Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1772: an early closure?

When Xiao Ran was still sighing, the a-class pilot who chose to surrender unexpectedly drove the body directly toward the ground, and then controlled the entire body to the ground. On the other hand, I made a role model that I didn’t play anyway.

Under the leadership of this a-class pilot, dozens of bodies in the impact army also flew to the ground and smashed down. This is in the battlefield, these guys have made such a wonderful move. It is also a glimpse of the people on the side of the victory fleet. I always feel a little confused.

However, countless silver scorpions have descended from the sky. From the top to the bottom, all the Gedim began to level a, how many gn dragon cavalry in a dark sky, and how many firepower armed, in short, many are, A dark sky can make a hundred beams, and that 10,000?

After countless silver scorpions descended from the sky, the sky really rained, and the rain of the beam seemed to mourn for the impact of the Legion.

In less than a minute, more than 10,000 sets of silver scorpion's direct flat a, let Gedim's numerous warfare bodies and battleships penetrate a myriad of holes, and all of the forces in Getim suddenly collapsed. .

With such a state of affairs, with the rise of the first person, the entire impact army also chose to surrender, the warships, the body, and all landed on the ground to make a look that is not resisting, the public communication channel There is also a constant cry: "We surrender, we choose to surrender! Don't attack us!"

Seeing such a picture, telling the truth is also inconceivable in Xiao Ran’s heart. It’s all right to end it. els waved a and even got so many Gedim and the impact army, Xiao Ran suddenly felt that he was in a coma. These days are simply worth it.

The thoughts in the heart did not let Xiao Ran ignore the incident that the army chose to surrender. They also quickly contacted the els cluster to tell them that the impact army would not continue to fight and destroy, and then els put all the firepower toward the remaining Gedi. I leaned away.

I don't know if it is because I swallowed the dark sky and made els feel very happy, very comfortable, and found an interest in finding a new place to live. It seems that because of the singularity of the darkness, they gave them a new hobby. Then many of the Gedim forces, and even the warships, were devastated by els.

Watching countless els rushed to destroy all the Gedim forces one by one, and Xiao Ran only had time to open his mouth, and quickly yelled in his heart: "Stop, leave me a boat!!!"

With Xiaoran’s screaming in his heart, a group of els suddenly stopped their movements, and after two or three turns of confusion, they rushed to other places, and Xiaoran quickly turned on the communicator: “Kruze , Bassac, Luo, Graham, take the battleship!!!"

Half an hour later, in addition to a warship in Gdim, the entire existence of Gedim could not be seen in the entire Iskandar, and countless els were floating around in the sky, countless silver sky. Also flying around, like a hard bee, hey, hey.

The fleet of Gamiras has also landed. Under the search and detention of countless Gamilas, one after another, the people of the impact corps cooperated with the battleship from the ms, and the two-headed squadron Together, El Elf took a few small **** made by Leonard and put one after another neck bombs on the necks of these people.

Even the participants have strong physical qualities, but they also die when the neck is blown up. With these neck bombs, the surrendering army not only does not show any sadness or humiliation, but it is of course There was a faint expression on the face, or they could see from the shackles of this bomb. The Burning Legion did not have the idea of ​​killing after they chose to surrender.

To know that in a mission, each person can only bind the escape device once, and the four a-machine pilots have already used the escape devices of many people in the entire army. If the body is destroyed, it is It’s really dead. If you don’t surrender, you must die. The choice of the impact army to make a surrender is also normal.

Then, the four a-class pilots of the Impact Corps were taken away by Xiao Ran with their bodies, with four neck bombs in their bodies. Some of them were wrong and became the temporary force of the Victory Fleet, leaving only The rest of the warships and pilots of the Danu Sons set off and began to travel to the current position of the Bawang.

At this time, as the only member of Xiaoran who can control the behavior of els, he is also a member who cannot fight, so he stays with the son of Danu.

After almost four hours, the Victory Fleet and the Overlord returned to the hurricane Iskandal, which was gone through several battles. The magnificent palace was gone forever, leaving only the ruins of the land.

After the return of the victory fleet, Xiao Ran was re-received back to the Burning Legion. The four-level pilots of the four impacted regiments were also tied to the Burning Legion. It was not long before they could not tell whether they were excited or excited. Or with some sad and sad Nazi, and only the happy Fades, they rushed to the Burning Legion, and saw the four real cores of the Impact Corps in Xiaoran's office.

In Xiaoran’s office, he was filled with people, and the four a-level pilots of the Army, Nazi, Fades, Al Ehr, Leonard, Pelican, Luo, Bassac, Kruze, Graham Mu, Jigus, makes the originally spacious office look a bit crowded.

At the first sight of the impact army and Nazi, Fades, on the one hand, the four a-class pilots were the conscious and decadent of the defeated and captive, while the other side was the contempt of Fades’s gloating, only Na The posture is a complex face.

Sitting in a wheelchair, I glanced at the four a-level pilots of the attacking army, three men and one woman, then looked at the Nazi again and gently nodded and said: "The people have arrived, now Say something right, about the grievances between you, you can say it privately, first I need to ask a question."

"After you choose to surrender, it means that this army battle has ended."

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