Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2058: Agree to stay

(Closed tomorrow)

Seriously, I saw a circle in Xiaoran’s office. Lax wire turned and walked to Xiaoran’s front. The back of his hands leaned back and looked at Xiaoran: “This is your office, so luxurious.”

Xiao Ran looked at the office that was temporarily used by him, saying that luxury is totally unsurpassed, all kinds of luxury decorations, accessories, tables used, sofas, wines in wine cabinets and wine glasses made with crystals, etc. It is a luxury, and the carpet is also very expensive. It doesn't look like it is in the universe, especially the simple and practical office of a military base. There are too many irrelevant things.

After a laugh, Xiaoran said with a hand: "This office is not arranged by me. When I grabbed this base from the United Army, this office is like this. I will just use it. What do you think is inappropriate? ?"

In the wisdom of Lax, it is clear that this office was originally like this. When I heard Xiao Ran ask her what is wrong, she carefully looked at the decoration and layout of the entire office, but in the end it was shaking. He shook his head and said: "It is already very luxurious. As an office, there is nothing wrong with it except that it seems a little exaggerated."

After that, Lax looked at Xiao Ran again and said: "This office should be used by the co-head of the previous base. I saw the decoration of this office, I can already feel the corruption of the joint, right, you I haven't said anything about you to talk to me."

"Sit first." Xiao Ran raised his hand and sat down after Laksh sat down. Xiao Ran chose to sit next to Lax, and said to Lax, "It’s something about Fry, the development of Fry. The time is too fast for the internal management to keep up, the affairs of the moon, the affairs of the earth, and most of the whole of the whole thing are all on my shoulders."

"So I want to ask you to come over to Fry to help me, or I have been entangled in all kinds of things and there is really no way to do other things."

"You want me to come here to help you manage the things of Free?" Lax said after seeing Xiaoran, thoughtfully nodded and smiled at Xiaoran with a smile: "But now Isn't Fry under your management really good, this is to help your wife manage her country, you should feel very happy or very happy."

Xiao Ran’s brow picked and picked. He just wanted to speak but stopped. He suddenly said: “You thought I would say that this Shana Mia is not the Shana Mia, then you say that you are you, and have nothing to do with another Lax. What?"

Laksi saw Xiao Ran reacted, and he smiled at Xiao Ran with a slight smile. "I was seen by you."

"Lacks, I know what you think, but it is not appropriate now. If I accept you now but I will leave the world one day, it will not be of any benefit to you."

The smile on Lax's face disappeared, staring at Xiao Ran with a very serious expression: "If you can't leave the world anymore, or when you left the world, what day did you return to the world?" ?"

"Lacks, don't cover me." Xiao Ran shook his head at Lax, and reached out and tapped on Lax's head twice. "I came to the world is an accident, but I will definitely return. In my world, as for whether I can return to the world again, I don’t have much confidence."

Laksh intelligently heard the meaning of Xiao Ran's words, let Xiaoran's hand rest on his head, and looked at Xiaoran with a look of surprise: "You mean... are you looking for this possibility?"

"You can only say that you do your best." Xiao Ran stood up and said to Laksh: "No matter what Lax, I can't guarantee anything to you, even I never thought about how to deal with your present and my. Some unsuitable relationships."

"I know." Lak's mouth curled up and stood up. He walked up to the back of Xiaoran's desk. After sitting on Xiaoran's chair, he looked around and said, "I don't want the wine cabinet." I don't want a set of sofa tables. It looks too old and cumbersome. I like to be simple. I need a secretary desk. I have a guard room next door. This table and chair will be there, but I have a lot of Hello. There, I have to separate the special area for Haro, my room is next to your room."

Lax’s words clearly expressed her attitude, and Xiao Ran nodded and smiled: “Good.”

Lax promised to help Xiaoran deal with Free's affairs. Of course, Xiao Ran is very reassured. As for whether Lax’s report on the plant will not have much to do with it when dealing with these things, Because the real core of the Fry is definitely not going to be hand-drawn, Lax’s role is more to share the work of Xiao Ran, especially after controlling the moon, and at the same time responsible for some coordination work of the base. .

In the military and the core of Free's internal core, there will still be Fu Lu to deal with it. Xiao Ran is not completely free of hands, regardless of Free, but with the help of Lax, he can take more time to deal with other things, Shana. Mia also began to slowly take over Free's official duties until he became a qualified leader.

As for whether Lax’s ability is enough to accomplish these things, Xiao Ran does not have much worry. Lax has an excellent politician father. He is smart and precocious. In the plant and zaft, he has his own hands in it. There are many more in his hands. Followers, it is estimated that even Patrick and Siegel are not aware of how much influence Lax has in the plant and zaft.

Can this level of Lax, how can there be no wrists and ability to deal with the current Fri, which is important, not important, but not important to deal with the messy things.

Lax decided to stay and made Xiao Ran feel a lot easier. On the same day, he arranged the renovation work for the office. Xiao Ran gave his office to Lax, and re-selected a small one next to the office. Some office locations.

On the second day, Lax and the messenger of the plant went to the real Fry, and Lax, the plant's princess, also had the first time in the Chamber of the Fry and the Princess of Charmena. Meeting.

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