Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1890: I will hand it over to you.

In the bridge of the Burning Legion, Yu Jian looked at the deformed battleship at night, and the expression on the face of the incredible attack that was released did not change much. To be honest, the current sword is mixed with the Burning Legion. After a while, some of the things that have been shown to the Burning Legion have gradually become numb, and more or less have noticed a lot of things.

When all the beams slowly disappeared from the huge muzzle that was ejected, countless betas were already smashed under the direct exposure of the macros cannon, but this was not the end but a beginning.

The space is accompanied by a series of beams released by the warships that continue to distort and begin to compress. The larger and larger space outside the scope of the direct orbit is continuously distorted, and it is involved in a beta that cannot escape the bond, and then Like the collapse of the space, there was a huge explosion, and the whole world seemed to turn black in an instant, but it quickly returned to normal.

The beta group that appears again in front of everyone is a beta formation that has been penetrated by a dozen gaps. It’s no longer just a slap in the face, and some are just wolves that are pierced, so one wave of attacks is solved once. Almost a third of the beta.

Basque also showed a sly smile. He couldn't help but drive the body toward the countless beta: "It seems that these betas are not so difficult to deal with except the number."

Luo did not become the same as Bassak because of this scene, but calmly said: "The existence of only the type of light in beta is a problem, but the number is worthy of praise, but the facts All of these betas don’t have any defensive capabilities in front of us."

After the macros cannon was released, all the warships raised their arms. The two warships, the Tyranno and the Burning Legion, directly released the sword of Idyan, with a sufficient energy, power and range, max. Instantly appeared, in a blink of an eye it became a huge beam of thousands of kilometers, more than a dozen Idian's swords swept at the same time, once again turned countless beta into ashes.


The voice of Malang sounded at the same time in the bridge of each warship. More than a dozen warships quickly dissipated after withdrawing the arm that released the sword of Idian, and continued to retreat from the distance that was quite close. While pulling open very far and fast, and this time, the rear c-class body and even those b-class body, also raised the special gun barrel in the hand, one after the other, began to release the moonlight that can maintain a considerable time. Gun beam.

"The beam is released by thunder!"

A single warhead was accompanied by another order from Malang. From the different warships, no money was released. After flying far away, he took the initiative to explode and spread into countless stars to cover the huge The area, the laser beam that flew from the beta direction, quickly disappeared after crossing the barrier created by the beam of thunder, and it was impossible to bring a little threat to the target of any burning leg after the barrier.

"Med warhead preparation, reaction bomb preparation, each machine, each ship, continue to maintain the current speed back, listen to my command to launch med warhead!"

With the macros cannon to reduce the number, the Edian's sword completely breaks up the formation, using the moonlight cannon and the body's combat power to attack the nearby enemies and distant light species, releasing the anti-beam lightning to solve the threat brought by the light species, and finally use The med bomb determines the victory. This is the battle plan of Malang, and all the steps in this step are all carried out according to the plan of this Malang.

In just a few minutes, the side of the billion-dollar beta-burning legion disappeared completely into the universe, and the next med warhead released by each ship, a total of more than a dozen med The warhead and the reaction bomb that can be fired at any time will also ultimately determine the fate of this wave of pioneers.

Beta said that stupidity is not stupid, saying that smart is absolutely not smart, stubbornly rushed toward the area affected by the anti-beam thunder, until a dozen or so protected, after a short shell-enhanced med warhead released Soon a dozen black holes appeared in front of the Burning Legion. This is the best weapon for the enemy above the scale level.

The power created by more than a dozen black holes is terrifying, and this black hole is not just an ordinary black hole, but a special black hole that can directly devour even the concept of erasing. A dozen black holes are once again given to the stubborn beta. Head-on hits, wiped out those who have already penetrated the scope of the med bomb, followed by drilling into the sphere of influence, or even near the beta.

Continuously released all the attacks that can achieve the maximum effect in a short time, and it seems that the effect is not ordinary, even the Malang sitting in the bridge can not help but pull the collar and feel that he is loose. Tone.

However, Malang did not forget that he was still on the battlefield. He successively launched the majorus cannon and used the sword of Idian. The energy reserve of the Burning Legion was also consumed to a certain extent. In a short time, the macros could not be released again. Use the sword of Idian.

Malang looked at several people in the area below the bridge: "How about the energy situation, calculate the remaining number of remaining enemy."

Bobby is operating the steering wheel, Billy, Moses, and El Elf are driving the body. The rest of the original bridge can only be Malang, Shirley and the swordsman who came in. However, in fact, there are not only a few people in the bridge. The two same families of Nalo are temporarily placed in the bridge and act as bridge personnel because they are not suitable for combat and have no exclusive warships.

Moreover, there is superai artificial intelligence to assist, even if only two people can easily operate and control the ship.

The people in the bridge did not speak, but in the ear of Malang there was a feminine voice: "Captain Malang, the current reserve energy consumption rate is more than 34 percent, of which the energy of Idian's sword is energy-consuming. More than 25%, it takes two hours to fully recover in a non-wartime state. Under the premise of ensuring firepower, output, and propulsion under combat conditions, the recovery time takes twelve hours, according to calculations, in our attack. After that, the remaining number of beta will be less than 100 million, more than 70 million, and the specific data needs to be completed after the end of the med warhead impact."

"Know it." Malang nodded and opened the communication to Xiaoran and other a-level pilots: "Almost wiped out more than two-thirds of the target. For the next battle, the warship can't give more. With the help of firepower, the rest can only see you."

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