Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1712: drop

Just when Domer let Missella leave, Xiao Ran’s dawn was hovering over the top of the white battleship bridge in Doyle, and the dense gn particles ejected from various parts of the body had already been The warships were completely shrouded, and all the battleships of Gamalas were enveloped.

Even if the quantum assimilation is not turned on, it is only the opening of the state of the changer. Under the current blood level and ability, it is possible to clearly feel what is happening in the Dome of the ship under one meter of the body, and listen more. It was the words that Domer told Misella.

Perhaps the original Xiaoran said that Doyle’s death is too big. The woman named Misella does not have much to do with it. In fact, as long as Xiaoran is willing, it will take less than a minute. The fleet commanded by Meyer will be completely destroyed.

But just the words that Doyle said were all "heard" by Xiao Ran, and even mentioned that there was an impact on the fleet, that is, the impact army, and even mentioned another thug who occupied Iskandar, so Xiao Ran decided to stay. Under Domer's life, as for other people, the woman who wants to leave, Missella, Xiao Ran naturally will not let her leave so easily.

After taking a picture of Haro's head, Xiao Ran disappeared directly into the cockpit of the dawn, and did not enter the quantum assimilation or quantum transfer, but brought him to the dynamic blood and the blood of the changer. The ability to move instantly, the body shape flashed in the bridge of the battleship below, also appeared directly in front of Do Meier.

Suddenly, Xiao Ran’s scared Domei’s jump. It seems that some people don’t understand why there is a person suddenly appearing in front of themselves, but no matter how surprised, Domer’s face still keeps calm, and Perhaps in Domer's view, Xiao Ran's sudden emergence of power is nothing more than a special kind of space transmission technology, even with the woman called Misila around him, has a special racial ability.

When Missella turned her head and looked at the direction of the sound, she also saw Xiaoran, who suddenly appeared. The original steps were stopped, and a pistol appeared in her hand. Xiao Ran’s head was aimed at the past, and he did not hesitate to pick up the trigger.

But at the moment when Missella had just lifted her muzzle and did not really pull the trigger, she saw the stun of Miceira's gun and the foot of her, and one step appeared in front of Misserella, and the left hand gently lifted one. Grip, a beam of enough deadly light hit the ceiling of the bridge directly, leaving a black mark on the ceiling, then the beam pistol fell into the hands of Xiao Ran, and topped in Doyle On the back of the head, the other hand grabbed Misra's head and slammed it on the arm of Domer's chair.

Until this time, other talents in the bridge reacted, and all of them pulled out the weapon and pointed it at Xiaoran. The face was even more shocking and incredulous.

"We are enemies in a hostile position. On the battlefield, I can attack you and kill you without any hand." Xiao Ran swept the entire bridge with the faint eyes of golden light. I used the somewhat indifferent voice to say: "But in such a situation, I don't want to hurt you, surrender, otherwise it's not just you, the entire fleet will be destroyed, even if you detonate this The warships choose to go with me, I can also leave here in an instant, and even if you let all the warships blew up and explode the star bombs, those bodies can leave after a moment of space transfer, so don’t have the ability to pull us to die together. idea."

Domer, who was pointed at the gunpoint, did not show a little panic, but the two drops of cold sweat also proved that he was not calm at this time. In Doyle’s heart, he was struggling to fight and surrender. Still not surrendering, seemingly simple options make him difficult to decide, die, Domer is not afraid, but is it so meaningful to die?

The entire bridge was silent for a moment, and eventually Domer gently closed his eyes: "Send the retreat signal and stop the battle."

"Very good." Xiao Ran will take back the muzzle behind Dome's head, and at the same time loosen the hand holding Miceira's head and gently press it on his helmet, saying: " Each machine, after Gamalas stopped fighting, ended the attack."

At the same time as Xiaoran’s ears rang a lot of sounds, the surrender signal first issued by Domay’s warship was accompanied by the surrender signals of other Gamalas warships, and the battle between the two sides stopped. However, because Gammas is a surrender side, a fighter has begun to return according to the order, and the remaining combat ships have gradually begun to move together.

And Xiao Ran, just standing in the bridge of Do Mei, waited until the battle had completely stopped, and the situation fell into the control of the Victory Fleet. Then he said: "Then, it will be troublesome General Doyle. And the Misella Intelligence Minister went to see our ship."

After saying this, Xiao Ran disappeared directly into the bridge of the battleship and returned to the dawn. The break of the battleship was less than one meter, and then flew back in the direction of the Burning Legion, only in the starry sky. There is a long trail of green wrapped in white.

Xiao Ran returned to the Burning Legion, but it does not mean that the pilot of the Victory Fleet will return with Xiao Ran, but the division is near the Garmilas Fleet, which is in the vicinity of the Garmis. Surrounded, the reason why the body did not send the patrol into the Camillas fleet, there are also plans to avoid the other side of the dog jumped into the wall.

Xiaoran left, but there is still a strange silence in the Doyle bridge. It is inexplicably touched by the bridge. This is a huge shame for these Gamalas soldiers, let alone For this reason, it was a last resort to choose to surrender in this battle.

It wasn't until a long time later that Domer stood up from his captain's seat and looked at the people in the bridge. He said: "After I left with the Minister of Misserella, I tried to recover. Interfering with the communication, as far as possible, send all the information of the battle to the emperor, reminding President Desla must pay attention to the external team called the impact fleet."

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