Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1779: thinking

Kruze will tell Xiao Ran about the bottom line of the negotiations. It is to ensure that all the relevant technologies for moonlight cannons are enough. Even if you can’t sell them in Prometheus, you can use them. The second is the total settlement score. Thirty-five percent.

That is to say, although I know that I may get a lot of points now, I can't guarantee that there will be a lot of this, and there is no guarantee that this will be a loss-making business or a big profit, but in fact it is for both parties. It is a very safe way.

Unless Xiaoran wants to take risks, all negotiations on the suspension and the impact of the Legion will leave all the problems to Prometheus to solve the problem, apply for the Legion Management Center for mandatory settlement, but that is also a five-fifth opening. It is unclear whether it will eventually earn or lose. The chances.

After all, Xiao Ran, in the conflict between the Impact Corps and the Overlord Corps, can be regarded as the whole process of soy sauce. All the way to meet the impact army at the end, and still rely on the strength of els to completely suppress each other, of course, this is not to rely on The strength of the victory fleet itself could not win the impact army, but the emergence of els allowed the impact army to completely lose all the thought of rebellion, ending the war ahead of time.

But victory is victory, failure is failure. Whether it is Xiao Ran, Nazi, or the guys who attack the Legion, they don’t think it’s just luck. Without Xiao Ran, this road has come so anxious that so many super pilots are squatting. The direct choice of tone and els communication, the final result may not be that simple.

Seeing that Xiao Ran did not speak, Kruze did not rush to lift the cup again, until he slowly finished drinking the wine in the cup and said: "Do you feel dissatisfied?"

"No, it's a surprise to get all the relevant technology for Moonlight cannons plus the 35 percent settlement score you said."

Xiao Ran gently shook his head and said: "With these things in addition to the battle points gained in the battle along the way, in addition to the super ai, the initial technology of the devil, all these things have actually earned all the things we invested. Come back, I was just thinking about... about the Overlord Corps."

Kruze looked at Xiao Ran and gently nodded. He said thoughtfully: "Do you think that if we exclusively enjoy all the spoils of this mission, it may cause their dissatisfaction?"

"There is a little bit." Xiao Ran leaned back on the back, and some lazy said: "You also know my thoughts, I want to turn the impact army into a presence similar to our subordinate legion, Nazi's s-class combat power. I don't want to let it go so easily. As for the ten a-level pilots in their army, it is also a big force, so I think it's best to avoid making the other party really dissatisfied."

"And even if we provide compensation to them in the follow-up, then this kind of compensation is not a favor but a matter of course. If they are compensated, they will feel enough. If they give favors on the basis of compensation, how much will they have to let them Keeping our kindness in mind, I am willing to be a subordinate legion of the Burning Legion."

After listening to Xiao Ran’s words, Kruze also thought about it and said: “Your main idea is to hide the Burning Legion as much as possible behind the Overlord Legion to play down the existence of the Burning Legion. However, after this war of the Legion, we can use it. The agreement to bind the other party is forbidden to leak our news, but we have already fallen into the eyes of other legions in any case. Other legions also know that another legion behind the Tyrannosaurus is supporting, but it will be even more curious for us. Sooner or later, it will be in contact with more legions until it is completely exposed. What effect will it have on us now? No, it’s just a normal thing, a new small army has emerged, no It will attract the attention of anyone, and it will not be inexplicable against us."

"I don't always understand what you are worried about, why you want to hide the army, but in my opinion, this really doesn't mean much. Maybe no one is willing to be in the major legions of Prometheus. Seeing the appearance of another super-large army, but in fact we don't have too many conflicts of interest. The world that Prometheus has mastered is countless. The camp territory is also its own. At most, there is only one more. Being a friend can also be an enemy neighbor."

"In the end, do you think that a familiar neighbor makes you feel more worried, or is it a mysterious, suddenly appearing, and very powerful neighbors make you worry?"

"You used to think that the strength is not enough. I don't want to be completely exposed. I can understand it. But now we have so many people joining us. As long as this mission is over, we can formally enrich our strength, and the overlord army in front of us will be shocked. Who is the legion of our legion? With the strength of the Legion’s territory, even if the Impact Corps and the Overlord Legion multiply twice, it will not be our opponent. Isn’t it?”

"You sometimes think too complicated. Now we are slowly starting to let the Burning Legion appear in front of other legions. We haven't started it yet. I think you also feel that there are many resources in the hands but there are no channels at all. Worrying, the independent development has always led us to completely out of touch with other legions, no source of intelligence, no channels of material exchange, and many things about Prometheus do not know why, these should be changed. ”

Xiao Ran took a deep breath and slowly exhaled a breath. He smiled slightly: "I know, after this army battle, the next thing is to let the Burning Legion slowly appear in other legions. In my eyes, I haven’t thought about it. I just want to erect a shield for the exposed Burning Legion. Some things that are done in the name of the Burning Legion can be done by the shield.”

Kruze said: "But you have to know that, now I know about the Overlord Corps, not everything can make them willing to become our shields, and you have to know if there is too much support for them, very May leave them out of our control."

"So...the alliance is absolutely impossible." Xiaoran smiled and spread his hand and said: "We must let them become our people thoroughly. Those who are controlled and controlled by us, what I was thinking about is the overlord. The Legion completely absorbed our Burning Legion, leaving some people to maintain the formation of the Overlord Corps and then let them continue to act in the name of the Overlord Corps. At most, it will only make others feel that we are a life-and-death alliance, and that there is a s-class machine The top of the division is in front, and we will receive a lot less attention."

"Either let the other party become our true subordinate legion, the legion of the Burning Legion, not a subordinate like the Allies or mercenaries, and bind them according to the regulations we set, but I am also thinking about what to do. Tell them."

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