Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1637: Shock

(The last chapter has been revised. The typo has changed. When I wrote it yesterday, people are dizzy. I don’t know what I am writing.)

Xiao Ran’s frowns, wrinkles, demons, wars, and scorpions all make Xiao Ran think of the guy who was directly scared to death in the space of the quilt, some of the dragon witch princess Sarah said, All of them were connected at the moment.

“Is this all related to Ambry?” Xiao Ran looked at the iron and asked: “The war that happened in this world thousands of years ago, the demon that had fought with God is the Mesini God? But why do you know this!?"

Iron also bites his teeth: "Because I am a resurrected person, my true identity is that there is nothing wrong with the shackles, but I used to stop Dr. Hell from taking control of the legacy of the Mycenae gods. After seeing through time, I saw some things that happened, and more vaguely saw the dark future brought by the demon **** z. In order to prevent the demon **** from continuing to evolve, in order to prevent the pockets from becoming the parts of the demon **** z, it is also for the world. I have to stop the squadron from continuing to drive the demon **** z, even if I let the pockets..."

"Oh! Don't say anything like this." Xiao Ran pressed his hand on the shoulder of Tie, and said: "No matter what happens, the armor is a member of the Victory Fleet, even if it is true." As you said, controlled by the demon **** z, we have to use all the means to get rid of the control of the demon **** z, and the world will never enter the end of destruction before us."

"But..." Iron also squeezed his fist hard, and said with a gnashing of his teeth: "The guy who hides the tenth in the pocket, when he made the demon god, he used the pocket as a part of the evolution of the demon god, and has been using it. Jiaer completed the evolution of the demon god... Until now, there is no way to stop it. The baby has been deeply affected. Now even if the car is not driving the demon z, I am afraid it will not stop the evolution of the demon z."

"There will be a solution." Xiaoran sighed and said: "If you tell us all these things from the beginning, how can we let the situation evolve into the current level? Let us also make a case for the devil. More preparation than being passive now."

Iron also bit his teeth and said: "But the admiration of his grandfather's ten possessions has become a pillar that he can guarantee himself under the control of the demon god. I have no way to explain that these pillars collapsed completely. Controlled by the demon god..."

Xiao Ran asked: "How do you know that Jia has no other pillars besides his grandfather? The friends of the Victory Fleet, the lover can be the pillar of his heart, and there is another kind of thing called a good faith lie. We can use it. A more appropriate way to solve this problem is simply because your inexplicable reluctance and mission will make things happen now."

Iron is also silent, and things have developed to such a degree that even if he feels that his own practice is not too much fault, but he has to admit that what Xiao Ran said is also justified. How can the strength of the entire victory fleet compare? He is prepared by him alone.

Xiao Ran looked at the iron and there was a bit of awkwardness in the silence. He shook his head and asked: "Before you have let the dragon horse follow you, what is it for?"

Iron also raised his head and looked back at Xiaoran. He said without any concealment: "In order to create the strongest demon that can counter the demon god, the demon emperor! The demon emperor who has the power of Mycenae, Zeus, is above all devils. The strongest super robot, so you must use the power of the Gaeta ray to complete the final step."

"Now? Completed?" Xiaoran looked at the iron.

Iron also shook his head: "Not yet, but I have found a replacement for the Longma. As long as the scorpion alloy of the Science Fortress Institute is taken away, it will not be long before the Gaeta Emperor can complete it."


The huge sound suddenly appeared at this time, and the battleship began to violently sway, making the unprepared iron almost fall to the ground again, and Xiao Ran was also in the middle of the shock, one hand and one wall. One hand directly pulled the arm of the iron and regained the iron that almost fell.

"Go to Gennacu." After Xiaoran finished, he released his hand holding the iron and ran to the Gnacu, not far from the violent vibration. At this time, Gennakuli was simply There was confusion and tension. Many people fell or bumped because of this sudden shock. Although no one was seriously injured, there were not many people with broken noses and bleeding heads.

Xiao Ran rushed into Gnaku and swept all the insides into the eyes. He ran quickly in the direction of dawn. He also shouted: "Clear out the passage of the attack and quickly treat the injured person!"

After a few jumps directly into the dawn of the cockpit, the green gn particles from the start of the system start button are ejected from the body, and the breeze that seems to blow up seems to slightly blow away the tension of Gna Curry. , directly in the lying position, drifting to the channel of attack.

At the same time, in the cockpit of the dawn, there were also the appearances of Tessa, Miss Huang and Deputy Captain La Kailam, maintaining the attitude of breaking the attack. Xiaoran directly said: "What?"

Miss Huang said in a very fast tone: "There was a huge energy from the black hole. A huge explosion occurred on the ground. The vibration was caused by the explosion. Now there is a huge energy in front of us. The trace of the explosion, simply a big pit, but the space that was distorted after the explosion began to slowly recover."

"But all the radar and sensor devices have failed in the previous impact. It takes a certain amount of time to check and repair the restart."

"I will let everyone attack immediately." Xiao Ran frowned slightly and continued: "Keep the connection with the Victory Fleet in the universe, how the evacuation work of the Fortress Institute and the G-Hound team is going."

Tessa shook her head: "The evacuation is going on, but because the impact just delayed the evacuation, the g hound team has now temporarily abandoned the evacuation and began helping the Institute."

"Accelerate speed, all!"

At this time, the dawn had completely left La Kelam. After adjusting the posture of the body, Xiao Ran also saw the huge pit in front of the cockpit through the screen, and then looked at the sky: "There is something to appear." ”

Miss Huang, the expressions on the faces of the three captains of Tessa and La Kelam became quite heavy: "Understand."

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