Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2014: Sneak start (for book friends ☆ fallen の angel plus 1/2)

Xiao Ran, who left the Klein House and got on the bus, gently stunned his head and began to think about the feasibility of turning the world into a territory. However, because he had not really tried this before in the war v, Xiao Ran can now Only do as much as possible to get the ultimate mission card in your hands. .

However, once the world can be turned into a camp territory, this camp territory will also be a territory that will be closed forever except for Xiao Ran. Apart from his freedom to enter and exit, there will be no other People can enter this territory.

After coming out of the mansion, Xiao Ran was directly sent to the port by the people arranged by Siegel. The assassination troops of several teams have been waiting in the military port. They will take the zaft camouflage ship near the moon, and as the escort, they only fly. The eagle has only one body, and the giant whale that has not been seen for a long time will continue to be in the state of plant standby.

However, the speed of riding a camouflage ship is naturally not too fast. It took a full five days to arrive at the moon from the plant without hesitation. Before the moon has entered the city, Xiao Ran and several groups of dozens of assassination troops The members were replaced with weapons and armed with weapons. Under the cover of the flying eagle, they fell on the moon with a small propeller device.

And because there may be someone to guard the relationship into the channel of Freedom, the next nearly two or three hours of time, all of the members of the assassination force will continue to slowly move toward the surface of the moon. The passages in the passage are close.

In the first thing that landed on the ground, Xiao Ran and the members of the entire assassination force used ropes to tie several small people with propulsion devices attached to the eagle, hanging in close proximity to the eagle. Sitting on it, the crowd is crowded, but this is not a problem for members of the assassination unit.

Although Xiao Ran can enter the cockpit of the Eagle, he did not do so, but with other people through the invisible eagle slowly approaching the channel of Free.

With the boring refueling time, a huge crack appeared in front of Xiao Ran and others. While the Eagle began to detect the surrounding situation, the pedestrian also jumped from the small man propulsion device. I started to have some stiff body with the shadow of the flying eagle.

"Adults, nothing has been detected. According to the layout of the Freeway, we need to drop a distance before we can find Free's defenses and garrisons."

"Understand." Xiaoran nodded and switched the communication channel. He said, "I will sneak in after checking the weapons."

"To understanding."

The zaft assassination troops are all composed of special soldiers of elite adjusters. The overall strength is not bad. The reason why the assassination of Lax is in the seed-d is not successful, even one person has not killed. The situation is actually caused by many reasons. It cannot be removed from the role played by the protagonist.

The skills of this group of people are very skilled, and they act very quickly. They quickly entered the huge crack in front by the shadows. At the same time, the Falcons also kept the mirage open and slowly descended. They also sent them to Xiao Ran. Any unexpected situation that may occur.

After a long period of continuous decline, Xiao Ran suddenly raised his hand and stopped the action. The members of the assassination unit who saw Xiaoran’s movement quickly stopped their movements and quickly began to hide, just two hundred below them. Around the meter's position, Free's external defense measures have emerged, but more are monitoring monitors.

"Flying Eagles, dealing with those monitors and external defenses."

"Understand." As Xiaoran's dedicated battle super ai, but also the mad squad sneak into the role, the head after the fit, the eagle itself has a lot of unique features, black out a few Free's camera is not a problem at all. What's more, in the Eagle's database, it has all the information about Freedom's defense.

Or it is not black at all, but to find a way to open the door directly with a key.

In less than thirty seconds, the voice of the flying eagle sounded in Xiaoran's ear: "From now on, you have 90 seconds of time, and all the monitoring outside will not appear."

Xiao Ran nodded, raised his hand and made a ninety-second movement, and quickly began to jump along the trails and bulges at the edge of the rock wall, and with the propulsion of the battle suit behind him, he approached the rock wall. A gap.

In less than ninety seconds, all the members of the assassination troops all appeared behind Xiao Ran, and together with Xiao Ran walked into this seemingly deep tunnel.

"Adult, next I will assist you outside, the monitors in the tunnel have been recorded to you, but I have already controlled the surveillance screen, the time has been determined, now is the normal rest time of Free, and at most one and a half Hours will enter normal working hours."

Xiao Ran nodded and erected a thumb toward the position of a monitor, and quickly walked forward with a pedestrian, and soon appeared in front of a circular door with a diameter of five or six meters.

Although these assassination troops have come to know that there are a group of aliens living inside the moon in the past few days, but when they saw the gate of this technological creation in the tunnel, they couldn’t help but feel turbulent.

Nothing was done with Xiao Ran at all. The front door was automatically opened under the control of the flying eagle. The pedestrians rushed directly into the first access passage that they faced inside the Fry.

On the way, Xiao Ran gave these people a detailed explanation of the structure and condition of the Moon Fry. It is very natural for these people to understand that the door behind them is closed and the space is filled with enough air for them to breathe. Everyone quickly took off the battle suit worn by the body, revealing the usual uniform of the Fri system.

Although these people from outside are just strange faces to everyone inside Fri, the Fri uniforms worn on them can interfere with the defenses inside Fri, and can also be assassinated. The troops have won more reaction time, even if this time is only one second. It is enough for the elites of the assassination force to pull out their weapons and launch an anesthetic ammunition that is enough for them to sleep directly.

After the second door was opened, dozens of people were scattered directly. A small group of people followed Xiao and then went directly to the core area where Shana Mia was located, while others were going to control the general control room. As long as you can control the general control room, it will be much easier to do whatever you want.

It’s impossible for the people of the moon to know that a group of outsiders have sneaked into their country, and they have entered their core areas with little effort. The defense forces have nothing to do in the interior, except for important areas that are guarded. I can hardly see any figures.

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