Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1770: This operation 6

When the attacking army began to withdraw, Malang felt that something was not quite right, but there was no place to find anything wrong at the moment, so it was just to make everyone be careful to avoid any situation, let the team There was danger perception, and even Naluo, who was similar to the pre-awareness, returned to stay with me. I really didn't expect the Burning Legion to begin to deform. The Yamato, the Real Dragon Gaeta was still in surprise when it was attacking.

It is necessary to know that Malang has learned from the Xiaoran that what kind of weapon the moonlight cannon belongs to, and that the most normal two performances of the impacting army when the Gedim appeared at the beginning did not appear. The first is Hiding behind the Gedim forces and then using energy to transmit to all ms and ma, launching moonlight cannons in the array to bombard them.

The second is to complete the energy storage in advance, whether it is behind the Gedim forces or in front of them, you can deal with them after a wave of moonlight cannon array attacks, regardless of which of the two It also really brings some trouble to the Victory Fleet.

But precisely these two most likely actions did not appear. This kind of abruptness will naturally make Malang feel that something is not quite right, so it can only show that the Impact Corps and Gedim have a third option, especially in the impact army. Suddenly and then the withdrawal also made the feeling of malpractice of Malang more intense.

The party that shocked the legion knew that he would become a key target, but he did not deliberately put himself in the army of Gedim. The four a-class bodies even chose to compete with the senior pilots of the Victory Fleet. Although it is also deliberate to attract the high-end combat power of the Victory Fleet to alleviate the feasibility of Gedim's pressure, but as a participant, the impact of the Legion is not so kind.

More accurately, the impact of the Legion is indeed attracting the attention of the Victory Fleet, but also attracting the attention of most of the attacking fleet of the Victory Fleet, in order to rush at the best time, such as the Yamato and the Real Gondola. After leaving the Deformed Burning Legion and several other warships in the back time, then using Gedim's space transfer technology, the ambush was transferred to the victory fleet that had already focused on the front and launched a sudden attack.

However, the Impact Corps did not think that there would be people in the Victory Fleet who felt that something was wrong with their little movements. They did not even think that there would be a person with dangerous foresight similar ability in the Burning Legion, even in the space transfer of Gdim. Before I started, Naro, who felt dangerous, reminded everyone.

If there is no Naluo, perhaps the transfer of the space in Getim is completed, the real dragon cover tower and the Yamato attacking in the forefront, the burning Burning Legion number is probably too late to have other actions, and the proposed Akama, La Some of the battleships of Kailam, Ptolemy, and Danu’s sons were attacked by Gedim when they were too late to turn. The mobile units that were dispatched were all in front, and there was no way to return to the air at the first time. At that time, I could only watch a few warships being spanked by Getim and the squad of the impact army.

Xiao Ran also saw the newly emerged enemies in the rear, but at this time he did not have any fighting power at all. If it was not for attracting els, he would not be able to appear on the battlefield like a drag, but although he could not As the main operating body, there is a Haro in the cockpit to control the dawn.

"Hello, attacking the new enemy in the rear! I am going to lock the aid!"

"Hello received it, Harlan received it, the weapon unfolded, the gn dragon cavalry was launched, and the charge began..."

Xiao Ran’s eyes flashed, even if he couldn’t control the dawn, but after all he sat in the cockpit, he could use another skill that was not very expensive to quickly lock it. No need to do anything, just use skills to help Haro to target. After the lock is made, it is only necessary to control the Haro that launched the attack to create a scene of colorful cannons.

Thanks to the alertness of Malang and the ability of Naluo, some drones were dispatched to the rear in advance. The Gedim and the Shock Corps, who wanted to launch a sudden blow to the Victory Fleet, were not completely completed in space transfer. At that time, it was hit by a wave of the victory fleet.

"There is something coming!"

Suddenly, the moment of releasing the gn particles and the brain quantum waves, I suddenly opened my eyes, and the brows of the eyebrows showed a little discomfort. The same with the ability of Xiaoran, I also felt a strong but also The scattered spiritual power is approaching quickly. It seems to be far away, but it seems to be very close. In Xiaoran's ear, it seems to be a loud voice.

"The els are coming!" Xiao Ran’s spirit rose and said: "In an instant, the rest will be handed over to me. You will help the fleet to reduce the pressure behind."

"Yeah." The moment gently responded, driving directly to 00q and rushed to the rear of the newly emerged Getim and the combined ambush of the impact army.

"Ma Ma!"

Malang quickly replied: "I have seen the picture of els appearing. I have already informed the Gamilas side to let the els advance the passage."

"Put out the spare machine." Xiaoran heard a sigh of relief from the words of Malang, but the scene that appeared in front of him immediately turned Xiaoran’s face into a sigh of relief. He only saw the pit near the Iskandar Palace. The ground began to surge, and then countless els were drilled from the ground in the blink of an eye.

But as the individual with els appeared bigger and bigger, the whole process was like an earthquake. More els were directly drilled from the palace, and soon the entire palace of Iskandar began to see everywhere. Collapsed, a large els floated directly against the scattered building fragments.

For a moment, Xiao Ran finally realized why there was a long way of els but it was very close: "Just kidding? Although I know that els has been following me, how can these els escape the warnings of the Gamilas army and how to escape the victory? The surveillance of the fleet came into Iskandar!?"

I haven't figured out how these els came out, but I felt that these els were the ones I met before Xiaoran, and then I saw countless els starting to rush toward myself and the body, and suddenly closed. I got on the eyes and started to negotiate with els.

The negotiation between the two sides is not talking. You said one sentence, but a communication of consciousness and thought. Xiaoran, who has thoroughly communicated with the els, naturally does not have to experience the pain before, but only for a moment. All the els stopped, until the Burning Legion released a very familiar body, dozens of small els rushed toward the body.

Not long after, Xiao Ran saw more than five hundred silver dark clouds spurting green light spots in front of them.

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