Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1694: Hope of gathering three worlds

Xiao Ran and Vr. Volento finalized the matter of joining the Victory Fleet. Then, Vr. Volento naturally had to deal with some related things before leaving, for example, putting the one on the Keon loading ship. Xin'anzhou was transferred to the ship on the side of the Victory Fleet, and he had to say hello to Mineva.

A few hours later, all the preparations for the Victory Fleet were in place, and a huge group of dragons appeared under the head of the Science Fortress Institute under the leadership of a colorful dragon.

Everyone in the entire victory fleet, all the pilots all sat in the body, all the bridge members are all in place, all of a sudden the atmosphere of the entire fleet became tense.

Xiao Ran sat in the bridge, on the left is Malang, on the right is Shirley, in front, sitting on Leonard, El Elf, and three people, as for Basque, Graham, Nalo, Gus, Kruze has also entered his body is on standby, and Luo, it should be in his room to sleep and sleep.

Malang glanced at Xiaoran: "It's almost ready."

“Yeah.” Xiao Ran took a breath and stood up and said loudly: “Connect the communications of all the warships and report the current situation.”


"Dennu's son replies, everything is ready."

"The Ptolemy is all ready."

"Eternal number replies, everything is ready."


"Very good." Xiao Ran focused on the other captains of the battleships on the screen, including the return team's Bled, and the main driver number of the new ship's battleship robot, the real dragon tower, and said: "All the members are ready for the first battle, and the next thing will be yours. The Dragon Dragon of the Dragon will cooperate with us to send us to the most suitable place."

The expression on the face looked quite indifferent, just like no feelings and nodded: "Understand."

Xiao Ran nodded and looked at the countless dragons that appeared in the big screen, letting his voice be released through the sounding device of the Burning Legion itself: "Dragon God Aola is bothering you, and the earth is about to be destroyed. During this time, I hope that Dragon God Aola must persist, and the safety of the earth will be handed over to you Dragons."

"Go." The voice of a woman full of magnetism seems to sound directly in everyone's ear: "Protecting the earth is the responsibility of our dragons. We will be optimistic about the earth, but the final result will still depend on you."

Xiao Ran took a deep breath and issued the final order: "Everyone, the final force of the breakthrough wall of the Dimension has been completed. Now we are about to enter the universe and embark on a journey to Iskandar."

"The Victory Fleet, this name not only represents the code of the people of our three worlds, but also bears the hopes of all three worlds, and also represents the ultimate power of the three worlds. Our responsibility is Get the universe recovery system, completely restore the three worlds to normal, and bear the life and death of countless lives in the three worlds. The next journey will be like our code name, all the way to victory, now, the Victory Fleet, set off!"


"To understanding!"


The neat shouts of countless people raised the morale of the Victory Fleet to the extreme. The Hoshino glaze of the Fuzi No. stood up from the captain’s seat after Xiaoran’s speech. He said loudly: “The boson jumps and the jump counts down. 10 seconds, all members are ready to fight shock!"

With the black particles released by the Fuzi No., all the ships of the Shengli Fleet were gradually wrapped, and the figure of Dragon God Ala suddenly disappeared in the sky above the Science Science Fortress Institute: "Come on, I will Use my power to get as much time as possible for you."

When all the warships disappeared with the ray of light, they disappeared completely in the Science Fortress Institute. Once again, they were already in the universe, jumping directly into the universe through bosons, and then opening the walls to the new world in the universe. Going to Iskandar is what they have to do now.

From the bridge to the endless universe, the deep and infinite feeling made Brad sigh and said, "I finally started, crossing the wall of the Dimension, to complete 336,000 light years. Journey, can we finish?"

"I can't do it, but it will be done." Captain Otter seems to have heard Brad's words on the Arkham, and smiled at Bled, and said with certainty: "There is now We are powerless, no enemy can stop our way forward!"

"Yes." Lax said, "Iskandar, the key to saving the world is in that place. For the three worlds, no matter what kind of difficulties I meet, I believe we can all be done."

On the Ptolemy, Miss Huang took a can of beer and drank it in her hand. It seemed that she wanted to use beer to clear the tension in her heart. She said, "I didn’t expect that human beings really set foot on the first time. The universe will be the reason for this, not for war, not for openness, but for saving and saving ourselves."

"So..." Tessa said earnestly: "We can only move forward and there will be no more opportunities to retreat."

Hoshino glazed gently spit out two words: "Come on."

Xiao Ran also said: "Remember, the Victory Fleet must win, Captain Sanada, the ancient deputy captain, the wave gun preparation."

"Wait... is that?" Tessa's expression suddenly changed. It seemed to be something that she saw nothing, and as her expression changed, all other people saw the scene that suddenly appeared.

Countless warships are approaching the Victory Fleet from different directions. Originally, New Gion, the federal, and many transport ships, small ships, military, political, and even private, numerous ships appeared in everyone. In the eyes of the people, all these ships have new signs at this time, that is, representing the big family of the human beings in the Western world.

"There is still." Lark said with a smile, his eyes also looked at the other side of the direction of the battleships, and this side is a fleet of warships from the Western world, with ships of Aubu. There are federal ships and plant ships. At this time, the people of both worlds came here to witness the moment when the Victory Fleet embarked on the journey.

At this time, the ancients took a deep breath and shouted: "The wave guns are fully charged, and whether they start counting down."

Xiao Ran nodded, Shen Sheng said: "The countdown begins, the number, the glass is ready."

"I feel... human will, thoughts and hopes..." I changed my face before the expression of indifference, my eyes became very sharp, and the expression on my face was more cautious: "I am ready!"

"Fluctuating cannon... launch!"

"Ah, ah!!!! Burn it!"

"Boson dip jump ready... start!"

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