Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2124: Cold spirit seed

The sorrowful sorrowful hate of the original tree, in fact, all the gossips are as much hateful as the singer Luo Yuan, including the resistance to climbing.

Without spiritual exchanges, Xiao Ran could hardly understand what it was like to hate Wood Yuanzheng, and he didn’t know what kind of person Muzheng Zhengshu was. At present, all the understanding of Muyuan Zhengshu is only from I heard it in the mouth of others, and then speculated by myself, but this did not affect that Wood Yuanzheng was already a big trouble in Xiaoran’s mind, and it was also the impression of a conspirators.

Xiao Ran actually likes to deal with such conspirators, because such people often have a better vision, a higher ability, and a time-conscious person's attitude toward Junjie. When a time cannot be confronted, the conspirators often choose to compromise. No matter what method is used to compromise, but they will compromise and then look for more opportunities in the process of compromise.

But for Xiaoran, in short, as long as it is compromised, it would be enough to compromise. A compromise is tantamount to life-long bondage. If you want to escape the life-long bondage, Prometheus will not care if he is not. Forever compromise, as long as the other party has the idea of ​​compromise at the right time, the rest of the matter is very simple, directly bound by the rules of Prometheus, and you can't do it without water.

Judging from the information now available, although this person named Muyuan Zhengshu is dead, but in fact it is still alive, and there is still a very good scientific research strength. Zhileima should be the original Yuanmu tree deliberately left to wait for himself. The things used in the reincarnation are wise and cruel, at least cruel to yourself, and very good means. I personally go to death and plan my own resurrection. This kind of thing thinks a little scary.

In short, Xiaoran is now more and more interested in Muyuan Zhengshu. For such a person, if he kills, he will never be resurrected, or he will be bound for him forever. Otherwise, it is definitely not a good thing for a world.

And Xiao Ran is more inclined to choose the latter, try to control this guy, let this guy bind to the Burning Legion, or directly turn him into a follower, if you can turn this world into a territory, Xiao Ran I feel that the bad embryos like the wood original tree were thrown to the Nazi legion of the Overlord Corps, but it just happened to make up for the lack of intelligence at the Nazi side.

However, what is important now is to do a good job of the things in front of you, to deal with the hidden things in the woods of the Luo Didi. By the way, you can also see if you can find the hidden Qiu Jinzheng people. How could Xiao Ran suddenly change his mind and be able to tolerate the continued existence of the armored dragon? He will not change his mind because of the love between the climber and the singer.

The choice of surrendering by Luo Di is also incomprehensible. Now, the seven sets of gossip machines of the armored dragons have been destroyed by Xiao Ran in one face, and the remaining eight gossip opportunities see Xiao Ran’s estimate is the same result, not to mention the armored dragon. Although the fortress still exists, she is still in the main hall of the fortress. There are indeed many measures to block the foreign enemies inside the fortress. The defensive forces outside the same fortress have been completely destroyed in the wave of the attack just now. It is.

You did not want to swindle Xiaoran and solve his thoughts, but Xiao Ran did not follow her routine. Luo Di knows a little, she can't keep Xiaoran, and can't deal with Xiao Ran.

In addition to the words that resisted climbing, Xiao Ran promised that she would continue to maintain the existence of the armored dragon and establish the kingdom. At that time, she was already somewhat loose, and when she knew that her heart might have been affected by the woods, it was quiet. Luo Di was psychologically turned to Xiao Ran.

In addition to a very small number of one or two people, the rest of the people, including the singer Luo Di, actually have this kind of devastating attitude toward the woods, which means they have the opportunity to take the woods together and die. The kind of line can make the wood original tree not good, not just surrender and what can't be done. You have no psychological burden to do so.

In particular, one of the Eight Diagrams people, who is called a sly, has a very beautiful female face, but it is just such a person who is actually a man, and it is the hands and feet of Kiwon Masaki. This 玩 is playing with Muhara Masaki. The attitude of life hates it, not to say that it is to die together, together with the broken bones, as long as there is such an opportunity, you will not let go.

Yu Luodi walked out of the fort with a large group of people and followed Xiaoran. He saw the innumerable robots that were smashing in the dark and smoky. The huge force was only a moment of counterattack. If the opportunity is not completely destroyed, what is the point of rebellion?

Out of the fort, although there is no open skill to make the concentration of gn particles become richer, but this is not a battle, but only a spiritual link with the singer Luo Di, the concentration of gn particles that have been scattered before the tactical armor has been completely enough.

Dawning tactical armor did not need Xiaoran control to slowly start to fall, even Xiaoran did not make any move, the gn particle jets everywhere the body suddenly opened, releasing more concentrated gn particles in the dawn of tactical armor formed around A dense gn shield, but also Xiaoran to protect it.

The whales and the flying eagle also fell on the sides of the tactical armor. All the monitors were opened, and everything around them would be protected with a more determined attitude.

All this was ready, and Xiao Ran nodded to the singer Luo and the climber who were next to him: "Let's get started."

Just as the sound of these words fell, and the singer had not had any reaction, he found that everything he saw had completely changed into another, and the whole person had entered a white world full of green light. .

Xiao Ran’s figure slowly emerged from nothingness and went to the front of You Luo: “This is the space of spirit and soul, a place where life can understand each other, you don’t have to worry, your real body is now resistant. Climbing in my arms."

Luo Luodi nodded and looked very calm, but Xiao Ran clearly felt the shock and amazement of the other side, but also felt that the spirit of the other side contained a spirit that kept emitting a cold atmosphere. seed.

Suddenly, Xiao Ran paused, and in the real world, Xiao Ran looked at the direction of the three gossip machines with his own eyes. He blinked and said: "Flying eagle, the machine in the middle of the gossip machine The teacher brought me over."

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