Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1626: Hot river

After Xiao Ran made a detachment arrangement for the Victory Fleet, he hurried to do the complete Daniel Son, and the two ships of the Ptolemy were descended from the universe, with the super-robots and their pilots in the Victory Fleet. Converging the La Keram, which has remained on the earth, began to move toward the Far East in the first place.

In the universe, the Fuzi, the Quasi Akama, and the Yamato began to recapture or destroy the colonial satellite laser after the personnel were matched. In addition, there were Axis people. Will assist them in their tasks.

The rest of the people, in the Burning Legion, Eternal, and Arkham, also began to send to the EFF headquarters after the preparations were completed. On the way, they joined the Luo, Basquek, which rose from the earth into the universe. The three men, waiting for the integration of the military support, waiting for the sharp point to completely tear all the defense forces of the headquarters of the commander of the federal army.

Xiao Ran also left the city for the first time after occupying Dhaka. The two men drove the body halfway and joined the three warships of La Kelam, Ptolemy and Danu.

Upon entering the bridge of La Keram, Xiao Ran directly sat on the captain's seat that originally belonged to Bled, and Bled should be arriving in Dhaka city for the universe. The third-line combat provided support command, so it was not on this La Keram, and Xiao Ran came over and naturally became the commander of the ship.

Xiao Ran is not familiar with the bridge personnel of La Kailam. At most, he knows and knows this degree. But in turn, these bridge personnel are quite familiar with Xiao Ran. After seeing Xiao Ran, they are also moving toward Xiao Ran. The direction of salute.

With a slight smile and nodded in response, Xiao Ran said: "Open the communication to the Ptolemy, the son of Dannu, and release the action track of the mechanical beast army."

On the big screen, the figures of Miss Huang and Tessa successively occupy half of the screen, while the other half shows the schematic of the earth strategy divided into several colors. The green color represents the current sphere of influence. The blue represents the sphere of influence of the federation, the yellow represents the sphere of influence of Gijon, and the red represents the sphere of influence of the mechanical beast.

In this picture, green and blue occupy the vast majority, and yellow is only sporadic and occupies a small number of places in every corner of the world, which can basically be ignored. Only red, alone occupied a continent in the ocean, and there are several arrows pointing to the direction of the Far East, the direction of South America blinking, which means that the mechanical beast is moving toward the Far East and South.

After glanced at the things on the map, Xiao Ran said to Miss Huang and Tessa: "Okay, I believe you should also know the movement of the mechanical beast army. There are many mechanical beasts in the Far East. In the first goal, the first goal is the Institute of Photonics in the Far East."

"Fortunately, the speed at which we respond is not slow. In terms of the speed of the Mechanical Beast Corps, we are almost able to reach the Photonic Force Institute one step ahead of the other. This time our goal is to completely eliminate this mechanical beast. Clean up all the threats in the Far East and then counterattack the continent occupied by the Mechanical Beast Corps. All battles will be completed within three days."

Both Miss Huang and Tessa nodded solemnly, and it was clear that there was no way to carry out such a strong combat mission in three days because they had no more time to waste in the world. As for whether the pilot Can bear it, and only let them insist on or rotate for a rest, but fortunately, Xiao Ran, this horrible as a god-like pilot, can really alleviate a lot of pressure.

"Our action arrangement is like this. You must also pay attention to the safety of your ships. Don't be too close to the battlefield." Xiaoran looked at the time and said: "Well, how long will it take to reach the photon force?" The Institute will let everyone take a break before the battle has really begun, otherwise it will not know when to start a good break.

Communication hangs up, Xiao Ran is sitting in the chair and sighs a little, silent for a while and thought: "Mechanical beast army, photonic force research institute, demon z, big devil god, these things always give me a bad feeling. I hope that I will not continue to have more accidents."

Shaking his head, Xiao Ran told the bridge staff to let them speed up their attention and guard, and then turned and left the bridge. Although he was physically strong, he also needs to pay attention to let him get enough rest from the next step. .

A few hours later, three ships arrived near the Rehe River in the Photonic Force Research Institute, and at this time the alarms of the three ships had already sounded, and all the super-engineers were boarded. His own landline, even Xiaoran also entered the dawn of the cockpit.

Just opened the body system, Miss Huang, Tessa, as the deputy captain of La Keram, Mei Lan three all appeared in the communication screen.

Tessa said in the first opening: "The mechanical beast army is traveling faster than I have calculated before, and now it has completely surrounded the Institute of Photonics."

Xiao Ran had already received the notice from Mei Lan when the alarm sounded, so the situation at the Photonics Research Institute was naturally clear, and nodded: "I already know, how long we need to arrive."

Mei Lan said with a serious face: "You can enter the battle zone within five minutes."

“A research institute can't hold it until five minutes.” Xiao Ran extended his right hand and opened several switches in the cockpit, turning on the solar furnace to control the slow floating body to slowly fly toward the launching platform. Said: "Before I proceed, you speed up."

The three people in the communication screen nodded. Mei Lan gestured to the bridge to open the launch platform, and said to Xiao Ran: "Adult, in the photonic force research institute, I found the ms belonging to the g hound team. It seems that it seems that It is helping the Institute of Photonic Forces to resist the mechanical beast army. If you can, you can hope that Xiaoran can treat them as friendly forces."

"Ghound team, actually ran this place." Xiaoran gave a slight smile, nodded with a smile: "Okay, I will support and help them, and I have to thank them for coming to our sphere of influence." Help us fight, just like this, you are speeding up behind you."

After Xiaoran finished, he directly controlled the dawn from the launching port of La Kelam. After flying out of the battleship, he quickly began to adjust his body shape, and behind it, a green, white light directly reflected a streamer. It completely disappeared into the eyes of all the three bridges.

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