, rushing to the second apostle, when the dagger and the at position hit together. The girl who drives this eva also has time to speak: "You are the Victory Fleet? Just like this, you still dragged you for so long, but fortunately, I am here, or you will be finished."

At this time, Gecheng Meili also quickly introduced the newsletter with the news of the Burning Legion: "This is the second machine of Eva. It should have been the body of the German nerv division. It should be because of the first machine and zero. The relationship of the machine was transferred."

"Yes, I am from the nerv of the German nerv division, Asuka Langley, although my body is just the second machine." The girl said in a very proud tone: "But it is completely different from the other two eva Different bodies, my body is the real official version, the best body that can directly mass-produce, is not comparable to other eva."

In the Burning Legion, Xue Lilu also felt an interesting laugh after hearing the girl's proud words. The elegant cocked Erlang legs held her head and looked at the red eva in the screen. She chuckled: "No one gives This little girl explained that what can be mass-produced often represents a compromise, a compromise of technology, and a compromise of funds."

Asuka did not hear the voice of Shirley, but it is undeniable that the second machine does have a very good combat power, compared to Wuyuan and Lingbo Li, who are also eva pilots. It is said that the current Asuka is indeed more powerful than the two. At least when one person deals with the apostle, there is no need for the help of others. The dagger can successfully suppress the second apostle. Although it may take a long time to defeat the distance.

The appearance of Asuka and No. 2 also let other people breathe a sigh of relief, and seeing that the second machine can suppress the second apostle alone will make everyone more relaxed.

"This is already interrupted for the first time!" An Qi held his hands on the operating lever of his body, and his face was uncomfortable and angry and shouted: "This time I definitely don't care about other things, no matter what happens. I have to solve the guy in this box!"

An Qi is still shouting, but Basque has already controlled a large sword from his body, and he has taken the golden light and rushed over, leaving a red body in the sky. Under the light.

The huge giant sword suddenly burned with flames, and at the same time there began to appear a kind of rapid shaking with a specific frequency, and this kind of shaking made the giant sword of the Basque body suddenly become illusory, difficult to master. What position is the sword in the end?

The golden light leaps past, the red light slams down, and the thunder angels suddenly appear a layer of orange at the front, spreading layer by layer, layer by layer of melting and resisting the great sword of the Basque body. The power that was brought, but what is visible to the naked eye is that the position of the at least position began to distort, and it began to sag from the place where the giant sword was cut. It seems that there is always the possibility of being seen by Basque.

The Thunder Angel itself also found this, and once again the deformation began, the blood red energy core suddenly appeared to flash a dangerous light, but at this time, countless gn dragon cavalry gave Ray Angel all directions from all directions. Surrounded by a beam of light from these gn dragon cavalry, the dense light seems to make people feel scalp numb.

Naluo's sniper, Graham's blade, the golden flame of the squad, and the stalwart of the dragon's horse also appeared at this time, not hitting the position of the thundering angel's front to be broken, or flying from another direction. Shot at the bright red core, but the first yelling An Qi, the two evas that should have been the main force, but only stupidly looked at the attack of everyone nearby.

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