Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1609: Is it calculated?

(A day off tomorrow, I said in advance, hehe.)


The sky is still completely lit up, the Ptolemy, the son of the Danu, the Yamato, the Arkham, the Lakram, and the interior of the five ships suddenly sounded a continuous alarm. Into the ears of everyone who is already asleep or not sleeping.

In the captain's room of Yamato, it was also in the room of Okinawa Thirteen. Xiaoran, who was lying in bed and sleeping, opened his eyes at the moment when the alarm sounded. He suddenly bounced off the bed and walked quickly to the room. In front of the only table inside, pick up the phone above.

"What happened."

The other end of the phone came with an anxious voice in the ancient times: "The troops of New Gion appear in Dhaka City and are currently breaking through the federal defense line, but the city of Dhaka has not sounded an alarm at all and has not made any The evacuation, the entire city has now been completely messed up."

Xiao Ran frowned slightly: "Don't worry, contact other captains immediately, I will come over the bridge immediately."

Hanging up the phone, Xiao Ran’s stunned his face and picked up his coat and put on his shoes and hurried out of the captain’s room. During the journey to the bridge, I saw some sleepy fascination along the way. Suddenly waking up between the two, there was no crew to go to their posts.

Soon, Xiao Ran entered the bridge of the Yamato, and all the bridge members except him had already arrived. After nodding to everyone, Xiao Ran directly sat in the field. Thirteen, now reluctantly belong to the position of the agent of the real agent.

Just sitting down, in front of Xiaoran, a huge screen was dropped, and the remaining captains appeared in the screen.

"You should already know the situation. New Jiong Weng has already started attacking Dhaka City." Xiaoran finished, after seeing a few people nod on the screen, he continued: "But I have to know the current specific city of Dhaka. Happening."

The people on the screen were silent for a moment, until the last few seconds, Bled opened his mouth: "Yes, we have already known about the situation there, New Gion is attacking Dhaka, except for the previous meeting. In addition to the normal garrison power, there is no more force deployment and support in Dhaka City. It is expected that the federal defense force will be completely broken up to 30 minutes. At that time, New Gion will be able to drive straight into the card market."

"And the most important thing is that, knowing that the city of Dhaka will be attacked by the new Gion, the federal side has not made any other arrangements for this, including the important thing of the evacuation of civilians, that is, up to thirty minutes. After that, the entire civilian population of Dhaka City will be directly exposed to the gunfire of New Gion."

“Yes.” Tessa also took a deep breath and added: “There is no more defense force than Dhaka City. It’s better to say that the Federation simply does not want to use its own strength to defend Dhaka. In the city, just now Leonard and I got in touch and told me that the federal government did not have any conspiracy this time. The members of the federal parliament had all left when the new Gion was appeared. The current federal defense is only these powerful people. Tools for the time of evacuation."

"That is to say, the Federation did not give the people of Dhaka a heart at all, not only that... we also seem to be used by the Federation."

Bled also nodded slightly and sighed: "Yes, the federation should have calculated our arrival, just now I received a request from the federal side, or an order, let us immediately Going to Dhaka City to eliminate the New Gion troops who attacked Dhaka City. Of course we can't go, but the civilians in Dhaka..."

"Oh." Xiaoran suddenly smiled after listening to the words of Tesha and Bled, and looked very happy, but no matter who can hear the coldness of Xiaoran’s laughter, just listen to Xiao Ran. "It seems that the federation thinks that we have mastered our death points, knowing that some of us will definitely help those civilians, and we will leave."

Standing in the bridge, Sanada looked at Xiaoran and said loudly in the bridge: "Get off the anchor, sail out, and then sail to the sea and travel to Dhaka at the maximum speed."

The people on the screen also nodded, and ordered the order for the ship to sail, the pilot to prepare for the battle, and Xiao Ran said after everyone was quiet again: "Tessa, you and Leonard have there. Didn’t grasp the movements of those members and the route of evacuation?”

Tessa snorted and nodded. "Give me some time to find out. I will also seek help from Leonard's amalgam."

"Very good." Xiao Ran nodded and said calmly: "Then now we are arranging combat orders, Yamato, Iki Akam, and La Karam to Dhaka City to stop the military operations of New Gion. The son of Dannu, Ptolemy began to investigate the whereabouts of members of the Federal Parliament, confirming whether they act together or separately. No matter which kind I ask you to try to catch more of them, Yagenaldi A squadron is responsible for assisting you in replenishing the shortage of manpower."

"There is violent resistance... It’s solved directly. Now there is no effort and ink that can’t be counted as garbage.”

"Finally..." Xiao Ran looked at Bled on the screen and looked at the other side and said: "Pick up and prepare, prepare the original constitution and disband the existing federation in the name of the orthodox federation. The Federal Military Region, the General Command issued an order to allow them to accept the leadership of the orthodox federation, and the refusal was regarded as a rebellion by my personal leader who was completely annihilated."

When Bled heard what Xiao Ran said, his body suddenly became stiff and his breathing stopped stagnation. The heart felt that he had stopped beating at that moment, but then the breathing became rushed, not excited, not happy, but tension.

"Is this going to take this step..." Bled took a deep breath and calmed his nervous mood. His expression was slightly slowed down, but the fist that clenched his hand still explained the cloth. Ryder's heart is not like this on the surface.

"It is not the time to go this step, but we must take this step. We have no time to continue to waste it here." Xiao Ran shook his head and said: "Notify nerv, let Wuyuandu come over and temporarily preside over the overall situation. Communicate with the military headquarters, the headquarters, and various regions, cosmic colonies, etc., and invite them to form a new orthodox federal parliament. To say that this is a nuisance to deal with these aspects, Wuyuandu is better than the people we are present. Be more patience in the line."

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