Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 162: Little Love

"Amount?" Ozma stunned, completely ignorant of what Xiao Ran was saying. Oh,

Xiaoran walked over to the orchid and looked at the little green thing in her arms. The little thing looked soft and lovely. At this time, she was looking at Xiaoran with a big pair of eyes.

Xiao Ran smiled and took a cell phone from his pocket and took a photo of the little thing. Then he turned to look at Ozma: "You guess what it is."

Ozma came over and looked at the little pet in the orchid's arms and scratched his hair: "Is it a newfound species, orchid, where did you come from, whether you have applied for a report, and kept pets?" But it is illegal."

"What, it is a pet that hurts humans is a crime." Orchid pouted with his hands and green pets in his arms and got together in front of Ozma: "Little love is so cute, it will not hurt at all." Human beings are saying that I am not willing to let it do those that are inspected and isolated."

"Little love?" Ozma rolled his eyes and looked at Xiao Ran's smiling eyes. His eyes slowly widened, and he turned his head and looked at Xiao Ai. He said with amazement. : "No, this will not be the baby's early life!"

"Hey?" Little love looked at Ozma inexplicably, then climbed onto the shoulders of the orchids and smashed his head toward the orchids.

"Brother! What are you talking about?" said the orchid with a sigh of relief, and drew a big circle with his hands: "The bug is so big, the little love is so small, how could it be a bug?"

Ozma glanced at Xiao's love and looked at Xiao Ran. His eyes were also unbelievable: "Xiao Ran, really won't be, you just said that so small and lovely when you just had a meeting."

Xiaoran went to Shirley's bed and sat down, laughing and holding Shirley's hand. Shirley made two breaks and didn't break away. She turned her eyes and squinted at Xiaoran, but she was also very curious about whether the pet was really a larva.

Seeing the expression on Shirley's face, Xiao Ran is not hanging Ozma's appetite. He nodded and smiled: "Yes, this is the larva's childhood, the insects in the early childhood are very cute, please forgive me for using cute. Described, but this way will definitely be liked by many children and women, and then it is the growth period. At that time, the bugs were not big, and the orchids could hold them up. I won’t be next. Clear."

"Is this really what the worm looked like when he was a child?" Shirley revealed with amazement that she covered her mouth with the other hand, incredulously said: "How can there be such a big difference?"

"I don't know this very well, maybe the biologists in the future can explain it." Xiao Ran shrugged his shoulders and said: "I don't know if the growth or evolution of the worm is active or passive, orchid, you You can ask if little love can last forever."

Ozma's look at the little love, only feel that his cognition has really been subverted once. Who can think of such a small thing when the fierce insects in the universe are in their early childhood, and really want to say that Xiaoran is so cute!

"Ah!" The orchid screamed in surprise, and the hair on both sides stood up. Directly put Xiao Ai close to his head, the four eyes are so right.

"You are vajra? Is it a bug?"

"Hey?" Xiaoai’s head slammed, and after two clicks, he ordered a little cute head.

"Ah! You are really a bug!" The orchid shouted incredulously, just wanting to throw away the little love and look at the cute look and reveal a look of unbearable expression. Directly put Xiao Ai in his arms: "How can it be so cute? Really, I love you, I can't let you become that ugly look."

"Oh." Xiao Ai’s head slammed in the arms of the orchid. Both eyes laughed into the shape of the crescent.

"I said, in fact, the insects are very kind." Xiao Ran looked at Xiaoai's look and smiled at Ozma.

"It's really a bit of subverting my thoughts." Ozma shook his head and couldn't accept it. He said: "On this way, the resistance of humans and worms to live together is half, at least women. It is very difficult for children to resist such pets."

Xiao Ran nodded. "At the time, I also thought of this point to say that humans and worms can live together. Orchid, when did you get it?"

The orchid said with a small love: "Just a few days ago, I left it at home on the 4th and the fleet. I only took it here today, I want to let Shirley also look at it. ”

Xiao Ran nodded when he thought about it and asked: "Orchid, do you want to live with Xiao Ai? I mean, let humans and worms not be in war, stay with each other forever, and all the families of all the children will be there. There will be a pet like Little Love, and everyone will live happily together."

"I certainly don't want humans to fight with bugs." The expression of orchids became serious: "After this time, I know that they didn't want to hurt humans, but they didn't understand each other. Now I see bugs. I am not afraid."

Xiao Ran sighed for a while and said: "Shirley, orchid, there is one thing that needs you two to help out."

Shirley’s hand held Xiaoran’s hand tightly: “As long as I can do it, I will do it.”

Xiao Ran looked at Shirley and smiled and nodded, and the orchid said, "I can."

"Tomorrow, we will set off to the mother star of the worm. I hope that you can see the mother of the worm, and pass on our hopes and hopes to it. Humans and worms live together and make small love like this. The worms can grow up with our human children and help each other." Xiao Ran patted Shirley's hand and looked at the orchid seriously. "And orchids, Shirley's disease also needs your help to treat her." it is good."

"Shirley..." The orchid glanced at Shirley, and nodded slightly to Xiao Ran: "I will tell it with a song, but how can I help Shirley to cure the disease?"

Xiao Ran looked at Shirley and the orchid: "As long as you sing, just open your mind and body and sing wholeheartedly, and let you and Shirley resonate with the song again."

Shirley Lu is a bit strange: "Xiao Ran, can you sing and cure fever?"

"Shirley, your illness is not a simple fever." Xiao Ran patted Shirley's hand and said with a soft breath: "It is a bacterial infection. At present, there is no effective scientific treatment. So we can only treat you with some unscientific methods."

"Bacterial infection..." Shirley Lucy squatted, but when she saw the fear of flashing in her eyes, she smiled: "It’s not a bacterial infection, it’s like it’s serious, since you said we sang. If you can make me sick, then we can sing."

Xiao Ran patted Shirley's head: "Without comforting me, I know more than you know what you are. I have other methods to cure you, but that method cannot be used on a large scale, but yours The disease will have a huge impact on the future direction of mankind. I am worried that your singing voice can't reach the highest level of resonance, so some people will jump out and scream for war."

"Scared me to you." Shirley showed a bit of Xiaoran's chest. She looked at Xiaoran with no anger. "I thought I had a terminal illness that could not be cured. I thought you were crazy and thought that the song could cure the disease. I Also pretend to be nothing to comfort you, forbidding you to contact me before I am fine."

Xiao Ran grabbed Shirley’s hand to break free, and said with certainty: “Singing may not be able to treat other diseases, but it must be useful for the bacteria you are infected with.”

"Let me pull." Shirley dew felt the strength of Xiaoran's hand and muttered with a low head: "I don't know what to do with me, it's better to spread it with you."

"Oh." The three people in the room heard Shirley's voice and laughed.

After confirming that Shirley's body temperature has returned to normal, people have no more weakness and weakness, Xiaoran took her out of the hospital, several people came out of the hospital, Ozma looked at the small love on the shoulders of orchids is also a reminder Road: "This is best to report to the president."

"I already have an idea." Xiao Ran nodded and said: "Let Shirley and orchids take a little love to take a mv and the like, it is best to shoot it out today and play it on the island, with the bugs with us. The video of the battle is played together, and when we come back, we will release the identity of Little Love, which should reduce a lot of resistance."

Ozma understood the meaning of Xiao Ran as soon as he heard it. He erected a thumb to Xiao Ran: "This method is good. Let's sell Xiao Ai first, even if people know the identity of Xiao Ai, but the look of Xiao Ai is also It’s already deeply rooted in people’s hearts."

Xiao Ran smiled and looked at Shirley Lu: "Fortunately, I asked Moses to follow you. I went to the Grand President and I will pick you up after I finished."

"Go and go." Shirley looked up at the sky and pressed the hat on top of her head, pretending to say carelessly: "I don't like other people to interrupt when I work."

"Moses, Shirley is handed over to you."

Moses nodded: "Okay."

Secluded with Shirley, Orchid and Ozma, Xiao Ran and Billy made a taxi to the president's residence. When the president learned that the dominant body had been mixed into the insect's young body, it was also small. After a surprise, after Xiao Ran showed the picture of Xiao Ai to President Grasse, President Grasse’s expression was particularly strange at the time. He did not think that the insect would be such a small thing when he was a child, and Still quite smart.

But also for Xiao Ran, humans and worms have a lot of confidence in the basis of cohabitation. At least the worms of this kind, human beings will not be too resistant, of course, if the worms can always maintain this look, then All right. (To be continued...)

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