Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2028: Ready to fight

Xiao Ran let Shana Mia speak to the earth and gave them three days to let them out of the moon. Of course, Xiao Ran knows that it is absolutely impossible for the union to leave the moon as easily as Shana Mia said.

The reason why Shana Mia came out is because the appearance of Shana Mia is more deceptive and affable. The kind of soft and soft look can definitely make a little fanaticism on the earth. After all, it is a beauty and a princess. Look, appearance and identity will also get more good feelings, of course, this is mostly for men, but the appearance of Shana Mia will really make people feel that Fri's attitude will be milder.

If I change to Xiaoran’s own appearance, I’m sure I haven’t said it, but it will give the outside world a too strong attitude. Then I want to fight for the goodwill of other forces besides the United Nations, including civilians. Good feelings are not as easy as Shana Mia.

After all, if Free's identity stands out, then Xiaoran is completely ‘outsiders’ for the Earth, and it is very common for non-ethnic people to have such a thing in which world.

The three-day all-nighter also made the joint side begin to prepare for the war. A series of actions is not only to strengthen the defense of the lunar base, but also to operate the paradox of the earth. The same Fry side is also ready to fight. It also makes more and more of the Free body appear in front of the public.

However, Xiao Ran did not have the time to manage the federation. The operation of the Fry side was completely handled by Fu Lu. He himself focused on the current slaughter of the Fry, and examined these slaughters. Ability.

A few days later, Xiao Ran found that these slaughterers of Freed did not seem to be nothing, perhaps because of the relationship that Gurrand had in the past, these slaughters were not of much use in Freedom, and they had no power and no power. That's the little thing that's trivial.

After knowing this, Xiao Ran quickly placed these slaughters in place, and these should have been assisted by Shana Mia to control the heavy power of the weak squad to the corresponding position, which greatly eased the upper and lower The structural problems, and then if Xiaoran left Free, Fulu can help these guys by assisting him beside Shana Mia.

At the end of the three-day period, Xiaoran’s work on Xiao’s work was similar, and he took up various observations and analysis reports on the moon.

Today's moon is not only the joint military's lunar military base, but also the important cities such as the moon city Copernicus and the Nigarian heavy industry. Many heavy industry companies have actually established their own strongholds on the moon, some sciences. The research project also has laboratories on the moon, and there are quite a few corporate organizations in the total, but these are almost all built around the moon city Copernicus, and the military base of the United Army is instead a brother. The city of Benny is a little farther away.

Xiao Ran’s goal is to win the joint military base and get control of the moon city Copernicus. The same heavy industry companies, including Nigel Heavy Industries, which have good manufacturing capabilities, will not let go. These companies and factories can Greatly increase the logistics power of Free.

But if you choose to cooperate, whether it is occupation, or borrowing Xiaoran, you must carefully consider the choice. For those institutions that are attached to the alliance and thoroughly and united together, Xiaoran’s choice is directly won, and those ordinary, The position and the union are only business relations, or they have nothing to do with the alliance. Xiao Ran’s choice is to convince them to cooperate with Freedom. If they can’t, they can only borrow it forcibly, until they have completely solved the alliance. Returning.

As for Nigar's heavy work, which has a pivotal position on the earth, Xiao Ran's idea is cooperation, but Xiaoran, who can't cooperate, will not watch Nigar's heavy work under his own eyes for the joint manufacture of military weapons. Occupation has become an alternative option.

Numerous companies in the heavy industry, for other companies to rework things can wait until the joint military lunar base to solve the problem after the contact, but the most powerful Nigal heavy work really must be resolved before the war.

After all, Nigar Heavy Industries has the ability to create the Fuzi number and many summer flowers. Although Xiaoran is not very hostile to Nigar’s heavy work itself, he does not want Nigar’s heavy work to be inserted from behind when he is targeting the joint lunar military base. Or it is a direct assistance to the United States. In this case, Xiao Ran will definitely attack the heavy work of Nicar, and once it is done, there will not be much cooperation between the two parties.

At least this time on the action of the joint military lunar base, Xiao Ran did not want to see any support from Nikar Heavy Industries. After thinking about it silently, Xiao Ran picked up the phone on the table and contacted Fu Lu for the first time.

After the connection of Fu Lu, Xiao Ran said: "How long is the deadline?"

Fu Lu heard the question of Xiao Ran after two seconds to answer, perhaps also looking at the specific time: "The distance is less than ten hours from 72 hours, and all the preparations for the battle that has already been done there, the fleet has already All gathered on the lunar orbit."

Xiao Ran said: "Is it ten hours, but in other words, it is also the third day, is it not? Go, send some troops to the position of Nigar's heavy industry, and force the factory of Nigar's heavy industry to warn them not to Allow any assistance to the union, otherwise they will be considered as a side of the joint army to launch an attack."

When I heard Xiao Ran, Fu Lu also stunned, and then quickly said: "Adult, if you want to go through the defense line of the United Army, you may break out in advance."

Xiao Ran’s left hand gently tapped twice on the table: “Forget it, keep the current layout, my body is ready.”

Fu Lu said: "I am ready. I have re-prepared and modified the lord's lord left by Isaida. I have replaced the shield with the second AU rifle. At the same time, all the output power is adjusted to the maximum."

"Well, I am coming to the hangar right away."

"To understanding."

Xiao Ran hangs up the phone and walks out of the office to the hangar. When he arrives in front of the hangar, he sees that Fu Lu is waiting for him with two men and a woman dressed in two knights. It is not a real knight. It is just two quasi-knights under Fu Lu. After seeing Xiao Ran, he immediately bowed to Xiao Ran.

Xiao Ran nodded to the two young people and went to the hangar with Fu Lu. He also said to Fu Lu: "I will drive the Sovereign to the location of the Nigar Heavy Industry and warn them. I will leave. After that, I will hand it over to you, and I will not be able to use it once and for all."

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