Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2074: Double arrow

"Well, I know."

"I didn't hide my body shape and went to North America. Well, there is no need to send someone to follow up."

"Well, pull people back, unless they contact you, or you don't have to take the initiative to contact them."

"Monitoring? No, they can't make any waves."

Xiao Ran hangs up the phone at hand. This is a call to someone who reported that Renard has been picked up on Earth and that there is a situation in Kowloon.

Waiting to hang up the phone, sitting in the room like a noble lady drinking coffee, Lak silk put down the cup in his hand and looked at Xiao Ran.

"Are you so much that you have spent so much time going to the Earth and amalgam to catch it back?"

"Because my purpose has been reached." Xiao Ran said to Lax's head and said: "The Kowloon will make a lot of noise inside the amalgam, and Leonard, I believe he will take advantage of this opportunity to smash. Amalgam materials that absorb the power of amalgam."

"Because of them, amalgam will definitely get into civil strife, and there will be no chance to go out of time in a short period of time. As for the two people who have scraped the power of amalgam, the first thing they will do is Will contact me, I have what they need in my hands."

Lax shook his head: "I don't understand, even the people who monitor it are not arranged. How do you know that they will do that? Do you believe them?"

"Because of strength." Xiao Ran smiled slightly and said: "I have the power they need in their hands. They don't dare to act rashly without real mastering the power, and in order to gain more freedom and support in a short time, they are sure. I will be obedient to help us deal with the alliance."

The power that Xiao Ran said is to look at Leonard’s new as-tech for a few days. It’s impossible for Leonard to write down all the techniques for a few days, but it’s more or less sure to remember. A lot of things.

After the aramid scraping, Leonard’s first thing to do is to develop the new type of ass, which can not be done in a short time. Once developed as and Xiao Ran give him the as performance in the data. If it doesn't match or the gap is too big, the smart Leonard will never drive such a semi-finished product to jump out and Xiaoran.

Even for more complete information, in order to know more about the other world, Leonard even did not think that he would have to live in peace with Xiao Ran.

It’s much simpler on the Kowloon side, because the purpose of Kowloon is very simple. The things he clings to are not as complicated as Leonard’s. He can cure his illness and let Xiao Ran control him a little. Showing the power to make Kowloon fully look up, it will be obvious that Kowloon is a strong mercenary.

With a certain amount of strength, Kowloon will be more obedient than Leonard, and once it is time to know that Leonard is developing a new body, and the technology is provided by Xiao Ran, in order to get this more powerful force, Kowloon is also the same. Will stand by Xiao Ran.

As long as Xiao Ran is willing to go to Kowloon to go crazy and complete his chance to obey, this guy will become a mad dog who only listens to Xiaoran’s orders, and whoever bites who bites, and that day, if Kowloon is really crazy, Xiaoran can’t take him. Solved it is.

What's more, Xiao Ran's handing over the information of As to Renard is not really good. If Renard feels that he has the power, he has the qualification to be an enemy of Xiaoran. Xiaoran can't help Leonard. With Kowloon going crazy together, even Xiao Ran will give some help on their own initiative, so that they can create a super-system that can play the real a-class body performance, so that Xiaoran has two more. Acting as the target of the mission.

So no matter how Leonard and Kowloon choose, they can't escape Xiaoran's arrangement and calculation. The way to deal with amalgam is a good thing.

Laksi didn't know the calculations in Xiaoran's mind, but he could feel that Xiao Ran had already planned a lot of things. He nodded and did not continue the topic. Instead, he said: "Tomorrow will start fighting against the joints. We also It has already received news that the coalition forces have begun to actively prepare for war, and the cosmic army has begun to assemble."

“Is the information leaked?” Xiao Ran sighed and said: “It’s not zaft or Obu. Please take a look at the mouse and take the battle arrangement according to the original plan.”

"I will join in the battle that will begin tomorrow. The whales and the flying eagle will also join the battle. The cosmic fleet of the United Army is not worth mentioning. I will also lower the earth and attack the joint air defense forces. Combining that strength can't be a coalition against Fri and Zaft."

"It’s just that the defense forces on the moon’s side will be compressed to a very low level. When they join together, they will not dare to attack this base, but they cannot rule out whether they have bought someone who hijacks important people in the base. You Be careful here, I suggest that you should not step out of the area before the end of the war."

Laksh Yanyan smiled at Xiao Ran and focused on it: "I understand."

Xiao Ran thought about it and said: "The safest way, I think you will return to Freedom with Shana Mia. After all, even if the United did not send people to attack, other forces will not miss this opportunity. If you have a free, you don't have to worry about these threats."

"Go to Fry?" Lax looked at Xiao Ran. In order to make Xiao Ran feel at ease, he said: "Well, I didn't have a good time to visit before I went to Fry. This time I must let Princess Xia Mia take me well. Visit to visit Fry."

"Yeah." Xiaoran nodded and looked at the time. He stood up and said to Laksh: "The time is almost the same. Let's go, I will set off after you and Shana Mia are sent back."

Lax stood up and followed his own skirt. After Xiaoran, he walked out of the new office for Xiaoran and found Xia Mia. Xiaoran personally sent Xia Mia and Laxish back to Fry and handed it to Fu. In the hands of the Luna, the Moon Base is temporarily hosted by Xiao Ran’s secretary.

When Xiao Ran came out of Free, a huge warship with a strange shape was slowly entering the port of the lunar base. It was Xiaoran’s revelation to replenish the base’s defense force’s Tianqi, carrying the most original combat power. Moon base.

As for the Fuzi, continue to stay with the Earth and the Son of Danu.

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