Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1706: Fault

Although Xiao Ran did not participate in the battle, but in the back he will earn the battle of almost every pilot of the Victory Fleet into his own eyes. For a body like eva, there is a huge number of such distances in the universe. When the battleships are clustered, the weapons they can use are too weak. Even if they can use the at position to act on the action in the universe, the speed and flexibility are really inferior to the ordinary bodies that are really suitable for combat in the universe. More can only be the role of the barrier maker in front of the fleet.

Titan, Sanport, and the brave squad have been strengthened, but under the attacking distance of the battleship, they are also like eva. The attack range is too small, and the speed is not fast. It is difficult to play their true combat power. The death protection is guarded by the fleet, and it does not have the ability to attack enemy fleets under extreme distance.

However, Xiao Ran also knows that these bodies are not suitable for the long-range firepower confrontation of such warship cannons. These bodies are the type of frontal hard steel boxing to the body of the meat. They are the most suitable fighting place in the enemy line, and only in the battlefield. Under such circumstances, all the destructive ability can be exerted. It is really meaningless to really carry out remote enhancement of these organisms. However, in Xiaoran's view, it is still possible to make some supplementary settings for these organisms.

For example, Sanport, Titan, and the brave are in a hurry to these bodies, they can appropriately add a shield for them, a shield that can rely on these bodies themselves to enhance the launch, when you meet this same situation, you can The use of shields to protect warships can even be used as a propeller for launching assaults. In such a distance and circumstances, these bodies are not of much use and can’t exert any combat power. The new features are at least able to cope with the attack methods of the battleships of Camillas.

Xiao Ran’s idea is also very simple. In terms of the current attack mode of the Camillas fleet, almost all of the simple warships cooperate with the fighters without considering other factors, and the warships basically rely on the beam attack, the universe. Even if the fighter has a live-fired Green Gun, the power is not large, and the main attack method is still based on the beam weapon.

So whether these bodies can be equipped, or even hold, even lead a special beam of light to the armor, of course, the vps armored beam is biased to the armor to enhance their auxiliary ability is not suitable for combat.

Eva itself has the ability to use the at position, and the manufactured at barrier is also sufficient for the battleship of Gammas, but the eva without the propeller is still using the eva of almost full live weapon, long-range attack. And the mobile mode is indeed a big weakness. Xiaoran has long been clear about this, so I also told Luo whether it can create a suitable backpack for eva to solve this problem, but the backpack has not been manufactured yet. A targeted battle investigation on Milas.

As for other people, Xiao Ran also feels that their performance is not perfect enough. The reason can be divided into two aspects. Some people are really restricted because the fleet, especially the Yamato, is not effective, but the group is leaving. However, it will have a great impact on the fleet defense line, such as Kira, Aslan, Zhen, Amro, Chang, Tianhe Mingren, Liulongma, etc. belong to such a group.

Part of it is really not accustomed to the battle mode and environment of the warship cannon attack in the universe, or the body is not suitable for such a battle, has not completely out of the previous battle to adapt to the new environment, An Qi, Jiaer , Tie also, Xiang Liang Zongsuke, just mentioned the Titan's pilots and many others belong to this part, among the entire pilot of the entire victory fleet, this part of the people are the most.

However, Xiao Ran also feels that there is another reason, that is, most of the pilots are not familiar with the new body, such as the new savage bird of the Yamato, which is copied from the og world technology upgrade and the guner component is added. Birds, obviously have a single machine into the enemy line, using black hole guns to attack the body that is enough to make the Camillas chaos, but did not find their position in the battle, but also as if they used to be self-supporting To really stand on the front line of the battle.

The same is true of Gulang Gast, the new Gullengaste has the ability to transform, and this performance is completely in line with the fierce bird to make a sudden advance, but the result in the battle is completely different from before, I don’t know if I should What is being done.

Of course, the reason why this is not only unfamiliar with the performance of the body, but more importantly, Wilt and Xiaolu did not understand how they should do in the battle, and have not changed their position. .

In addition, it is like a dragon horse, a pocket, a sword and a trio. It can also be completely out of the fleet. It relies on the speciality of their bodies to launch a blow against the Camillas fleet. In terms of speed, mobility, flexibility, toughness, and attacking ability, all aspects are considered top-notch. Even if you eat some of the attacks of the Gamalas warships, there is no impact. It is not too difficult to make progress in the past. With regard to these three bodies, it is not difficult to create a chaos and destroy half of the warships if they rush into the past.

If the three of them did this at the beginning, now the awkward situation for the Victory Fleet has long since become another look.

Of course, in addition to these people, An Qi, Tianhe Mingren, Fuzi No. all the summer flower series body, the instant 00q, the entire Yagenal first squadron, these bodies can all have the ability to jump In the face of this kind of warship confrontation, it is possible to make a direct jump, and jump in the middle of the opposing fleet, which can bring great destruction and chaos to the Camillas fleet, but as a result, all these people, all The body is all guarded by the fleet and did not play their advantage. I don't know if I didn't think it was still used to it, or that they felt that they could not leave and needed to protect the fleet.

What makes Xiaoran unclear, but Xiaoran is clear that the best defense is attack, which can cause the greatest damage to the enemy, and the oneself will naturally be the least attacked.

All the problems that have been exposed illustrate a problem, that is, these people, all of whom have not really got used to the real way of warfare in the universe.

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