Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1669: More powerful

The sword of Idian, a sword of light that can break the stars, break the galaxy, and destroy the sword of destruction, can become a sword of hope at this time, a sword breaks the dome, one The sword opened up in the sky, breaking the darkness and letting the real light fall into the underground space.

But this sword was not released by the existence of the giant **** Edian, but was released by the Burning Legion after the transformation.

Even if it is the sword of Idian, there is no difference between genuine piracy, but the sword of Idian, released by the Burning Legion, is far less than one tenth of the release of the giant **** Idyan. One, even one in a billion, but even so enough to completely collapse the dome and countless gravel that has completely collapsed above the underground space, in the moment of the wave of time, completely annihilated.

The robot that uses the huge lightsaber is standing in the underground space at this time... No, it should be said that it has completely turned into a bright space of a giant pit, bathed in the light from the sky, like a real giant **** to everyone. Brought real hope.

Everyone who saw this huge robot was stunned. The shock was not enough to describe the thoughts of anyone in the scene. It is still in the shadow of the devil, but in the heart of everyone at this moment. There is an inexplicable dawn of light.

"This...this is...this is the Burning Legion!!" The first sound that sounded was from the real bird that thought of what to say, and when the bird’s figure fell, the communication channel rang. A burst of cold air.

Even if the eyes have seen everything clearly, the scene that appears in front of them is too unbelievable. I always feel that I have missed something. There is always a feeling of being unbelievable in my heart, even if it is calm. The man like Mro, who can't control himself, said: "The Burning Legion... How is it possible, the Burning Legion is not a warship, why is it becoming such a huge robot, the attack just now, Is it from the Burning Legion?"

The general manager of Cong Yun also said indifferently: "The strongest of us is actually the Burning Legion?"

"What is still going on, the crisis has been lifted and it has been attacked!" Suddenly, Miss Wang’s roaring sounded in everyone’s ear, suddenly awakened a large group of people still quiet in shock, and immediately responded It is time to start attacking the demon.

After Missing the communicator, Miss Huang also looked at the burning corps of the light sword slowly dissipating in her hand with a shocking look. She sat on her seat in an incredible self-talk: "The Burning Legion This is the real Burning Legion number... such an attack, in the face of the devil, perhaps only a blow, no wonder... no wonder they will be so emboldened, burning the Legion, is simply the most terrible war fortress what."

Many pilots attacked the demon god, but they returned to the gods, but they suddenly saw that the huge attack released by the dawn was only blocked by the demon's hand, and it was shrouded in the demon. The beam of light has also completely disappeared, and the demon god, which should have left only the body, does not know when it has completely recovered its original appearance.

Of course, in the face of the dawn of the attacking demon, although it is only stretched out, but it is not so easy, the release of the huge demon power in the hands can not let the real break, but the appearance of this time is indeed spent. Some strength.

"The apostle began to move again!" Kim Kay-Duo was paying attention to the situation of the other apostle. After seeing that the apostle also lost his **** and started to act, the first one drove the body and rushed toward the apostle again.

Suddenly, the eyes of the demon gods lit up again, sweeping through the bodies of all the victorious fleets with the evil eyes. The facial expressions of steel became more fierce and cruel, when the eyes lit up. As much as the sun's rays, the endless beam spurred out of the eyes, and the head of the demon began to spread throughout the battlefield.

In such a blink of an eye, the sky was occupied by the light beam released by the demon god, and the direction of the dawn was dense to the extent of horror, because it was almost destroyed once, and the demon **** that recovered again became more Even more horrible, after the unseen red light shrouded, once again, the strength of the demon **** increased more.


The pilots shouted in the communication, facing the beam that was scattered like raindrops. Even the strength of the division with Kira, Aslan, and Amro changed their face. The released attack, even if it is just a beam of light, is absolutely not to be underestimated. Each beam of light flashes like the sun. At such a dense distance, it is a huge threat that is difficult to escape.

No matter how fast the reaction is, unless there is a special ability to evade, it is not easy to escape the devil's sudden attack. The 00q is turned into particles in the first time, while others are reflections. The beginning of **** began to gather in one place. Xiang Liangzong’s mouth and nose bleeds to fully open the shield. Kira and Amro also used the gn dragon cavalry to prop up the shield, and the first machine rushed. The front of the hands showed an indestructible position, and the rest of the people helped you. I helped you with each other and quickly rushed toward all the shields that had been launched.

Even Xiaoran, in the first time, canceled the attack and entered the state of quantization. When it appeared again, it appeared in the back of the demon god. With both hands, the weapon was lost, and the head of the demon **** was directly pressed and pressed. The beginning turned toward the top of the head.

On the body of the demon god, he was also hugged by the real tower, and tried his best to push the body of the demon to the sky. The 00q that was quantified at the beginning also appeared on the side of the demon god. Xiao Ran stretched out his arm but wanted to take the cockpit where he was from the head of the devil.

"Everyone, come on!"

The song followed by Shirley’s voice for everyone’s cheers, and a special singing power began to spread from the Burning Legion, spreading along with the spread of power to everyone’s ears, more directly in each A person’s heart rang directly.

Between the two, everyone who heard the song suddenly felt that his already exhausted spirit and body had been alleviated, and that a force had risen from the bottom of his heart and spread all over the body and mind, once again making them full of strength. Also let them regain their spirit.

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