Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1602: Anti-water

Bled’s mood at this time was also quite complicated. Looking at Xiaoran’s body, he was hovering over the confrontation between the federal forces and the New Gion’s forces. If you say it, it sounds so high and it can really cause Some of their resonance and reflection, like Xiaoran is guiding their hearts, guiding their thoughts, and planting a seed of peace in the hearts of everyone.

Between the two, Bled seems to see Xiaoran as a savior, to end the war between the Federation and the New Gion, to change the spiritual masters of every federal or New Gion soldier in the true sense, and to see that peace seems to be here. The heart sprouts and gradually spreads throughout the world.

Captain Otter also looked at the scene in front of him. After taking a deep breath, he said: "Leader, he has the qualities that belong to the leader. The charm created by the strange qualities makes it easier. I believe that what he said is easier to immerse in the atmosphere of his words."

"Yes, he does have such qualities. Now the soldiers of the Federation and New Gion have planted seeds in their hearts that can change the world and sprout." Bled glanced at the communication screen. The captain, the gentleman nodded and said with incompatibility: "Now I understand why, after the establishment of the Victory Fleet, why our hearts are not refutable and willing to regard him as the leader of this fleet, not only Just because of his special identity in another world, but he does have such power and charm."

"Now see this scene, I really begin to believe in the future of this world, the Federation and New Gion, peace and stability are really getting closer to us."

The third new Tokyo city, on the one hand, is the battle between three evas and one apostle, and on the other is the silence of countless bodies. The two sides are divided into two worlds that do not affect each other, while on the other side of the battle. In propagating peace, there is no such thing as any difference in the sense that there is nothing wrong with it. The other side of the battle is to protect the world as well as peace and stability. The current dialogue is also for peace and stability.

After Xiaoran said the words, the intentional silence for a while will let the following people have more time to think, until they feel that the time is almost the same, they continue to say: "I don't know if you are in this short time. I already have the answer to why, and I don’t know if you think about what you should do in the future."

"But I just want to emphasize that, whether it is New Gion and the Federation, you as a soldier just want to make your country better, and the people behind you will be better to fight, but it will really make all humans Better, only peace is the only way."

"And we, our Victory Fleet, starting today, will fight for the real peace of the earth. We must completely end the war between the Federation and New Gion. We want to let the threats of this world disappear, and we must let the Earth and the universe Residents can live together in a more united way, living together like brothers and sisters forever."

"Today's business is here, whether you are the Federation or New Gion, you can leave, but I hope that if you meet you again in the battlefield or meet each other in the future, I hope that you can think about the world at that time." What is really needed, what is your real goal and making the right choice."

"And I am Xiaoran, the person in charge of the Victory Fleet, also welcomes each of you very much, holding the same thoughts as us, wanting to restore peace to the earth, the earth residents and the inhabitants of the universe unite and live together, want to protect People from this world join us, let us use our own efforts and struggles to completely change the world with our own blood and will, let the war disappear from this world forever, and create a better world for our descendants. ""

The voice of Xiao Ran fell, the people of the Federation were silent, the people who heard this in the headquarters of nerv were silent, and the people of Xinji Weng were also silent. In this silence, many people’s hearts can Feel a blood and hope.

"I am willing..."

Suddenly, a weak voice sounded, a boy who was a boy but had some hesitation and hesitation: "I am willing... I want to join you, I don't want to go on inexplicable battle, my brother, my My sister, my parents are all sacrificed in this war, they are just civilians! Just civilians!"

The boy suddenly shouted out loud and shouted with a cry: "But we obviously didn't do anything, obviously did nothing, they died in the hands of the EFF! I can't wait for all the earth to be forever. Disappeared, but...but...but the earth is also our home, but there are also people I love on earth!"

"I don't want to continue in this way. I just want to be with someone I love. I just want this world not to have war, not to kill, not to let any innocent person be as inexplicable as my loved ones." Death, I want to join you, I want to change the world!"

Xiao Ran took a deep breath and said in the softest voice: "Welcome you, child, I welcome you on behalf of the big family of the Victory Fleet. Although you don't have a loved one, we will be your loved ones in the future, all willing and We are on a front, and we are all relatives in order to restore peace to the world."

"Ah!!!" The boy couldn't help but cry out loud after hearing Xiaoran's words. The cries of screaming sounded in everyone's ears, and everyone who heard the crying felt uncomfortable.

"I also want to, I am the soldier of New Gion, but now I want to join you and join the Victory Fleet, I believe you, Xiao Ran!"

"Me too, I want to leave New Gion, I want to join the Victory Fleet. From today, I will fight for peace in this world!"

"I, I want to join!"

"And I!"

"Don't forget me, brothers."

The federal military did not have a position, but the people of New Gion were yelling out one by one, expressing their desire to join the Victory Fleet and wanting to fight for peace in the future. Many people made a crying voice. That kind of blood, the kind of expectation is also passed on to the soldiers of the federal side.

One, two, three... ten... twenty, and gradually some of the federal soldiers controlled their bodies and put down their weapons and slammed them down and said the same thing.

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