Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2091: Master show

The man came from a man with a big back with sunglasses and a big brother in a windbreaker. Although only one person came, he showed a thousand-million-acre posture (to pay tribute to Xiaoma Ge, Huang Runfa).

The East was undefeated and held hands, and a pair of eyes stared at the eagle as the eagle, until Huang Runfa walked up to his front, and the East was unbeaten to gently squeeze the jaw, and leisurely said: "You are here."

Xiaoma Ge Huangrun put his hands in his trousers pocket and nodded slightly: "I am coming."

The East sighed unbeaten: "You should not come."

Huang Run’s evil thoughts smiled: “But I am still here.”

The East is unbeaten and the left hand is raised: "If you are here, don't leave."

"I want to go, you can't stop me." Huang Runfa shook his head slightly, his eyes staring at the East unbeaten: "I know that you are not a reliable person, do you think I have not guarded you?"

The East is unbeaten and shakes his head: "That is just for you, because I never thought about helping you reach the ambition to rule the earth. Now no matter what kind of defense you are making, it is useless. Today you must die here. ”

"For this earth, for this world, the devil must be destroyed!"

The two stood face to face, as if the base had been whipped up by the momentum of the two, and the eyes of the two collided as if they were in the air.

In fact, this is a very exaggerated description. Although the process is not much different, the two people talked a few times and turned into a black shadow that was difficult to capture by the naked eye.

All the collisions of one punch and one foot will create a very harsh sound inside the base, and attack the Huang Runfa with the undefeated strength of the East. This guy with the same shape as Xiaomao can barely keep up with the undefeated in the East. The action, with the speed of ghosts, resists the undefeated attack of the East, and can catch the attack and fight back.

Unbeaten in the East is also a bit surprised that Huang Runfa can keep up with his own actions, but the expression on his face has not changed, but the speed and strength have skyrocketed, and it has risen to the extent that Huang Runfa can't keep up, and then punches. Bounced on the face of Huang Runfa.

The unbeaten fist of the East hit the face of Huang Runfa, and it would sound like a big bang of steel collision. Huang Runfa was defeated by the East in a boxing. He slammed into the ground and flew for dozens of meters. The ground was even more Huang Runfa’s body pulled out a long crack, and the cracked stones on the floor flew out until it popped up and slowly stopped.

If it is changed to an ordinary person who is unbeaten in the East, it is estimated that it has already died. But Huang Runfa slowly stood up and slowly propped himself with the thighs and hands that had become distorted. Stand up.

One of the body has become ruined, and the right face is completely sunken. The skin is invisible in many places, but Huang Runfa does not leave a drop of blood at all. Some are just special substances like bright silver metal. As a grid, it is divided into his whole body.

The East unbeaten and blinked, once again made a start-up look to the other side of Huang Runfa, said with a deep voice: "Sure enough, you have been completely infected by dg cells, now you are not worthy It is human."

"Hahaha, it's not that humans have anything bad. It's not good to get this kind of powerful body and strength." Huang Runfa heard the unbeaten in the East, hahaha laughed and twisted his neck and moved his hands. The whole body, including the clothes he wore, all recovered to the best condition.

Pinch the fist, Huang Runfa said with a touch of madness to the East unbeaten: "Look, this is the most perfect body, this is the most perfect force, will not hurt or die, this is able to Rule the perfect existence of the world!"

"The East is unbeaten! I have already guessed that you will betray me. Since you were mixed with the Apocalypse, I expected that there would be such a day, but I did not expect that the day would come so fast."

"I have been paying attention to you. When I knew that you would come back with that Frey alien, I made up my mind to make myself like this, but I don't regret it, I can get this perfect power. Only excitement and excitement, the East is unbeaten. The person who made me look like this is actually you. It is the real traitor of this earth that you become an alien walking dog."

Unbeaten in the East, Huang Runfa’s words shook his head and said: “Evil is only evil, justice is only justice. When you take the initiative to let yourself infect dg cells, you have become evil and have changed. It became a scorpion of the devil, and even if the people are aliens, they can make the earth more beautiful than you."

"Don't say more, take my last move and then take your wild vision and disappear into the world forever!"

"Genre ~ East is unbeaten!" The East is undefeated and roaring to the hungry Huang Runfa, and a golden light shines on the body. The body will become a golden Xiaoran and saw a lot, but use its own ability to express human qualifications. The power of this horror is really the first time I saw it.

Xiao Ran has been paying attention to all the situations in this base. In fact, the entire base has long been occupied by the dawning gn particles, which allows him to clearly understand what happened in the base. Originally, Xiao Ran also wanted to make use of gn particles directly. Numerous beams of light sent Huang Run to obliterate, but when they saw the undefeated in the East, they had this degree of eruption, and they stopped to stand on the sidelines.

Xiao Ran has a feeling that in this state, the East is unbeaten, even if it does not drive the body to fight, it also definitely broke out the strength of the b-class body, and the body broke out with the strength of the b-class body and the body to fight, such people No one else can do anything except the East is unbeaten, even if it is more than impossible.

The cloth wrapped around the waist was unbeaten out of the East. Although it was only a fragile strip, it was tougher than the most advanced alloy in the unbeaten hands of the East, and softer than the slow flowing water. After tying up Huang Runfa, who had not been able to reflect it at all, he fluttered uncontrollably and flew to the undefeated direction of the East.

"First is the darkness!"

The East is undefeated, and the golden body stretches out its right hand and goes straight to the head of Huang Runfa. The black-haired finger even swallows the golden light of the unbeaten in the moment, and encounters the head of Huang Runfa. It was like a black hole that swallowed up half of Huang Runfa’s head.

"Drunk dance, reappearing rivers and lakes!"

The East is unbeaten to the tip of the toes, gently smashing Huang Run to the body, and the body has created countless drunken fists that attacked Huang Runfa. At that moment, countless attacks fell on Huang Runfa's body.

"Next! Come back to the mountain and laugh!"

"Twelve kings big wheel!"

"The last stone is amazing!"

"The evil spirits, dissipated in the world!"

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