Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2122: Man wants me to teach you how to do it?

Resistance does not know that every sentence he said was heard by Xiao Ran. Otherwise, he would never say that Xiao Ran is a devil, but now he is saying that he is deeply in the depths and has completely taken his own. The mood is immersed in, I really hope that You Luo can choose to surrender, and then went to the ordinary life with him.

Xiaoran heard the words of climbing, even if he closed his eyes, he could not pick his own eyebrows. He said: "Demon? This guy actually said that I am a demon? I am so terrible, I am so kind. Man."

Isn't the devil in the heart of Xiao Ran completely lack of b number, he thinks he is a very kind person, although not a role like the Madonna, but at least people are quite good, those threats are not for them?

Suddenly, Xiao Ran's brow wrinkled slightly. Just at that moment, Xiao Ran suddenly felt that there was some abnormal spiritual fluctuation in the body of the sorrowful Luo Di, which did not belong to the spiritual fluctuation of the singer.

"Well? Like Yiyizi, is the spirit affected?" Xiao Ran frowned and said: "No, it's a little different. Yiyizi was divided into two personalities, but Yuluo was only affected by the spirit. It hasn't reached the level of Yiyizi, but it won't be surprising if something goes on."

Xiao Ran’s mouth was slightly moving, and the crawling inside the armored dragon fortress suddenly heard Xiao Ran’s voice rang on his side.

"There is a spiritual power in front of you. The body has the spiritual power that belongs to other people. It has been affecting her like a seed. These influences will change her personality. If it is not good, it will change greatly. If you deal with it earlier, it might turn into another person."

The crawling pupil suddenly squashed, and suddenly I looked at the secluded Luo Di. As for why Xiao Ran’s voice can think of it in his own ear, it is normal to resist climbing.

As for whether Xiao Ran said that it will be a false statement, there is no doubt about the resistance to climbing. Now the advantage is already in the hands of Xiao Ran. As long as he is willing to ruin directly with the fortress of the armored dragon at any time, there is no such thing. It is necessary to deceive him.

"The spiritual power that is now affecting her is affecting her. In preventing her from making the final decision, I strongly spurred the other side with immediate stimulation, because the spiritual power of the priest is not prevailing."

"Irritation!?" At the same time as the thought of flashing through the heart, the mouth whispered out: "What kind of stimulation?"

"Don't you know the power of the three forces of love, love, and affection?" Xiao Ran slightly curled his mouth in the cockpit of the dawn, and passed his words to the climb: "As a man, is it still a man?" Want me to teach you how to do it?"

The corner of the cracked mouth twitched twice, and suddenly stood up and walked toward the secluded Luo Di. After slowly approaching the secluded Luo Di, even if I saw the flashing struggle, love, pain and a touch in the other’s eyes. Hate.

It is this hate that makes the resistance climb completely believe what Xiao Ran said, and the spirit of the singer is influenced by other forces, because the singer will never be able to show him such a look.

In the mind, I circled the sentence that Xiao Ran just said. The man still asked him how to do it. He took a deep breath and directly smothered the Luo Di. He buried his head and placed his mouth. On the mouth of You Luo, for a moment, the feeling of climbing clearly felt that the body of the sinister Luo from trembling to calm, and from calm to soft, and finally hands immersed in her chest. Among his hot kisses.

Until the two men's lips were separated, the struggle in the eyes of Yu Luodi disappeared completely, and the rest was only the deep love for the climb.

Climbing with his most gentle expression, looking at the sinister Luo in his arms, also said in the most gentle tone: "Don't resist, surrender, let us become ordinary people who live our own lives, we can Have your own child..."

Suddenly, the expression of resistance to climbing paused, and the face flashed so shocked, then looked at the secluded Luo Di, a complex face to the singer Luo Di said: "The adult just told me that we can have for the armored dragon Two choices."

"Full integration into Free, and Free will receive all the armored dragons, we can live any life we ​​want."

"Either don't disband the iron armor, he allowed us to set up a new country, the king of the armored dragon, but he must accept all the science department, our armed scale is also subject to restrictions and supervision, and he must let me clearly tell You, in your body, still hide the spirit of another person. If you don’t deal with it in time, you will probably become another person. It’s very likely that it’s a wood, and that person is left in your body. Things have been affecting you."

"I..." Yu Luodi opened his mouth, but after reacting to what was said to be crawling, a pair of eyes instantly became incredible. Originally, I wanted to choose the second one, and then stopped what I had to say. Instead, ask: "This is true!?"

"The adult should say that there should be no mistake. I saw him letting one person become another person." Nodded and nodded, and said: "But maybe..."

"I know what you want to say." Yu Luodi pushed back the climb and replied to his seemingly high posture. He said to the climber: "There is no need for the other party to do anything. He has given such conditions, then Even if I suggest more possibilities to me, that is, let us be a little bit safe, but at least my love for you will not change."

"Please help me to reply to him, I agree to surrender, but I want him to come here in person, a person coming over." Yu Luo took a deep breath and sat in his position, said: "He has This strength, but if he also has this daring, then I believe that what he said is true."

"You want to see me?"

Suddenly, the voice rang in the ear of the climber and the singer Luo. I don’t know when Xiaoran suddenly appeared at the side of the two, and the guards who were ambushing in the hall at the same time were scared. After the jump, all ran out, surrounded by the singer Luo Di, resistant to climbing, Xiao Ran, and more accurately said to be surrounded by Xiao Ran.

Xiao Ran did not look at the soldiers who were surrounded. He nodded to the resistance and then said to the Emperor Luo: "I am coming, then are you willing to believe what I said?"

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