Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1690: Unreasonable

Every pilot who drives a new body is facing an enemy that suddenly appears. Although the mind is also cautious and alert, it is still more raging in the heart, and I can’t wait to see it immediately. The enemy rushes over, so that you can feel the performance of the new body, let the enemy experience the power of the new body, and let the comrades take a good look at the strength of the new body.

A Taiwanese body was scattered in front of the Science Fortress Institute and several warships. Green particles sprang from these bodies, and the light of various colors followed from flashing from time to time. The white airflow, these brand new, shiny metallic bodies with different colors hovering in the sky in various poses, is really too sensational.

Just as everyone was nervously waiting for the attack command, a black giant figure passed directly through the middle of these bodies, jetting white, green, and red three-color trails directly toward the Mycenae god. The direction rushed over.

I saw the left arm of this body, and the fist began to rotate quickly with the arm. A rotating iron fist flew directly from the left arm of the body, and the right hand pulled out a hand from the waist. The long, shiny knife slammed into the sky, and the long knife quickly rushed out of the inexplicable black object, directly turning the long knife into a giant sword with the width of the body, and then directly Waving a long knife with a flame and falling toward the ground.

Finally, on the ground, there was a bang, and as soon as a circle of smoke spread, the excitement of Basque’s shouts also appeared in everyone’s ear: “You don’t want to grab me! I want to test my new body. !"

In the bridge of the Burning Legion, I heard that Barak’s shouting Xiaoran only felt that his breathing was stagnation, and he opened his mouth and found that he seemed to be speechless. In the end, he just waved his hand and let Malang release all the attacks. The command.

"All military attacks, the target priority is the metal beast monster and the Mycena god, be sure to destroy all the enemies."

"Yes!" It was neat and unified, full of the unstoppable voice rang in all the battleships. The next moment, countless streamers appeared in an instant, and the four scattered to rush to different places, and at the same time began to be on the metal beast monster and Maixi. The gods of the gods launched the attack. In the blink of an eye, all the missiles and beams were flying above the sky, and there were some fast-rotating frisbees, flying weapons floating on the ground, and the overwhelming smoke on the ground. Numerous attacks suddenly rose, and the entire battlefield was quickly covered.

Until this time, Malang turned to look at Xiao Ran and said with a smile: "It seems that everyone has been smashed during this time."

Leonard looked at the picture on the screen and smiled casually: "After all, there is no chance for them to actually drive their new machine to fight. There are suddenly these enemies. Everyone is thinking about doing well. It’s all right to bring out the performance of your new machine.”


Suddenly there was a bang in the bridge, which means that there is a new communication access to the bridge. Malang and Leonard are also like Xiao Ran, and they put their sights on the newly emerging communication screen. .

The appearance of the picture is the current two responsible persons of the Science Fortress Institute. Dr. Shajia’s father, Dr. Gong, and his father’s father, both of them stood together side by side, and the face The expression on the face can not be said to be uncomfortable, lonely, surprised or depressed and troubled, in short, a rather complicated expression.

Dr. Gong sighed after the communication was connected. After looking at the sword around him, he said with a low voice: "I am sorry, but it has brought you extra trouble. The tower's very similar body is a new type of machine that we have studied and perfected before. The Gaeta Flying Dragon is a combat capability with a true cover tower. It can cope with both fighting and shelling, and has the same superpower as the battleship. The robot is also the ultimate robot made by our Science Fortress Institute."

After the sword was built, he said: "We have been waiting for the final commissioning to be completed. We will hand over this body to you as the last surprise and gift, but it happened just before the final commissioning was completed. Some accidents led to the sudden violent departure of the body. As for the person who created the accident, we probably know who it is."

Dr. Bow went on to say: "Although such a thing has been taken away, we still hope that you can **** this body back, and it must be robbed back. The body has the power of the gata ray. Absolutely not in the intention to be used to destroy this world, and the body has undergone our special modulation, is an absolutely indispensable presence on your way to Iskandar, it has the ability to jump in space, and Have the ability to open the door to the new world."

Xiao Ran has some headaches and stunned his head and said: "That is to say, in addition to the body itself, your surprise can open a new front door, freely shuttle the world, and space jumping is also supposed to be given to us. Surprise? This kind of thing is not good enough to say it earlier. You are exactly the same as Sword Iron. What kind of thing is hidden in this kind of thing."

"Although I am very sorry, but this is our persistence, representing the Institute of Photonics, the Science Fortress Institute, and the insistence that our family wants to work hard for the three worlds." The sword made a nod, and the sound Dao: "After knowing the situation of the Victory Fleet and the three worlds, I have been studying this issue and finally solved it completely in the final time, making the Gaeta Flying Dragon have the ability to cross three worlds. And it is the power of the Gaeta ray to achieve this goal."

"Call..." Xiao Ran sighed with a sigh of relief, and felt that the guys in this super department were too... too... forget it, the brains of the super department are somewhat unreasonable, no matter what they meet. Don't be too serious.

"Drip, drop..."

The sound of two consecutive communication connections sounded again, and two people appeared on the screen. One was a golden hair blue eye, wearing a red Gijon uniform, a man with a rounded look, and the other It was a messy hair, a pair of eyes showing mad and fierce seniors, wearing white coats full of dirty and full of holes, like a refugee.

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