Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2148: difference

The heart is concerned with the issue of returning authority. Xiao Ran is a Nazi who has been notified of the private room. Even if Nazi immediately puts down the matter in the first time after receiving the information, it is already almost half an hour later. It's a thing.

After entering the private room, Nazi saw Xiaoran, who was closed on the single chair in the private room, and could not help but slow down the action and gently closed the door before coming in.

Since becoming a member of the Burning Legion, Nazi is still the same as Nazi. Compared to the past, the burden on the shoulders has been distributed too much, and there is more confidence and motivation. It is no longer the former look. Decadence, the whole person is full of more vitality, temper, at least in the face of Xiaoran, the temper has changed a lot.

After Nazi closed the door, Xiao Ran opened his eyes and looked at the Nyzi who had entered the room and nodded slightly: "Come on, sit down first."

Nazi nodded with a puzzled look. She didn't understand why Xiao Ran would let herself come to this place. After sitting opposite Xiaoran, Nazi asked: "Is it so urgent to inform me, is there anything?"

"There are some things I want to ask you." Xiao Ran nodded and said: "About the promotion of the s-class pilot."

When Nazi heard Xiaoran, she also looked at the private room with a strange look. The strange thing in her heart was that she could ask in the territory completely. Why did she have to come to Prometheus to open this private room.

Xiao Ran noticed the confused eyes of Nazi, just asked: "When you were promoted to the s-class pilot, did you get advanced authority?"

Nazi nodded. "Yes, all the participants in Prometheus will be upgraded to the Brigadier General regardless of their previous authority."

Xiao Ran gently exhaled a bite and asked: "So you should also know the authority to return?"

"Return?" Nazi nodded and said strangely: "Yes, did you ask me to come over for this return authority?"

Xiao Ran said: "Yes, you tell me about this permission."

"Do you know that permission you only need to use it yourself?" Nazi's expression became even more strange. Inexplicably said: "I can return to my home after a complete mission cycle. After returning, I can take it in Prometheus. Xiusi got the technology back, and he could personally pick out the favorite people from his homeland and recommend it to Prometheus. If he does not have this authority, he can recommend it, but he cannot choose a specific person."

"This permission is meaningful to some people, but it doesn't make sense to some people. It can only stay for up to seven days when you go back, and you can't buy the stay time, just like I didn't have any memories in my original home. Something, after being promoted to the s-class pilot, I only went back once."

Xiaoran’s eyes gradually picked up with the words of Nazi. When Nazi finished speaking, she stood up from the chair and asked, “What did you say?”

Xiao Ran’s sudden move scared Nazi’s jump. It’s even more puzzling: “This is just a temporary permission to have a return opportunity in a full mission cycle. It’s useless to me. What happened?”

"Temporary authority, just temporary permission?" Xiaoran's brow wrinkled, opened the detailed explanation behind the return permission on the panel, and kept changing his line of sight between Nazi and the panel.

"It’s just temporary permission." Nazi nodded affirmatively and said: "But I think if the registration of permissions is more improved, maybe this permission can become permanent, or there will be other more functions. Although I don’t know what Prometheus’s purpose in cultivating us is, it’s not so easy to give up the s-class pilot Prometheus.

Xiao Ran looked at the description of his authority and muttered: "Temporary permissions...just temporary permissions? How is this possible?"

At this point, Nazi finally felt that something was not quite right. The brow slightly wrinkled and looked at Xiaoran: "Does your authority not be the same as our authority?"

Xiao Ran nodded lightly, and sat down again, an incredible appearance said: "You determine that the qualifiers of each s-class pilot are the same right."

Nage focuses on the key: "Yes, I am sure."

Xiao Ran was silent. After taking a deep breath, he said with a deep breath: "My authority is completely different from what you said in your mouth."

The doubts on the face of Nazi suddenly became a surprise: "What!?"

"My return is permanent. Once I use it, I can't come back to the world again." Xiaoran looked up at Nazi and said, "But I can take everything that belongs to me and leave, except for the legion. But it is not clear whether ownership belongs to my camp territory, or whether it is free to enter and leave."

After listening to Xiao Ran’s words, Nazi took a breath: “Permanently leaving Prometheus’ authority?”

“I originally thought that the return would be the right that every participant who was promoted to a s-class pilot would get, so I want to find out more about this permission. At first I thought this topic is not particularly suitable for communication in the territory. So I will let you come here and talk alone."

Said here, Xiao Ran's brow is also wrinkled: "But I did not expect that the permissions of the two of us are completely different."

Nazi is also very incomparable: "How can this be? I want to contact other s-level pilots to see if there is such a similar situation."

But after finishing this, Nazi’s expression became extremely complicated. He looked at Xiaoran’s hesitant and asked: “Then you... then you won’t leave?”

"Leaving?" Xiaoran's eyes became a lot of awkward. If he could leave the world and leave with everything that belongs to him, he would of course want to leave the world, but he really left the Burning Legion. What to do, those in the legion, and what to do with Barsac and Nalo.

Xiao Ran will not abandon the Burning Legion. He will not be able to abandon the Burning Legion. The Burning Legion is developed by him. He just abandoned it in his heart, but he also wants to go back to his own world to see, not The earth in those missions, but the real earth that belongs to him.

The atmosphere in the box suddenly silenced, and Nazi looked at Xiaoran with such concern. Until a long time passed, Xiaoran only sighed long: "No, I will not leave, Nazi, you can contact us." Other s-level pilots, try to ask if their authority is the same as you, I have to go to the Legion Hall."

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