Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1700: Hypnotic gas

Just in Basque, Luo, Sanada, and ancient, when the Sen Xue dancers explored the space gate control room, there was also an extremely abnormal situation in the Yamato, that is, the Yamato was lost overall, no matter what. No way can you contact anyone in the Yamato, just as the people in the Yamato disappeared suddenly.

This incident also happened suddenly. The original communication channel kept silent and did not have any sound. After all, the first thing is to wait for the communication that may occur at any time in Sanada, and the second is because it is currently in a state of policing, and naturally it is not. Someone will have nothing to look for.

However, it was suddenly found that the communication on the side of the Yamato was opened, but it has not been heard for a long time. Even the report that they should have acted on their actions is also gone. It is strange. The red robot analyst in Yamato received all the communications.

"The captains are not good!"

"The Yamato has an accident." When everyone thought of this in his head, Xiao Ran stood up from the chair and asked directly: "What happened."

The analysis of the rush of the sound of the priest: "Unable to parse, can not be resolved."

"I will come over!" Xiaoran nodded to Malang and turned and ran towards the bridge. At the same time, Malang also brought the nearest body to the Yamato in the bridge.

All of a sudden, all the people except the Yamato member of the entire Victory Fleet became nervous, and the pilots who were on alert and patrol outside were even more alert.

When Xiaoran ran to Gennacu, Mikiki had also changed his combat uniforms. He took these two helmets and a black combat uniform in front of the dawn, and smiled when he saw Xiaoran: Basque and Luo went to perform the task, and now I can only accompany you."

"Let's go." Xiao Ran smiled at the sly smile, and immediately took off his clothes and trousers in front of the dawn. There was no shame that he would put on a battle suit that was rare to wear once. After taking over his helmet, two or three steps jumped into the dawn of the cockpit.

Dawning and Camila changed from the Burning Legion and rushed straight toward the Yamato, because the huge shape of the dawn was not very convenient to enter the relationship of the Yamato. It was a waste of time to enter and exit, so Xiao Ran I decided to leave the body and enter the Yamato, so I stopped when the dawning arm hit the Yamato attack gate.

While opening the door of the body, Xiao Ran also patted the Haro in the cockpit and felt the air sucked out beside him. Xiao Ran also said: "Hello, I will give it to you at dawn."

"Hello received, Haro received."

Unlocking the seat belt, Xiao Ran gently slammed his chair on the chair, and the whole person flew out of the cockpit, and outside the cockpit, the cockroach also floated out of the cockpit of the body and took it in the hand. An assault rifle also nodded to Xiao Ran, relying on the airflow from the combat uniforms to fly directly to the gap between the gates opened by the Yamato analyst, and two people in one area drilled in.

After entering the Yamato, the two quickly moved in the direction of the Yamato bridge until they passed through two gates. After gravity and air existed, they frowned and said: "Combat uniforms The computer detected that the Yamato was full of hypnotic gas."

"What's going on." Xiaoran's brow wrinkled tightly. "Don't take off the helmet. Be careful. Someone may sneak into the Yamato if we don't know. I go to the engine room and you go to the bridge immediately. There must be no problems on either side."

"Okay." He nodded, looking around and looking for a decisive departure. As for the reason why he went to the engine room and went to the engine room, it was natural because he was not familiar with the internal situation of the Yamato. The relationship between the bridge and the bridge is that I have been to know how to go, and for Xiao Ran, he has visited the Yamato and naturally knows how the engine room should pass.

After leaving, Xiao Ran did not waste time. He rushed in the direction of the engine room. In terms of Xiao Ran’s current physical fitness, the speed of running at full speed was terrible, and until he saw two people in front of him. It fell to the ground and Xiaoran stopped.

The two comatose people are not familiar with it. They only know that the staff of the Yamato had seen it before. They reached for one of the faces of one of them and looked at the other person’s confused eyes after waking up the other person. Xiaoran can only help the other party to shake up a few times, until the other party's eyes become inexplicable, Xiaoran will loosen the other party.

Xiao Ran said in a hurry tone: "The Yamato has an accident. Now the air is filled with chronic hypnotic gas. I immediately think of ways to purify the air inside the ship and wake up everyone else. I understand!"

"Ah? Amount?" The person who was awakened still seemed to be somewhat inexplicable. After seeing Xiaoran thoroughly through Xiaoran's helmet mask, a spirit in his heart quickly made a military ceremony toward Xiaoran: "Understand!"

Xiao Ran directly gave the gun in his hand to the person who was awakened. After leaving a sentence, he began to move toward the engine room: "I am going to the engine room now, and the rest will be handed over to you. The speed must be Be quick, and be careful. The Yamato should have an enemy to sneak in, and you don’t know when there will be an enemy outside."

On the other hand, it took a lot of time to enter the bridge, but unlike Xiao Ran, although I saw many people stunned on the ground, they did not wake up a person in a coma. Compared to these comatose and safe people, the safety of Yamato Bridge is the most important thing, and there is only one robot analyst there, in case the enemy's target is the bridge, then it is bad.

Fortunately, until the analyst opened the blocked bridge and let the raft enter the bridge, he did not meet any enemies. After seeing the bridge staff who fell asleep, he chose to be similar to Xiaoran. The practice is to bring a person directly to the front of the two palms. When you mention a person and a two-handed slap in the face, you will wake up all the people on the bridge with two slaps.

A group of people only felt dizzy, dizzy with their hands touching the burning face, and did not react to what happened. They looked at the uninvited guests who appeared in the bridge with confused eyes.

"What happened?"

"I just seemed to be asleep?"

"who are you?"

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