Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2010: Change of the situation (for the book friend sasese reward plus more)

After Xiaoran entered the room, Laxie and Stella also stopped their games. Stella once again rushed into Xiaoran’s arms toward Xiaoran, and Lax stood up and held both hands in front. Xiaoran smiled slightly.

After taking a picture of Stella who got into her arms, Xiao Ran nodded to Lax's head: "Trouble you to take care of Stella's Lax."

Laksh shook his head and said with a gentle glance at Stella. "It doesn't matter. I feel very happy to play with Stella."

After listening to Laksi, Xiao Ran just smiled and said nothing. Why did Laksh come to accompany Stella to play, Xiaoran is very clear, it is not really fun and boring.

When Xiao Ran sat down with Shi Lala, Lax also sat down and looked at Xiao Ran and asked: "The battle is over, isn't it hurting?"

"Someone has suffered some minor injuries that are irrelevant. It can be raised in a few days without any major problems." Xiaoran shook his head and said: "But I really hope that they can be injured in the battle, so that they can make them hurt. The memory is deeper, and it’s not a good thing to go all the way.”

Lax’s silence after listening to Xiao Ran’s words, but in the end, just gently nodded and smiled and transferred the topic: “After you came back, Captain Hu Luo informed me that you also captured a prisoner, who is exactly the same as human beings. Aliens?"

Having said that, Lax looked at Stella, who was in a daze with Xiaoran, and asked: "Is the alien you met like this?"

Xiao Ran shook his head and said: "Not exactly, there are many races of aliens, I have seen cats and ears, rabbit ears, and I have seen them. There is also a race. Their lives are very short. When people are in their twenties, Even if they have entered the leap year, they are similar to human beings, but they have a special emotional organ on their heads. When they are happy and sad, the emotional organs will emit different light."

"But most of the alien races I have seen have similar appearances to our human beings. Even if they are exactly the same, they have to admit the mystery of the universe, even if they live in different places and environments. The difference between everyone is not so big, there may be a creator's existence before it is far and far."

"Yes." Lax said with a sullen look in his hands: "It really seems to be going to see the colorful world."

Xiaoran heard the words of Lax's words, and turned to look at the sly Lax, and just laughed and slammed the subject.

After playing for a while with Lax and Stella, Laks felt a little sleepy and left Xiaoran’s room. He left Orr and Sting, who didn’t know where to go, and returned after Lax’s departure. By the time I waited for almost two hours, Xiao Ran left the three children in the room and once again entered the conference room.

This time, entering the conference room is not a military conference. Instead, it educates and criticizes everyone who has just participated in the battle. At the same time, Xiao Ran also pointed out the problems and deficiencies in the battle. All the warships of the two warships The famous pilot was as quiet and serious as listening to the words that Xiao Ran said in class.

Because the earth suddenly had the relationship of alien forces, the two warships, which were originally intended to return to the universe, were temporarily left on the earth to prevent the alien forces from reappearing, and stayed for almost a week. It’s a pity that there is no waiting for spt to reappear, but there have been many large-scale locust attacks on the world, and the joint, Obu, zaft-controlled areas, and other neutral areas have suffered a lot. influences.

The death number and the war number, all that can be done is to send two small teams to the nearest place to eliminate the locusts that suddenly emerged.

As for the captive, after Xiao Ran threw him to the people on the war, he did not take long to die, and he could not get any news from the mouth of this prisoner, even if Xiao Ran faced a dead person. There is no way to communicate, only a sigh of a big idea, I know that this situation is 100% will force the prisoner to hypnotize, as much as possible from the other side to get information about the Gulates army.

In terms of zaft, Xiao Ran made a special trip to send Falcon to inform Patrick to let him shrink his strength. Before Patrick really made up his mind to follow Xiaoran’s suggestion, there was a big attack on the earth by the locusts, although this time there was no spt. But it also brought more or less trouble to the zaft aspect.

With the increase in the frequency of these locusts, Patrick finally made up his mind to order all the zaft forces inside the earth to begin to contract forces, and the joint side was innocent in such a stage to **** back the zaft army's abandoned site.

With so many locusts appearing, some people speculate that because of the action of Xiaoran, which is also an unknown force, the revenge caused by the other party, at least the union thinks so, Patrick thinks so, Askha thinks so too, also The ability to change direction shows that the alien forces are not holding the goodwill of the earth.

Zaft began to shrink the force and was only responsible for maintaining order in the area under his control. However, although the joint strength is insufficient but the quality is insufficient, the same choice can be made with zaft. The overall strength of Aobu is weak, and it is not appropriate to maintain its own stability. This kind of snow in front of each sweeping door has been maintained for a whole month.

This has bitterly stunned their troops, which had already dealt with the joint and alien targets, starting from the second week, except for the two teams of the Apocalypse, which were sent by the Falcons and zaft. The other two warships are also descending on the earth by Xiao Ran’s command.

At the same time, the four affiliated warships, including the War No. and Death, were also sent to different regions by Xiaoran. Especially in the vicinity of the neutral regions, there were almost daily attacks in a month, including Xiaoran itself. However, Xiao Ran keeps acting alone. After going to an area, he will kill the locusts that appear there, or return to another place.

The existence of the Apocalypse troops was also exposed. Although the name of the Apocalypse was not exposed, the relationship between the Apocalypse was not exposed, but with the increase in the number of attacks, the whole world also knew this mysterious force dedicated to fighting aliens. The existence of the United Party is even more in the way of trying to contact the Apocalypse forces. It is hoped that the Apocalypse troops can be included in their majesty. The purpose is nothing but to solve the current difficulties and then deal with the zaft. However, such a joint plan is estimated to be only Think about it in your dreams.

Originally thought that the situation would continue to stalemate for a while, but did not expect a bigger change to fall on the earth.

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