Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2055: Kavina and Orfan (below)

(I saw the ball very late yesterday, I have been drinking very tired today, I originally wanted to rest and pull, the result is still updated, although it is too late, but the results of yesterday’s game was unexpected, but there is Croatia. It’s already customary to buy a flat time.

Everyday, Free is becoming more powerful. More and more people are awakened from the slumber, but as Xiaoran said, Cullan actually ruled Free for a long time. Cullanton has a lot of support in Freedom. Except for those who have been very obvious, the Cranton faction has been arrested. At present, the whole Fry really does not know how many people are still supporting Gulan in their hearts. The set of Dunton.

So those who wake up during the reign of Cullan are not available to everyone, and not everyone can be in the right place, but this group is the most for the current Fry. Those who know about the situation of Freedom and the Earth are also the core of Frei's real life. They are the ones most affected by Cullan, and they are the most capable ones.

Most of those who are sleeping are civilians, and people from all walks of life have their own, but the best arrangement for awakening is just to assign the corresponding place according to the strength of that person, to find a support for the levy. It takes a long time to carry out the cultivation of the pillars in it.

People who have the ability can't use it, people with potential need time to train, and in the face of the current situation, Free must practice the internal strength quickly, and Xiao Ran hopes to get out of the countless things as soon as possible. The right thing to do is to gather a group of trustworthy people from Freedom to take over more work, and then slowly change those who have been influenced by Cullan.

However, in the following conversation, Kavina did not clearly answer that Xiao Ran would join Fry, but said that he hoped to solve the doubts in his heart and then talk about it.

However, before Oro wrapped his wound into Xiaoran's office, Xiao Ran temporarily used another way to make Kavina a member of Free.

In the situation of hiring like the Fuzi, he hired Kavina to become the pilot of Free. Kavina did not choose to refuse. This kind of employment is not completely joined, as long as Kavina does not want to continue in Free. When she stays, she can leave her hands, instead of completely tying herself to Free.

After spending a lot of time, Ovan came to Xiaoran’s office with a bandaged wound. After explaining the current situation of the Earth to Xiaoran, he also officially proposed to Xiao Ran that the middle-level commander’s military strength was seriously insufficient. The situation, I hope Xiaoran can solve this problem.

But when it comes to this problem, Xiao Ran is also a headache. Xiao Ran is also very helpless. The development of Free is too fast, but it is actually because of the fact that there are still many alternates in the prison of Free. The Cavaliers, there are many, although lower than Orvan and Fulu, but also belong to other members of the Knights, and a large number of slaughter.

If all of them are released, it will be able to solve many of the problems of the current Frey, but these people have more or less been involved with Cullan, which is the one that Xiao Ran’s words have revealed and cannot be used. Batch of people.

Ovan also knows that it is indeed a bit difficult for him to raise this question now. However, according to the speed of development and the speed of expansion of the current, the problems faced by the military have already been resolved by Orvan. Moreover, Ovan also knows that although he is a knight, he is definitely not a qualified senior commander. He also wants to get rid of those cumbersome things.

Xiao Ran’s two rounds of walking back and forth in the office finally looked at Oran and asked: “Those who are locked up, how much you think can be used.”

"Insufficient one-third." Ovan also bowed his head, a bit of a hard-to-find feeling. "Those people are strong supporters of Cullan, even if one third of them need to use it." A lot of time for them to change their minds and to ensure their interests within Free."

Xiaoran sighed and said: "That is why you can't use it. The middle-level commander's affairs are discussed with Fulu, and the high-level command also needs to be supplemented. These people are promoted from the lower and existing middle levels. ”

Ovan looked up and looked at Xiao Ran and said, "But adults, if they are promoted from the middle level, those people are not quite capable."

"What can I do? The ability is to exercise. If you don't give them a chance, they will never grow." Xiao Ran waved his hand and said: "In fact, this thing should have been done long ago. I believe there are still many. People have the ability to become real high-level and middle-level personnel, but in your opinion, more people just do not reach the alternate knight, do not meet the requirements of the knight, personal strength is not enough."

"But what we need now is the commander. The commander with strategic vision and analysis of the battlefield situation does not have to fight at the forefront and the enemy. I know that the style of Free is the ability, as the commander. It should be fighting in the front line. Every knight is versatile. This style is very good, but it is necessary to make appropriate changes according to the current situation. It will be better to return to the original in the future."

"In the period of military changes, the joint offensive has slowed down a bit, but the extraterrestrial forces, especially the clear-cut beasts, must continue to persist until they are completely stabilized. You knights, and those who can use them. The Cavaliers must also use more thoughts at this stage to give them some experience in the classes that are promoted."

"I will also invite some instructors from Obu and zaft to help train the middle-level personnel. As for the seniors, you need to personally lead them. The two apprentices of Fulu, your apprentice can almost mention Come up, after this time I will ask the princess to officially give them the Knights."

There was some change in the expression on Oran’s face. He stood up and said to Xiao Ran: “Thanks to the adults for their appreciation of Zhuam.”

"Well, and zaft is also good. They said that they will slow down some offensives and stabilize the site that is now newly occupied. As for the joint side, I will solve it myself after I have taken the space. Otherwise, the last one in the union will be one." I still don't know how much damage will be brought to us. You can also tell zaft in this sentence."


Business screaming and I will be happy to pick up Kaffina to the friday. Some misunderstandings, especially for you, Ovan, I hope that you two will be able to talk about it after leaving from here, to get rid of those unnecessary misunderstandings, and to explain to Kavina about the real thoughts of Fry. ”


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Chapter 2055 Kavina and Orfan (below) (page 1/1)

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