Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2105: Enemy enemy

Two hundred ultra-small **** rushed from all directions to the collapsed manor that was burning with flames. With the enormous power of the robot, the debris of the building was opened, and all those who were buried but still alive were all smashed out. Then one by one, from the beginning to the end did not think about letting a person leave safely from here.

More than two hundred ultra-small **** are enough to completely enclose the entire ruin. As built-in life detection and other recognition programs can also find out all the people who are still alive, looking at those who are coma, or mourning or The people who cried and screamed, Leonard’s expression and mood did not change at all because of the death of these people.

Keeping the kind of light smile that has nothing to do with it, said softly: "This is the gift I gave you, but you are the gift I gave him, and I got the most suitable gift on both sides, so how good."


When Leonard suddenly scorned, he saw two of the screen jumping out of the ruins of the ruins. One of them directly smashed the head of one **** with a weapon, while the other smashed another ass. Standing unsteadily, and then squatting into the back of his hands, he stuck his head and tried to twist.

"Under the chase of the small ass, it didn't die, it was a bit of strength." Leonard reached out and lifted his left hand to look at the information on the watch. The corner of his mouth tilted slightly and said to himself: "But with me. I still think that there is a little bit of difference. I thought that you can do a lot. Oh, these small **** are not the kind of inferior products."

"Well... it turns out that the internal program disorder caused the crash, is it because of the vibrational relationship? Where is the problem?"

Quincy Isa, who jumped out of the gun, at this time, Quincy Isa, in addition to the clothes that looked a bit ruined, had no other problems, but jumped out of the ruins and shot the plane. The **** that she had dug out of the ruins was about to fire continuously, but the final result was indeed blown up. The head of the **** was not affected by other influences except the layer of armor that was blown up on the surface. .

The blasting of the gun directly led to the collapse of the flesh and blood of Quincy Isa, and the pain was not completely removed from the throat, and the neck was directly grasped by the as.

On the other hand, climbing is trying to twist the head of another as with his hands. It is very strange that the climbing is very powerful, but the head of the as is light and fluttering like a little effort. When I came over, I tried to use my wrong resistance to climb my hand. I saw that the robot eyes that had been turned around braved red light, and my arms instantly turned into boneless snakes, and I was bound by death. His body.

Seeing that both of them were caught, Leonard smiled lightly: "If you don't get new technology, this time you will really let both of you run away. Ou Fan's bp commander, the big man of the armored dragon, believes That guy should be very interested in you."

The alarm sounded suddenly in the cockpit. When Leonard looked up, he saw that there were a total of about a dozen or so bodies on the left and right sides of the sky. After carefully looking at the two sides of the body, Leonard again. Quickly issued new instructions to all the small ass, his own faint smile was invisible, and the captive one man and one woman quickly left, leaving only no command at all, leaving only the two parties who arrived at the manor at the same time. Under the instigation of as, a big battle broke out here.

On the other hand, the independent fleet of the Tianqi, Fuzi, and Danuzi are investigating the sudden eruption of an extinct volcano. When they found a disc of unknown material near the volcano, it suddenly appeared. The enemy started a fierce battle with them.

Two of these groups of enemies are extremely special, one red and one blue, the red ones will use the flame energy, the blue ones can be used like the ice energy, the two machines cooperate with each other, with a group of miscellaneous soldiers plus a sudden attack The independent fleet that did not have much preparation was initially devastated.

However, with the movement of many organisms and gradually becoming familiar with the enemy's tactics, the enemies who claimed to be the Eight Diagrams were soon caught in a disadvantage, but at this time, third-party forces suddenly appeared, which is again A group of enemies that have never been seen before, they call themselves Ovan.

This group of Ou Fan’s body holds the idea that the enemies of the enemy are friends, and rescued the troubled red and blue body from the hands of the independent fleet. As everyone knows, on the other side of the earth, the enemies of these two enemies are playing hot. You come to me to be so busy, where there is harmony here.

Today's independent fleet can be described as very powerful, and there are more people who did not exist in this fleet at all. Although there is no Angel, there is a ship that does not know how much stronger than the Archangel. The Apocalypse, Aslan, Diagor, Izak, Nikol, Luna Maria, Ray, etc., who have been carefully taught by Xiaoran, are adding a better body, once they are familiar with each other’s tactics. After that, the enemy who had no weight at all had a great advantage, and did not spend too much time to drive away all the enemies that appeared.

Suddenly there were enemies claiming to be called Ou Fan and Tiejialong. Hugo, Yuli Lily, and Tessa’s three captains all guessed that the various abnormal situations that have occurred in the recent period of the Earth should be related to these two forces.

After getting this guess, Hugo quickly wrote a report to write down all the things today, then sent it to the moon to report to Xiao Ran, and asked what to do next, the special disc found near the volcano. Whether it is to be sent to the moon.

However, Xiao Ran, who is now in a coma, can’t see the report written by Hugo, but Lax has seen it. After pondering it, Laksh responded with Xiaoran’s tone: “Continue to the two forces. For more investigations, the disc does not need to be sent to the moon. If you need help, you can contact the Earth Freezaft Alliance for assistance."

After Gao Gao got the reply and did not notice anything wrong, all the text information plus Lax can imitate the short time, as long as there is no serious situation, it is impossible to find the high.

And the disc, in fact, Laksi does not know whether it should be taken to the moon, but do not know what to do if it is changed to Xiaoran, but if the disc is really important and important, If you bring the disc back to the moon, it will bring the danger to the moon. In order to ensure the safety of Xiaoran, Laksi absolutely does not allow such a thing to happen, so regardless of whether the disc represents a threat, stay on the Apocalypse, stay In the independent fleet is the best choice.

It’s just that this kind of practice has the meaning of letting the Tianqi number give Xiaoran a black pot.

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