Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1842: Direct Yingge

In the afternoon, after the announcement of the deputy captain of Ibrahim, the battle of a number and strength that was completely unequal was started under the eyes of everyone, with a one-on-three battle at the beginning of Argus. Everyone in the squad’s combat command team seems to be a battle without suspense.

In fact, it is indeed a suspense that there is no point. The shovel stood in the squad and used the command room without spending too much time to look at the battle screen on the screen, but Ibrahim, 篁唯依, both will My eyes are on the big screen.

Then widened his eyes and opened his mouth, and it was incredible to see that Inge used all the three bodies that were opponents in five minutes with the abandoned buildings in the exercise area.

It is necessary to know that the three-person team is equipped with all-round configuration of avant-garde, defender and sniper, but it is only under the cooperation of the three elite guards who are already familiar with it. In the process, Yingge did not suffer a little bit of damage at all. It can be said that it is simply an incredible thing.

The beautiful Stella Bremer, the petite but bad-tempered Talissa Manandale, and the seemingly mature and frivolous Valerio Giacosa three are only This rear Yukon base, but their driving skills are not inferior to the elite guards on the front line, but in the face of these three elites, Inge can easily solve it.

Yan Weiyi walked to the side of the shovel with a look of surprise. Although she was only the technical technocrat in charge of the technology in the Argus squad, she was also an elite who had experienced many battles and had superb skills. Guardian, she is confident that even if she faces Valerio, Talissa and Stella can also win, but I know that I can’t do it when the other three are ready. It’s so easy to win. Through this exercise, Yu Weiyi has already seen it. This guard named Yingge is indeed stronger than him.

Yan Weiyi looked at the iron shovel and asked: "Captain Sergeant, do you know the lesser of Inge Weishu?"

"There is some understanding." Shovel raised his head and looked at Yu Weiyi. He nodded and said: "I have seen his training record. In the United States, he has the strength to fight the entire team with his own strength. How? Still satisfied?"

Inge's technology will certainly make you feel satisfied and you can't find any critical words, but for the heart of Yan Weiyi, the outstanding performance of Yingge makes her feel inappropriate. What is needed is a technology that can be, but not too good, a guard who can expose tactical machine problems while driving a new tactical machine, rather than a tester who can completely eliminate the problem with his own technology.

"Very satisfied." Yan Weiyi nodded, but satisfied with satisfaction, and Wei Weiyi still felt that he should say what he thought in his heart: "But the captain, because the Wei Xiu is too good, very few people can have He is so good, so if he is the core test machine, then will it eventually cause the body's problems to be covered up by his technology, and the test machine will eventually be tested with his excellent guards, and the final result will lead to After mass production, the body becomes a body that is not suitable for ordinary guards to drive. After all, once the body begins to adjust, it will eventually be adjusted with the ability of maintenance and less enemies. There are not many defenders who can achieve the level of maintenance and ensign."

Shovel will not say anything about the idea of ​​Wei Weiyi, and it is even more impossible to change anything because of the idea of ​​Wei Weiyi. He simply said: "I believe that the ability of Wei Xiu and Lieutenant can meet your requirements, you can also take you The request told Wei Xiu."

Hearing the shovel, he said that he only understood that the core machine of the xfj plan was impossible to change. In desperation, he could only nod his head: "I understand."

The shovel stood up from the seat where he was sitting and looked at Ibrahim on the other side: "The next part of the work will be arranged by you, let the lesser 威 familiar with the new body as soon as possible, in the next step. Before the start of environmental testing and actual combat testing, try to find out more problems with Yuzhong."

"Okay, Captain." Ibrahim replied.

Yan Weiyi took a deep breath and bowed to the iron shovel and Ibrahim. Afterwards, he said: "Then I will leave, and there are still some things that need to be communicated with Wei Xiu."

"Go." The shovel nodded and smiled at the gentleman.

When Wei Wei turned and left, all the way to the parking garage was a small sigh of relief. The shovel didn’t care about the attitude of the xfj plan. It made her feel a bit uncomfortable. What is called satisfaction, the xfj plan is not to create a tactical machine that can only be driven by monsters, but to create a tactical machine that can be driven by everyone. How can the body adjusted by such a monster make it possible? Others can drive."

"And it is not the same. The concept of the body in the Far East and the United States is fundamentally different. They are pursuing the taming of the body. We are pursuing the unity of people and horses. The driving style is completely different. This should be the first time that the guy drove the Far East. The tactical machine is right, the first time you can drive the body to such an extent, it is a monster."

I only arrived at the hangar with a single person, just to see the pictures of the four guards of the Argus squad, Stella, Talisa I was asking about how Inge really did that kind of battle, and Talisa was more uncomfortable with a slap in the face, staring at Yingge as if she wanted to have another positive duel.

Yan Weiyi did not bother the first real contact of the four people. After the four people chatted for a while, Yu Weiyi quickly went to the front of Yingge.

Inge also noticed that he was walking towards himself. After standing in front of himself, he stood calmly and shouted and shouted: "Lieutenant."

"Hello, Wei Xiu is awkward." Yan Wei nodded and said: "I have something to talk to you, but before I want to ask you, about the tactical machine you just drove, you are right. What is the view of the tactical machine?"

Inge did not answer the first time, but asked: "Is this a survey of the new body 94 after the fire is not known, Lieutenant."

I only snuggled a bit: "Okay, after all, the body will be driven by you, so you need to make adjustments that are suitable for you."

Yingge calmly looked down on his own, and said: "The performance of all aspects of the body called blowing snow has huge defects, insufficient stability, poor propulsion, insufficient steering performance, and operation. Excessive, the body's reaction ability is too slow, the joint structure is fragile, it takes a certain time to buffer after the propeller is turned on to obtain stronger propulsion ability, preparation time is over, and the time to reach the highest speed is too short to be stable enough. Overall, the body is too It’s drifting, but these can be compensated by the intuition and technology of the pilot.”

"With all due respect, this kind of body can't normally meet the normal battle under the normal configuration, and it is not suitable for newcomers and ordinary guards. The new type 94 does not know the fire. I hope to improve the above shortcomings. Otherwise, once the body is driven by ordinary guards, It can only be used as a garbage on the display and on the battlefield. If the body of the Far East is like this, perhaps the military of your country is really not to be underestimated."

When Wei Weiyi heard the calm but unrelenting evaluation of Yingge, he only felt that his brow suddenly had a more tic-tac-toe. The fire was a no-brainer but he could only keep his face with a stiff smile. In a gentle tone, he said: "Okay, Inge Weishu, I can call you Yingge later. I will refer to your opinion. If there is time, I hope to be able to cooperate with Yingge." You conduct an exercise."

"Yes, according to Lieutenant's time schedule." Yingge nodded and turned away after he bowed to Yu Weiyi.

Until Yingge completely disappeared into his own eyes, Yu Weiyi clenched his fist and bit his teeth, and his eyes burned with raging anger. The first one shook his head: "Hey, actually said our body." Just garbage and furnishings, I must teach you well, let you know how powerful the Far East pilots are!"

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