Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1751: Agreement reached

Open your eyes, the cockpit that appears in front of you is a familiar cockpit, and it becomes a colorful aurora world. All the light passes quickly from behind, which is completely different from the spiritual communication space. The place is like entering a passage, so it is not the light but the spirit of Xiaoran.

Along with the fast flashing colors in front of him, Xiao Ran only felt that the slight pain was accompanied, and there was also a feeling that the soul was getting farther and farther away from his body, and this is the feeling that Xiao Ran has never had before. This feeling has never been seen even in the state of quantization.

All kinds of simple emotions are also in the process of non-stop and Xiao Ran's passing by, happy, excited, sad, mournful, eager, every emotion that appears in this colorful channel represents The weak soul of the els individual manifests itself. Compared with the mental ghost of Xiao Ran, these small emotions may only be smaller than the ants, but the numerous emotions linked together will make these simple emotions change. It is so thick and heavy that it is unbearable to the extent of Xiaoran’s ability.

Fortunately, all these emotions just let Xiao Ran feel and touch and did not try to assimilate Xiaoran, just tell Xiaoran what they think and think, but perhaps because els is too simple, or els big except the mother. Most of the simple relationships, with their wisdom, can only be done to express their own emotions and cannot do more.

Of course, as a changer, Xiao Ran is not easily assimilated by being assimilated. But if you change to an ordinary person and stop immediately after the innumerable emotions, I am afraid that it will be in countless emotions. Immerse yourself for a while.

As time goes by, Xiao Ran only feels that his head is getting more and more painful, just like there are countless needles stuck on his head. Xiao Ran knows that this is the spiritual power and the brain quantum wave is almost on the limit. There will be a situation, but his spirit is still moving in a certain direction under the guidance of a certain kind of power. With the network built by each other, the network is still moving toward an unknown one. Go ahead.

He bit his teeth, and Xiao Ran endured the severe pain in his head. He knew that when he first touched the world in 00, he immediately fainted. Xiao Ran’s tentative contact was also suddenly swelled. The innumerable information that came in was almost fainted, and it is conceivable that once you have a link with an absolute number of els, how much mental stress will be endured.

But this time it was slightly different. The once time Xiaoran only felt the influx of countless information, but this time it was clear that he entered the spiritual network of els, in other words, it was enough to explain Xiaoran. The growth has grown.

Suddenly, when Xiao Ran was about to support it, the eyes suddenly changed. The colorful flowing light disappeared instantly. It appeared in front of the eyes and turned into an endless els, small, medium-sized, large, large and small. The els appeared in his eyes, of course, this is not the real eye, but the 'in front of the eyes' in the spiritual world.

In this countless els, a super huge one has an asteroid, and the huge els is located in the middle of all the els. Only the front of the spherical els opens in the direction of Xiaoran, revealing a large mouth. A flower-like thing is extended and stretched out. Like a flower, the ball reveals a ball with a faint green glow. The light from this ball shrouds everything, and the els in front of Xiao Ran disappears. The world that can be observed has also changed at the same time.

The scene from the birth to the destruction of a planet began to slide in the face of Xiao Ran in the eyes of Xiao Ran. At this moment, it seems that all the feelings disappeared from Xiao Ran, and I felt no pain and no time. The passing of time, Xiao Ran seems to be born into a member of the planet, personally began to feel everything.

When Xiao Ran began to communicate with els to communicate, Kruze and others who were protecting near the dawn were also ready to fight with els, but found that all the els seemed to be stiff and slow. Then stop all the movements, not chasing in the direction of Xiaoran, just like a baby, quietly staying in the endless universe.

Then Kruze they heard Xiao Yan's groaning pain, until the sound of Xiao Ran disappeared almost a minute or so. If Luo monitored the situation of Xiao Ran, I thought that Xiao Ran had already fainted.

All of what happened outside the world, including those that I couldn't help but hear from others, has completely fallen into the unilateral forced ‘communication’ by Xiao, and there is no awareness at all.

Xiaoran has always been forced to communicate with other people, but this time Xiaoran actively opened the door of communication, because the huge gap in spiritual strength finally made Xiao Ran feel the experience of being forced to communicate.

It was almost half an hour passed, and Xiao Ran was so full of sweating that he was so weak that he leaned against the chair and couldn’t use his hands to hold the lever. He could only keep panting. Qi, but Xiaoran’s eyes, the eyes of the changers exude a radiance that has never been seen before.

Breathing a few times, Xiaoran’s angry mouth asked: “How long has it been...”

“End?” Kluzer’s voice sounded and said: “In less than forty minutes, this time it’s long enough.”

"Persevere? Oh, I almost didn't kill me." Xiao Ran softly smiled and said: "There are basically els unilaterally supporting this exchange, I can only passively accept them and pass it to me. Information."

Kruze said: "What is the final result?"

"Call..." Xiao Ran exhaled and sighed slightly. "Not bad... For the time being, an agreement was reached, a symbiotic agreement. I promised that they would find a place to live and symbiosis with humans. It's like the Zerg in the territory, but you can't guess where the big els are."

"Is it?" Kruze browed and picked. After thinking about it with a smile, he said with a slight surprise: "It won't be near Iskandar and Camillas." ?"

"You are right." Xiao Ran nodded and said: "The distance between Gamilas and Iskandar is up to three hours, and it has been crouched here for a long time."

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