Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 1998: Damn

Xiao Ran’s eyes and masks determined that he could not enter the institute in the form of disguise. It also added difficulty to Xiao Ran’s sneak peek, but Xiao Ran had a simpler way to enter the institute.

After the night began to fall, Xiao Ran quit his place and began to move forward toward the road with ghost speed. After waiting for a long time, he jumped on a joint truck that was going to Rodria and used it directly. After the power forced the driver to control the unimpeded all the way, he entered it.

In the face of that layer of inspection, Xiao Ran needs to do is to use his own ability to hypnotize, but hypnosis rather than control will not bring too much pressure on Xiao Ran, and hypnosis is only a moment. The purpose is to let the other party ignore him.

In this way, he entered the Roddrian Institute, where the internal guards are more rigorous. It is a three-step, five-step, one-out whistle. Although it is a research institute, it is like a super-super prison with extreme security. In addition to the soldiers patrolling with guns everywhere, there is no way to see any extra people walking around.

After looking at the time, Xiao Ran gently opened the door, and the figure suddenly smashed out of the car and quickly disappeared into the shadow brought by the night. He chose a direction and started to move fast, but just went out. Far away, Xiao Ran heard a series of footsteps coming in his direction, slightly frowning and frowning quickly and hiding behind a pillar.

As the footsteps approached, Xiao Ran also saw the group of people who came over. Under the promotion and leadership of a group of soldiers, several children dressed like prisoners were unable to move forward with handcuffs and heavy feet. The ankles, there are many traces of blood that seem to be whipped.

And among these children, there are still some children who are carrying stretchers. These stretchers are not covered with white cloth, or children who lay their eyes open but have no way to act, regardless of how painful the wound is. How many, these children did not make a small sound, the expression on their faces are all a bit of wood and sluggish.

"Call..." Xiao Ran exhaled a sigh of relief. Without impulsiveness, he directly solved the joint soldiers who were indifferent and smiling on their faces. Instead, they followed the soldiers and children behind them, but they did not I think that the direction in which these soldiers and children are heading is the one that he has just come over.

The fate of this group of children is also clear. It is simply the waste that the institute has treated as a waste product to be disposed of or will be disposed of. Xiao Ran took a deep breath and flashed a fierce killing in his eyes. .

In the mask's eyes, the blue light was shining, and the left hand suddenly squeezed. The soldiers who were preparing to beat or dispose of the waste were all stiffened, and all were directly controlled by Xiao Ran with powerful thoughts. All their actions, except for the incredible horror in their eyes, could not even be heard.

In the next second, Xiao Ran’s right hand grasped the dagger and swiftly swept from the necks of these soldiers. All the soldiers were solved in less than a minute before and after, and the children faced this side. The change was just that the eyes flashed twice and there was no other reaction.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Ran was also sour in his heart. He bit his teeth and quickly dropped all the dead soldiers who had died to the underside of the truck. They pointed at the group of children and pointed to the open door of the carriage. : "It's okay, it's okay, you are all safe. You won't have such a thing happening to you in the future. I will save you. I will never let you suffer such pain anymore."

Xiao Ran said, the blue and gold light that shines in his eyes did not dissipate. Instead, he used the power of the mind and the power of the changer to appease the children's already riddled hearts.

With Xiaoran’s seemingly full of magical sounds, the children’s expressions finally had some fluctuations and changes, and sadness and pain slowly emerged, but in the eyes of Xiaoran, a kind of hope was gradually emerged. thing.

One of the older children nodded and quickly climbed into the compartment with the other children, especially a little girl who may be only eleven or two years old, while pulling through Xiaoran. Living in Xiao Ran seems to be afraid of giving Xiao Ran’s hand the same fearful expression and hopeful look, and let Xiao Ran’s heart stunned.

"Don't... don't... abandon..."

"No, absolutely not." Xiao Ran directly hugged the little girl, reached out under the other's fearful eyes and gently touched the other's dirty head, whispering to the smile: " I will not abandon you, wait for me inside, I will save all others."

"There..." The little girl reached out in one direction and looked at Xiaoran with hope: "They are all over there."

"Well, I know, I must wait inside for you, no matter what happens, I will never come out." Xiao Ran nodded and handed the little girl to the car and then closed the car door. Up until this time, Xiao Ran began to gasp with a big mouth.

As a person who is about to become a father, or who already has a child who is not his own child, but who regards himself as a father, at this time, seeing the appearance and condition of these children, Xiaoran’s heart is also tightly tied together. The anger and the killings could not be suppressed from the heart.

Using a blood-stained hand to take out the communicator from his arms, Xiao Ran asked the communicator to suppress the angry mouth: "Flying eagle, where?"

"Adult, your voice seems to be a little wrong..." The Flying Eagle silenced and said: "The fog and thunder and the purple heresy are already nearby. I am near, need to launch an attack now."

"Don't wait, let them act, right away."


Xiao Ran hangs up the communication and looks up at the direction outside the institute. A green spot suddenly appears in the sky, and then the expansion of the green beam approaches the direction of the institute at a very horrible speed, and then Ten defensive warheads were released from the outer defensive positions.

At the same time, the black fog and thunder and purple heresy suddenly appeared from the night, with the flying eagle suddenly brought countless explosions and destruction, and Xiao Ran turned and took the weapon from the back, directly rushed to the little girl The direction of pointing.

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