Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1611: thirty marks

After leaving the bridge of the Yamato, Xiao Ran went to Gnaku and once again sat on the dawn. After starting the body, Bled appeared at the same time on most media broadcasts of the whole world, directly with green Surrounded by light spots, the green and white trails are ejected, and a ray of light directly hits the sky.

When the eyes turn, all the things displayed on the screen are swept into the fundus, and the hand is clicked on the front console a few times, so that a screen of about ten inches or so appears separately to the right of the perspective of the view. At the same time, the sound in the picture also rang in the cockpit.

"This is a live broadcast in Dhaka. I am the commander of Lund Bell, Bled Noah, a man who once fought for the Earth Federation but was regarded as a traitor by the Earth Federation."

"The war between the Federation and Gijon has been going on for too long and too long. It has caused countless soldiers and innocent civilians to die in this inexplicable war. This war brings us apart from the destruction and sacrifice. What is coming is endless pain and hatred, and it makes me feel more and more confused and think about the meaning of this war."

"And until I witnessed a secret that existed from the beginning of the establishment of the federation, whether it was the Federation or the New Gion, it was enough to make a huge change in the world, enough to make the world truly restore the secret of peace. ”

"The Laplace box, once opened, can change the Union, change the world, a real federal original constitution buried in history and covered up by countless greedy and sinful people..."

Xiaoran listened to Bled’s speech and hovered over the body of La Kelam, his mouth slightly squinting and looking a little scornful, and his heart’s speech to Bled was full of slots. In Xiaoran’s opinion, Bled’s speech is too stable and too direct. Without any turning point, it can’t cause curiosity and resonance of others. It can’t leave people suspense, and it’s not attracting people’s attention. It’s not in everyone’s mind. Resonance did not make everyone feel angry, sad, deceived. If such a speech is a one-percent perfect score, Xiao Ran will give Bled a maximum of 30.

"I knew it was like this, I just came by myself."

With the voice of sighing Xiaoran also shook his head helplessly, Xiao Ran thought that since he was a military chief, Bled certainly had some experience in the art of speech, but the result is exactly the opposite of what he thought, it is simply terrible. .

So Xiaoran put his attention on the other side of the battle. At this time, the troops of New Gion were under the violent blow of the Victory Fleet, and they were intercepted near the port on the coast. It should have been deeper. This can be seen from the collapsed building of the city that has been ruined farther away, but it is still being rushed back to the beach.

Judging from the current situation, the body of the General Manager of Cong Yun and Kasavi is entangled in the huge red ma of the New Kyrgyz Army. It always feels that the General Manager of Cong Yun and Hasawi are in the process of fighting. It seems that he has not fully exerted his full strength. On the contrary, the red ma is struggling to break away from the entanglement of the two.

Other places seem to be more smooth, the real tower, the body of the demon **** z take the lead, as well as Amro, Basque, Luo, 咲 interspersed among them, with a ferocious bird, Gulang Gast and many other bodies almost no Too many obstacles continue to wipe out the vitality of Xinji Weng. According to the current progress, it will not be long before it can completely defeat the troops of Xinji Weng and even leave them all in Dhaka.

It’s just a little embarrassing thing. Although everyone had tried to try not to hurt the local target as much as possible, but from the final result, at least half of the people’s Jiongjun soldiers lost their lives in the battle. This is still the case when everyone deliberately keeps their hands behind.

However, the soldiers of this group of new Gion are very crazy. Some people are fighting with the endless mind. Even if the head is cut off, the weapon is destroyed, and the broken body will continue to charge. Until it becomes a burst of fireworks with the body.

Just looking at it for a while, Bled has already published the original constitution left by the orthodox Federation, and explained to everyone the explosion of the original constitution and the beginning of the federal establishment.

"Now, I am announcing that the existing federal regime is deceiving the ineffective regime of the world for nearly a hundred years in accordance with the regulations of the original constitution of the Union. All acts of oppressing the inhabitants of the universe and opening the war against the Gion are all violations of the criminal acts stipulated in the Constitution. Because all the consequences and sacrifices caused by the opening of the war are the worst crimes against humanity, all individuals and families involved in this will be punished with inevitable punishment for the size of sin."

"And I, Bled will absolutely implement the original requirements of the original constitution, thoroughly implement the original constitutional regulations, and restore the true federal orthodoxy in accordance with the original constitution, sincerely invite the common target to join us, and also welcome all regions of the earth. Representatives of various satellites in the universe came to Dhaka City to discuss and form a new federal parliament, a new federation that would allow the Earth's inhabitants and the inhabitants of the universe to truly unite, help each other, and support each other."

"Finally, here I am going to issue a final ultimatum to the EFF military headquarters, the General Command, immediately stop all current acts of war, and recognize the legitimacy and orders of the orthodox Federation in accordance with the requirements of the original Constitution, otherwise the Federation will regard you as Rebellious war criminals, the most severe blow."

After Bled said this, he nodded to indicate that the person in front of him could jump the picture, and when the dawn appeared on the screen in front of Bled, Brad sat in his captain. On the seat, the sweat from the forehead smiled bitterly: "I just said that I want to declare war on the entire federation? As far as we are concerned, this strength and material is too whimsical and too anxious."

Captain Otter’s voice rang in the bridge: “But I’ve said it already, can you still get it back? Now it’s time to see Xiao Ran’s adult.”

When the picture turned to his body, Xiao Ran had already noticed it, and now it is time for Xiao Ran to show the muscles to the world. In the blink of an eye, the dawn breaks out countless gn particles, and the huge light wings are Appeared in the blink of an eye, solidified, and then quickly expanded to directly cover the entire city of Dhaka.

Then, the two weapons that broke at dawn were placed directly in front of the chest, and the endless and violent energy began to condense toward the distressed chest and muzzle. In just a few seconds, one directly made the sky change. The darker beam suddenly appeared, and the beam with a thickness of 100 meters brought up a whistling sound that made people feel like a piercing sound. This beam flew in the direction of a sky without any target. .

Just as everyone is concerned about the movements in Dhaka City, even the shock of a seemingly large ms can launch such a terrible attack, and does not feel that this attack alone can deter the federal But then the huge beam of light turned inexplicably and turned from a sky, from a beam of light into hundreds of channels, and from hundreds of beams to tens of thousands of roads, overwhelming toward the shoreline The New Gion force is covered.

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