Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1673: Unlimited possibilities

In a world where there is no darkness, a silhouette floats alone, and I don’t know how long it has been, a second or a year. This lonely figure suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the endless darkness, except Black can't see anything except himself.

The inner heart of the pocketed child flashed a emptiness, but the voice of the voice faintly uttered in the ear, but the emptiness moment was replaced by stubbornness and courage, and the fist was directly pinched, and the body was controlled effortlessly. Look around: "Where is this? Why am I here?"

"No, I know that here is a world where there is no end to time and space, but why do I know this?"

There was a glimpse of doubt in the eyes of the pockets. Suddenly, a tone was gentle, but full of heavy voices sounded from all sides: "I have been waiting for you for a long time, Jia..."

"Grandpa!?" The face of the singer showed a very pleasant expression on the face of the sound, but the next moment the surprise disappeared from the face and turned into a warning: "No... not grandfather's Sound, is it... you are a demon!?"

As the sound of Jia’s voice fell, there was no change in the surrounding space, and the voice rang again: “It can be said, it can be said no, I am... an infinite possibility...”

Jia Er frowns: "Possibility?"

"Yes." The voice said: "Because of the guidance of Gaeta Ray, I have embodied my consciousness, so I can talk to you like this."

"What the **** are you!" The pockets looked around and shouted at the endless dark space: "It's the devil, or the devil! Zero, no matter who you are, I have to tell you, I am definitely not under your control." !"

"Oh, you still haven't understood it, Jia... It's just my thoughts, whether it's the demon or the demon zero." The voice suddenly made a laugh, saying: "The existence of many parallel worlds, endless The existence of the possibility of crossover, people call this powerful force that can not defy the devil... or the fate."

The armor stunned: "Devil? Destiny?"

"Your grandfather's pocket is attracted by the photon force, stepping into the front field and knowing my existence, and mastering this power to control and create the demon god, you should have already noticed it... Because your heart is unwilling to be weak, the indulgence of power eventually leads to the emergence of the devil zero, but also because you are addicted to the power of the devil and the weakness of the heart, it will make things like this."

The pockets opened their mouths, but they didn’t know how to answer them. The voice was completely correct. It was because he was unwilling, because he wanted to be stronger, so at that time the devil felt his The idea, evolution, gives the devil a stronger power, turning the demon **** z into a demon **** zero.

The same is because he is addicted to the power of the demon, the laissez-faire of that power, and because his own inner power is not strong enough to control it, so the devil zero will lose control and then control him, and finally stand in the victory fleet. On the stand of the enemy.

"The man dedicated his entire career to the inquiry of science, and with Dr. Hull on the power of taboos... What ultimately left you is the devil who destroyed the world or the **** with unlimited power, because of this infinite possibilities The final result of the changes brought about... In fact, you must look at yourself."

"Another man... the man named Xiao Ran once reminded you that it is not wrong to have only the inner strength to be truly powerful. In fact, it is because of his unintentional actions or deliberate actions. It will make you support in the real fall and darkness, but you didn't understand the true meaning of this before, but now you don't understand it too late."

"Tools are just tools, power can only be power, but the power that controls this power can be determined by the fact that this power is turned into a devil or a person who is transformed into a god. It is a person who has been given a demon god!"

"I!?" The armor was first stunned, but it quickly became another look. The eyes were filled with firmness and biting his teeth. "Yes, you are right, you can decide." All this is me!"

"So, are you going to succumb to me or get up against it? The one that can determine the future from among many possibilities is the will of the people."

"Oh..." The squad biting his teeth and grinning, said firmly: "Is that still used to say, of course, against you, then defeat you, I definitely do not allow you to shoot at my friends, and absolutely not allowed. You destroy our world!!!"

When the voice of the pockets falls, the white light illuminates from the chest of the pocket, illuminating the entire dark space, rendering the deadness directly into light, making this space full of hope, full of more More possibilities.

Sudden changes made the pockets look at their chests: "This is!?"

"Your will creates light... It is also a new power, and the light that shines on the infinite possibilities of the future covers all darkness, and that is the meaning of the existence of photon power."

The pockets looked up and could not find the figure in the endless light: "Is you helping me? But why are you helping me!?"

"I didn't help you."

The pocket babies groaned: "What? Is this the light that covers the darkness not made by you?"

"I am a demon god, pursuing infinite power. Compared to devouring you, the power created by your will is what I am pursuing. It is a brand new that I have never seen before, but I have destroyed all the world. Maybe, that power... No, it’s an aggregate of power, even I once surrendered, in the battle with the people you call friends, you who stood up against the power of my, let me see that Daoguang, so let me see your strength, pockets... whether it is a **** or a demon, it is both a **** and a demon, determined by your will."

The endless light dissipated, and the pockets once again fell into the darkness.

In the real world, the real tower tower shot a superpower that has never been seen before. Gaeta ray is endlessly shot from the body of the real tower, turning the true tower into a sun on the ground. The endless light broke through the **** of cause and effect, and the power of the demon **** shrouded in this heaven and earth directly broke through, and even on the last remaining apostles, the apostle in the blink of an eye was slowly melted by the endless light.

But the light that broke through all of this made the world appear a more special scene, and replaced the cause and effect of the original magical power with an endless starry sky shrouded in this world.

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