Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1881: Kruze's conspiracy

United States Washington.

At this time, Kruze sat in the conference room on the upper floor of a building. Looking at the white park-like building not far from the swivel chair, he smiled and turned the chair, facing a row of people on both sides of the table in the conference room. A middle-aged or elderly person dressed in a suit and a human figure, there are men and women.

These people are all true top people in this country, controlling the vast majority of the country's rights, and bringing together can fully promote the direction of the entire United States.

Looking at these people, Kruze gently coughed down to make the whole meeting room quiet. After everyone put their eyes on Kruze, Kruzer said in his mouth: "Now everything is here. Arranged properly, the next step depends on how much you can do. I only hope that Ingram can live in the place behind me, and at the same time I can't make any guarantees to you."

"I want to tell you here, as I said to all of you before, let Ingram live in the back is not a transaction, it is not a request, and we are not involved in any between now. Interest can only be said to be a negotiation."

"I have already introduced you to the real situation of Ingram. You should also be aware of his ability. Technically, you can continue to make a new body, let the country have stronger military power, and get the entire federal relationship. Support even integrates this country as the main body, and if you can achieve the goal, clear the right to open up the unmanned area after the beta, the future expansion of the universe, new technology, etc. will be presented to you. It is the interests that will definitely require different people to be responsible and hosted in the future. It is necessary for more companies, the group to jointly support and share, and how many cakes can be obtained in the future changes. It is your own business. It is your own. Ability."

"Of course, I can't guarantee that all of the above things can be achieved. It's just a plan, an expectation, a direction."

"I can only say that all the distribution of cakes will only be carried out in the most fair way. All interest negotiations will have nothing to do with us. We only look at our ability. As for how you distribute yourself below, We have nothing to do, we have only one goal, assembling all the power to drive the beta out of the earth, even out of the solar system."

"As for the purpose of this, in addition to being able to come up with more advanced body technology, I have no guarantees about these things, and I will not disclose any news to you. Or, that sentence, I will not Anything is guaranteed, and no transaction will be accepted. Calling everyone to this place is indeed seeking support, but what I need is fairness, justice, open support, and willing support."

"Everyone sitting here has political party hostility, factional hostility, and enemies in the mall, but at least one of us is the same, and one goal is the same. We humans, the goal is to eliminate the beta, so I hope that you Can try once for this same goal."

"Agree to support us, then it is a negotiation. If you get everything after the dust settles, you will see it. I don't have any guarantee. If the negotiation fails, you will lose something. I also don't have any guarantee. All this depends on yours. I don’t want to force anyone with ideas and wishes. I just hope that this meeting will be an open exchange and support for communication.”

"If I don't say much, I won't say it. There are still five hours to start. I am willing to support you to start your show, but there is still a performance before the start to make everyone like it."

Kruze smiled and nodded at the side of the meeting, and Elalf nodded. The latter took out his personal computer and glanced at it. The whole meeting room was dark and he was sitting in Kruze. At the same time, a projection appears at the same time.

The projection is a team of about a hundred troops. The people present are the top and power of the country. Naturally, they can recognize that this unit is the most powerful force in the United States. The body of the x-force has been fully mass-produced as early as this year, but only the logo and color of the organism are different, so it can be recognized at a glance.

However, the x troops are now a large-volume team. The size of the entire unit is far more than one hundred, but more and more. It also shows the x troops that appear in the picture at this time. The body is not the entire army.

But among these bodies, there are people who have not seen the body except Kruze and El Elf, and the leader of the body is particularly conspicuous, like a black angel carrying a dark angel wing and spraying green The body of the light.

It adopts the quantum wave engine, the liquid metal sword like the Zengga body, the t-link system, which combines the solar furnace, the black hole gun, the power weapon, the wing moonlight cannon, has super maneuverability, and has great energy. The a-class body, the weapon system is not much but far and near, and can also use the power of the power to enhance the weapon, equipped with a brilliant transmitter system plus a solar furnace, which also makes the body have a very high speed with extraordinary flexibility. This is a dark angel, a new black angel that is different from the black angel Astron steel and completely made by the technology of the Burning Legion. Even the shape is completely different from Astor.

"what is this!?"

“Why have you never seen such a body?”

"When was it made?"

After seeing this body, a group of people showed their expressions of surprise or doubt, and Kruze, who saw the expressions of the crowd, just smiled slightly: "The performance that will be shown to everyone is a fight against beta. The annihilation battle is located in the beta seventh nest of Eurasia. The world has not had a real hero for a long time, but it needs a real hero to become a leader."

Not only in this conference room, but all the radio channels in the whole United States are actually playing this upcoming battle, and they are more dramatic than the pictures seen by the people in the conference room. Mu's hero and invincible image, more special people to explain and contrast, and the contrast of nature is the opponent of Ingram in this election.

Let Ingram's hero and invincible image be shaped into a true image of the Savior, and the other will of course maintain a fair and open attitude, such as exploding black materials, shaping the image of a typical politician who will only live in a safe place. Of course, this is not a conspiracy, but a righteous conspiracy, a conspiracy to raise Ingram, the opponents everywhere, is precisely selected now only five hours before the general election vote.

A savior who can lead mankind to victory, and a politician who can only fight for power and ensure his own safety, must be known as a normal person.

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