Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2049: Voice

On the rear of the Apocalypse, all those who saw this scene in the current eyes could not help but stop the movements in their hands, even if the video of the Moon Base and the United World War had spread widely, and the body of Free was shot. The scene of tearing up the joint defense line, but also directly destroying many of the strengths of the United Army, is known to many people.

But when this scene appeared in front of them, so that they could see this scene with their own eyes, when the body that released this attack was more powerful than the clan, everything in front of it seemed to be in the universe. The lines of endless splitting and extension are all occupied.

A beam of light is scattered into innumerable beams. These scattered beams seem to have the same distorted turn after distraction and continue to shroud toward the combined fleet, just like fireworks, in the movement of those coalition forces. After the troops and the warships became the destination, countless splendid fireballs flashed in their eyes.

Even if these fireballs are almost fleeting, countless fireballs burst open, and countless fireballs show the eclipse-like gaps dissipated. This was originally a tragic scene for the United Army but in the eyes of the Apocalypse. It became beautiful and shocking.

Soon, all the smashing disappeared without a trace, leaving only the dying that still releases the gn particles that shrouded the entire heavenly pillars, standing in front of the celestial pillars of the heavens, scattered in all the fires. After that, the fleet of the Earth Army was also in front of the Imperial Pillar of Heaven, and there was almost no change in the number compared to the previous one.

However, none of these joint warships and the body can launch arbitrary attacks. The light released by the dawn is hit with the most incredible accuracy. The weapon hanging under the ma hits two. Side thruster.

Those summer flowers with obvious joint characteristics, all of them are bitten off their heads, or they lose their arm holding the weapon.

As for the warships, after the most important propellers and energy parts of the rear have been released, all the weapons that have emerged from the two hundred warships have disappeared at this time. Only the black smoke from the warships continues to be on these warships. Come out, even the other side of the bridge Xiaoran have all let go.

This battle, which seems to be inexplicable to all parties, ended in this inexplicable situation in which the union completely lost all its offensive capabilities, and the actual battle time was more than a minute.

The joint side without attacking ability can only watch the Apocalypse slowly approaching in their more than two hundred warships and countless ma, and the summer flowers are 'welcoming', and the body that only makes them lose their combat ability in an attack. Passing over them, stopping in front of the rear Orb fleet.

"Aub? Aub!? Aub..."

It was not until this time that I watched the Aub ship, which had not been damaged at all, and looked at the Orb fleet that did not launch any attack. Only after a pale reaction, I was not aware of the situation before, and I saw the situation by Aobu. After the notice of persuasion, he saw the dawn of lifting the gun again, and finally sat in his chair for a long time without a word.

Even if the commander did not give an order to surrender to the whole army, many warships took the initiative to send out the signalling of surrender. In this way, the Emperor of Heaven once again returned to the control of Abu, and the union of the Emperor of Heaven The army was also controlled by the army of Abu at the first time of the end of the battle, and it was impossible to make any movements in the pillars of heaven.

More than two hundred joint warships surrendered, even if Aubu is unwilling to fight with the real and the joint, but at least in the camp, Aub will be regarded as a party that is united with each other, and the strength of these two hundred warships. It is extremely difficult to rely on the power of the heavenly pillars.

And since the joints have been made, Asha will certainly not return the warships of these joint forces to the coalition. In order to ensure the safety of the pillars of the heavens, Aubu has finally officially put his ultimate weapons. It was unveiled, mainly based on the heresy series, with the g series of up to hundreds of ms, all of which were sent from the Aubean home to the Imperial Palace.

At the same time, I also thought that Tianzhiyuzhu transported a large amount of materials, and expanded the conventional military force of Tianzhizhu to supplement the warships and prisoners.

The Apocalypse battle represented Freedom, but in the end it was linked to Obu. This incident had a huge impact on the whole world after it spread out. The voices of the neutral countries behind Obu were It’s bigger, I don’t understand it at all. I don’t know when Obu and Fry were connected. Why have they been compromising with the threat of neutrality now, and then they have joined forces with Free.

But I didn't expect that such a voice only passed less than a day. The plant began to speak. It will accept and welcome the company to join the ranks of the big family in the circle of the earth. At the same time, it will cooperate with Free and officially launch the Earth. War threatening shape attack.

Under the guidance and deliberate exaggeration of the plant, the threats facing the earth's advanced world have been expanded many times. Although in Xiaoran's view, this expansion has multiplied many times and seems to be only the normal condition of the subsequent development of the earth, but in the plant's Under the guidance, the pro-plant force soon announced that the plant stood aside and welcomed Fry to join the Earth Circle.

It was not until this time that many people seemed to find that those other alien aggression forces were truly threatening compared to the United only for the United, and that since the advent of Fry, he has been sending troops to rescue each suffering. In places where the alien forces are invading and threatened the most, there have been no incidents involving other forces besides the coalition, and no circumstances have forced any civilians to do anything in the occupied territories.

And the civilians in the occupied area of ​​Freedom have never suffered from war or the threat of extraterrestrial forces after the emergence of Free, which has greatly increased the support of Free in the circle of the Earth.

After the same, Obu also spread their thoughts. In the attitude toward the United, Aub will maintain a consistent neutrality. The Emperor of Heaven has always been the inherent territory of Aub. This operation is only a recapture. The control of the Heavenly Pillars, whether in the past or in the future, will not be inserted into the battle between the coalition and other forces.

But also said that in order to deal with the threat of aliens, Aubu will also cooperate with Plant, and Free, to jointly send troops to solve the alien and other threats of the Earth.

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