Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1812: Convergence

Five minutes later, Xia and Eshi found another companion. Xia recognized the other party after seeing the long blue hair and the headscarf on his head.

After a few steps, Xia also smiled and smiled at each other: "I have waited for Youss."

"You are finally here." Youzes nodded to Shaia and Eshi. After watching the circle, I didn’t know that several nearby inexplicable stops, and I’ve been looking at my women with bold eyes. After frowning, he walked and walked: "Go, don't waste time here."

And Xia is a leisurely smile, shaking his head gently.

An hour passed, and the time set by Ech and the other three people was almost ten minutes. Eshi took the lover of Chowley Harmon, Xia Ze, and Ramba Lal, and looked at it. Inge, who has no feelings, appears in the gathering place.

The reason why they used these hours to arrive was completely because they didn’t have any means of transportation at the beginning of the tracing path. Although the streets were full of cars, those cars were all military vehicles, in order not to It took a lot of time to find a private car and borrowed it without permission. Then it will be thrown farthest by Prometheus, and it is almost returned to England on the edge of the city. .

In Eich, when the people on the side of Xia arrived, Siman, Barnes, and Harvey also received all the other people's temporary arrivals. The original two-story detachment was not big. The living room in the small building was full of people.

The two teams and the members of the Eich Quartet are all in line. First, the Zengga team, the captain Zengga, including Elsam, Kiliam, Ingram three Mum, then Baihe Inge and Shovel, the shovel will serve as a rearward and bridge personnel in the squad.

Next is the Xia squad, captain Xia, including Amro, blue superstar Lamba Lal, his lover Crowley Harmon, Xia Ya search for Jonny Laing, Song Yongzhen And another new human being, I don’t know where Xia Ya fished out and Xia Ya, Amro is very close to Larasin, and Crowley Harmon will act as a logistics and ship in the future. Bridge command.

Youzes, a non-staff, will not join the Zengjia team and will not join the Xia team, but will arrange for the Jeffrey team to go.

When Xia came in, everyone also said hello, and then began to sit quietly on their own affairs, Alsam, Kilim, Ingram three Mum are passing the network in the stronghold Use the real estate terminal you carry with you to investigate the world's information and information in detail.

The rest of the people, either checking their own weapons and equipment, or just vigiling, there is only a very small exchange in the entire room.

After Xia and other people came in, they did not bother the work of other people. When they found a place to sit down, they began to read the books they had been holding. Yuzes also joined the work of three Mum in the first time. Laurie Harmon walked to Ramba, and Inge also began to work best for him, and went to the side and watched as a background board.

It was not until more than half an hour passed, and as the work of the three Mum and Youzes stopped, all the talents reunited.

After nodding to the crowd, Kiliam spoke first: "We have almost understood the situation in this world. The general development is similar to the memory we have obtained. It is a world invaded by alien life, but There is no more detailed information and information in our memory. We only know that most of the world is occupied by extraterrestrial life. The country still exists and is not unified. Humans and extraterrestrial life are still fighting for war. The specific situation is unknown. ""

"The time is now April 1, 2001, and in 1967, the world's first contact with alien life in the world, a few years of hard resistance in the universe, was called beta in 1973. The alien life body landed on the earth."

"In the following twenty years, the human side has been losing ground, and Eurasia has almost fallen into the hands of beta, and in the process, the world has developed something similar to us. The same armed armor, but compared to our ms is a rather backward product, energy, weapons, armor, skeleton all aspects, the rating should only have a level of d, does not rule out Some special bodies can reach the level of c."

"And because of the different systems of these bodies, the differences in the country of production, whether it is tactics or operations, and the concept are completely different, still in a chaotic hodgepodge situation."

"What is really worth noting is that our next mission is related. From a big perspective, the whole world is invaded by beta. Then the optional camp is naturally human and alien life beta. I think everyone present should not Someone chooses to be in a beta camp."

"The rest of the human camp is not a piece of iron. Just like the world I have just said, after decades of experience in the aggression of alien life, it still maintains a different state system. This should be in our view. It is an incredible thing."

"Is there anything in these countries that we don't mention for the time being, but at least the name is to maintain a consistent anti-beta situation, and several of them, the United States, the Soviet Union, and the Witch Country (you know, the most names in the future) There will be no more content when it appears.) The three armed forces are the strongest, followed by Italy, France and other countries and African armed forces in the border areas of Africa and Eurasia. Other countries also have corresponding military power."

"Japan, the Far East of our world, is now at the forefront of the war. Half of the territory has been occupied by beta and can only barely limit the bate with the help of other countries."

"And above all countries, there is a United Nations army composed of the military power of various countries, barely regarded as a firefighter, so if we look at the human camp, we also have a large number of camps to choose from. How to choose, whether it is together or scattered is worth paying attention to."

After Kiliam said that it stopped, Ingram continued to say: "And according to our current position, that is, Alaska in the United States, there is still a special base of the United Nations forces in the vicinity. In the current state of the world, we have selected a human strength camp worth joining."

"First, the United States has the most powerful military power, the most complete and huge armed."

"Second, the Soviet Union, the number of troops is strong, and it is also in the front line."

"Third, the United Nations, independent of the joint forces outside the country, has all kinds of organisms in all countries and is independent of its external status."

"Fourth, the Far East, in the front line position, the number of troops is not large but the production of elites, the overall combat power is not too high, easy to get the opportunity to take the lead."

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