Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1879: Awkward interest

"You are very suspicious, so I can't let you leave."

The scabbard that was pressed by Xiao Ran suddenly lost the power of resistance. Yu Jian’s night pumped out the long sword, and the scabbard fell directly on the ground. The cold blade also turned toward Xiaoran. The neck hit, revealing a cold chill, but it did not contain any killings, just want to control Xiaoran.

Perhaps Yu Jian’s current move is too sudden, unreasonable, and too neurotic, but there is no way.

In the cognition of Yu Jian's night, the current federation is no longer the federation a year ago. At that time, Yu Zes was still there, her teacher was still there, and several big brothers jointly curated the federation. Going in the right direction, but a few years ago, a few big crickets said that there was no news after going to the universe. Everyone thought that these big cockroaches had already died in the universe, so all kinds of power struggles made the federation still It came down, but it became the same as the establishment of the federation a year ago, but the country became a faction and they fought each other.

The Yukon Base is a place where only a few people who believe that the big brothers have not died and have been waiting for the big guys to come back have been saved. The Yukon Base’s combat power has always been glimpsed by other factions. I am also trying to infiltrate and want to control here, and there are even people who want to completely destroy the Yukon base.

So Yu Jian’s night suddenly saw such a person, and after seeing such a person in a more sensitive place, of course, to figure out who this person is, and only if there is only a captain, there is no right to enter the base building. Several layers and the lower layers of the underground part, but just as the sword is in the night, I saw a roof on the top floor. It is not prudent to intercept the Xiaoran.

Now, the things that Uzes came back to are not everyone's knowledge. It is only vaguely known, including Yu Jian, and it seems that Yuzes has come back, but Zeng Jia has not met him, and there is no specific. The news informed her, so I am not sure if this is true.

Xiao Ran didn't feel the murderousness of Yu Jian's night, but he couldn't ignore the sword that hit his neck. Who knows if the sword of Yu Jian's night is passing, if you use a little more effort, it's not directly from He crossed his neck? At the foot, Xiaoran suddenly turned away from the side of the sword and escaped the sword of Yu Jian. The right hand lifted the arm of Yu Jian’s sword and held the sword. The two suddenly became the appearance of standing in a row, more like that. It seems to be teaching the feeling of Yu Jian night dance sword.

"grown ups?"

The sound of Liu Muye suddenly sounded in the distance not far behind the two people. At this time, he still took two cups and looked at the frozen juice. He just walked out of the corridor and entered the rooftop. He saw Xiao Ran and a purple. The woman with hair seemed to be intimate and harmoniously standing together, and the expression on the face of Liu Muye became awkward, but soon became curious.

Xiaoran’s head did not return, and the other hand was pinched on the wrist of Yu Jian’s night. The sword fell directly into the hands of Xiao Ran, and the scabbard on the ground was picked up without rushing. The sword was inserted back and then headed for the direction of the embarrassment.

After picking up a glass of juice from Liu Muye, he handed the sword of Yu Jian's night to the cockroach. Xiao Ran swayed and left: "Luo they are coming back, I have to go over it, this gimmick will teach you."

"Oh." The expression on the face of Liu Muye couldn't see how her mood was now, but looking at the girl who had turned around and had an incredible face, her mouth was curled up, and after Xiaoran left, Going straight toward the girl.

"Give, your sword." He first returned the sword to the streamer, and then asked the girl with a smile: "Juice, or?"

Yu Jian’s night smashed, looked at him and looked at the juice in his hand. He nodded silently: “Thank you, I don’t need it.”

I don’t care if Yu Jian’s night is needed. It’s just a polite question. I originally only prepared two juices, one Xiaoran took another one, of course, her own, directly in Xiaoran’s sitting. The place sat down, and while drinking the juice, he looked up and down the sword with the sword up and down.

Perhaps it is because the eyes are too direct, or perhaps the sword is not used to the night, or perhaps because of the identity of Xiao Ran and the two, the sword has been frowning tightly, and the current situation is It is to make her feel a little confused.

Xiao Ran's power made her unable to cope, but after taking her sword, she left without hesitation, letting a girl who looks good and weak to guard herself.

And this girl who looked at her was nothing special at all. It looked like a fifteen or six-year-old girl. She even changed her sword to her. Isn’t she afraid that she will give up this hoe? However, by returning the sword to her, at least it also made Yu Jian’s night feel that Xiao Ran and Yan were indeed not malicious to her.

He put the cup beside him and asked with a slight smile: "It seems that you are thinking about something very interesting. Can you tell me what to know?"

"Who are you?" Yu Jian looked at the night, and frowned. "Why didn't I see you before, you are also a captain pilot? The man who just said, why do you call him an adult."

He smiled inadvertently: "Our identity? Have you answered this question to adults?"

"Direct troops of Commander Youzes." Yu Jian’s night was like thinking of something, and his eyes suddenly had a different mood: "You... Did Zeng Jia also come back?"

"Oh, I remembered it." 咲 Gently clap your hands and look at Yu Jian’s smiling night. “You are the disciple of Zeng Jia’s guy. I think about it, is Yu Jian’s night?”

Saying, I also looked up and down the sword again and again, but this time it was completely different from the last time I looked at it. I only listened to the opening and said, "You are very good. Zeng Jiahe and the adults mentioned you. Your identity can still be left here when Zeng Jia is absent, and it is a trustworthy person."

"Well, I can tell you that Yuz and Zengga are back, but Zeng Jia has no other tasks now in this Yukon base. As for our identity, you will know when you know it later. But I am interested in you."

In my mind, I was thinking about Yu Jian’s night when I revealed the information. After I finished the last sentence, I unconsciously looked at my eyes. The eyes that didn’t hide my interest completely inexplicably let Yu Jian’s night play. A chill.

"What are you doing..."

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