Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2128: Small accident

Although Xiao Ran did not go to Earth to carry out any operations, but there are more things to do on the moon, the establishment of a new world government is in the state of preparation, the location of the world government, the rights, the scale of military power, the system, the number of members, The responsibilities of countries in which they are responsible, the relationship between the world government and countries, and so on, are waiting for Xiaoran to negotiate, deal with and decide.

The establishment of the world government is actually a very troublesome thing, because the establishment of this world government is not to say that all the countries are dissolved and then incorporated, even if Xiaoran does not dare to do such things at present, otherwise The words that will bring will be another war.

Therefore, each country will continue to maintain its original system of construction. It is only how the military forces of all parties should be reduced. How to compress, what kind of military duties the countries will assume in the world government, etc. is not an easy task. thing.

Fortunately, Xiao Ran is quite experienced in this, directly copying the seed world system and the government's system. Although there are many places to be revised, most of the systems are still in line with the situation and situation in the world.

Rights, duties, and obligations can be discussed slowly, but military rights are indeed the things that most countries care about. After all, there is no guarantee without power.

However, after the three-year, four-year, one-year system was changed, Xiao Ran was almost unanimously passed without a lot of resistance. The three-year round meant that the military of each country must only be under the command of the world government for three years. After three years, it will be replaced by a new army for rotation. Four years and one change, that is to say, every important position of the world government can only sit for up to four years. The charter is set.

When the first person of the world government president was elected, Xiao Ran almost got the support of the whole vote. Both Obu and zaft made the same choice on both sides. This also made Xiao Ran feel a little surprised because it was not discussed at all. Similarly, he did not even think about holding such a position at this time.

The support of Obu and zaft made him really a bit confused about the thoughts of Asha, Klein and Patrick.

After the meeting, Askha, Klein, Patrick and the three sat together, in the moon city of Copernicus.

Looking at the three people sitting together, Xiao Ran did not quite understand the three people asked the doubts in their hearts: "The speaker's business is different from what we said before, not to say that the first one is the first person from Askha. I am the speaker, but why do you do this?"

Askha, Klein and Patrick looked at each other. Klein said to Xiaoran first: "This is not the same as we said before, but it is also the idea of ​​Asha, and we also I think this is good."

Askha also nodded and said: "The position of the first speaker is not good. To coordinate the powers of various countries, they will also offend these countries and forces. This is not only to coordinate the forces of all parties, but also to Coordinating all the inhabitants of the Earth, without a person who can make the parties convinced to sit in this position and officially establish the authority of the world government, then this new government will only be a joke and display."

"I don't think that I have the ability to overcome the power of all countries, but only to be able to coordinate the forces of all parties and have strong strength. It is also the person with the highest prestige on earth and the most supportive people, and only you, for example The unstable factor of the armored dragon, in addition to being soft to you, is actually still high in the heart. My opinions and demands are likely to be delayed and ignored by them. There are still many examples like this. In this way, they will not listen to anyone other than you, especially the new government has just been established, so we have to take some time for everyone to get used to it."

"Especially among the military forces, Patrick only has prestige in the zaft army, but it does not mean that he is in Obu, in Fri, there is no prestige in the armored dragon, and the combination of these factors can become the speaker. Only you, we also believe that you will be able to truly unite the earth."

Patrick also suddenly smiled and said: "We have heard that you may soon leave the world and return to the world, but the world can now reach the point where no one can match you. The credit, so I think we should do the same. This is our gift and gratitude, and it is also the embarrassment of you and the world."

Xiaoran listened to the words of the three people one after another, but also shook his head and smiled: "You mean that I want to tie me to this earth chariot, huh, huh, then I will respect it." It’s good to sit in this position, but I need your help, but I don’t want to be the speaker. If you don’t want to be a deputy speaker, you can’t refuse it.”

Asha smiled and nodded. The speaker should have been Askha. He was not the speaker of the parliament, and he certainly couldn’t run away.

Although Xiao Ran did not think about becoming the speaker of the new government, but he really did not refuse but take the initiative to accept this step. After all, he also exerted a lot of strength in this process, and he sat in this position. It will be of great help to be able to take this world into a camp territory.

However, Xiao Ran also estimated that it is impossible for this speaker to meet the requirements of meeting the camp territory. Because some cases are indeed too abrupt, Xiao Ran has never put the goal on the world government, but has always focused on it. On the side of Free, even if you want to get the camp territory, then only Free is the most likely.

Although there have been countless battles along the way, he can't start to attack his allies at a time. This position is not that he is willing to sit up, but is elected by others, even if it is not possible because of some circumstances. Becoming a condition for the camp territory, but at least this position can also be a pedal for him to complete all the conditions, which will make him easier and easier after he returns.

However, some things have to be delayed by a little delay, such as Jupiter's Mulian, Mars' Gulats Army, originally Xiaoran intends to take the time to solve the power of these two places and then complete two Mission, but now this situation must be established as soon as possible to establish a new government.

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