Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2152: Determine again

"Is suffering a dimension invasion, but it is not a different dimension invasion?"

The meta-invasion Xiaoran understands what it means, and the different dimension intrusion into Xiaoran is also clear. The two words are placed separately where Xiaoran understands the meaning of these two words, but when the two words are put together and obviously have different meanings Xiaoran really does not quite understand what it means.

"The existence of the world is plural. It is structured in an infinite tree. Each point can be regarded as a world. Each of the following worlds is attached to the world of superior nodes, forming a pluralism dominated by the above world. The world, and a subordinate world may also be the superior world of other worlds."

"The strength of the internal power of a world has nothing to do with whether it is the upper world. Perhaps the upper world has no power, and the lower world has the power to destroy countless universes."

"Under normal circumstances, the world and the world will not be affected by any other branch world. Every world will always be independent and independent as the origin of everything that cannot be touched. The upper world is the beginning of the source of time, and the whole problem arises. The corresponding tributaries of the world will be completely destroyed."

"But when there is a **** or a person who has mastered the way to break the barrier of the world, you can go directly into other worlds without going through the tree, or even cross the branch into other worlds, then this has a real world shuttle capability."

"Prometheus has mastered its own world, and has mastered the subordinate world in the corresponding tributaries. At the same time, it has the existence of the world shuttle capability. All the subordinate branches with Prometheus as nodes belong to the world controlled by Prometheus. ""

The information that Prometheus said made Xiaoran listen to every ear seriously. It can be said that Xiao Ran really learned from Prometheus where the composition of a world, or the composition of the plural world, is in his There is a vague illustration in the heart, but don't say the plural world. Even the powerful power of Prometheus itself is too far away from Xiaoran. Even if he knows this information, he has no way to change anything.

After Xiao Ran absorbed all the information, some questions were puzzled: "I probably understand what you said, but this is related to my problem?"

"But when two nodes of the world can only appear in one world, or the boundaries of two different tributary worlds collide, the real world invasion occurs. The former is a dimensional invasion, and the latter is an alien invasion. ”

Xiao Ran stunned for a moment and realized it. He said: "Do you mean that there are two different worlds in the world node where my original world is? But you just didn't say that my world is attached to Under the existence of the main world, what is the space of the different dimension, which is part of the world on a macro level? Is the cause unknown, and the source of the aggression is unknown?"

"Yes, but objectively, your world also belongs to another world. The above inference is only the result, the cause is unknown, the source of aggression is unknown, and the purpose is unknown. Because there will always be only one world in the nodes of a world, the same level The subordinate worlds can be connected to each other, but there is absolutely no one node with two worlds. This is absolutely impossible."

"When two worlds appear in one node, or two worlds simultaneously destroy and destroy the tributaries of the entire subordinate world, or one of the worlds in the node disappears, in which case the world itself will protect itself from other worlds. Invasion, so Prometheus can't send you back and forth multiple times."

Xiao Ran blinked and asked: "The situation can't happen."

Prometheus: "Everything has a possible probability, as your accident comes."

Xiao Ran asked: "I can't return after I go back?"

"It's hard to return." After a pause, Prometheus said again: "No. 678, participant Xiaoran, I have already answered your question, do you have any other questions."

"Wait." Xiaoran quickly shouted: "You are not talking, but difficult?"

“It’s hard to return and the probability of not returning, there is no difference between the two.”

Xiao Ran raised his voice and asked aloud: "Prometheus, tell me how to freely travel back and forth to my original world."

Prometheus said: "When the collision of the world is over, the world is canceled for its own protection, but it is meaningless to you. In that world, when all the dust settles, everything will be known to you. The world is completely different. The world of that time may be a thousand years old. For 10,000 years, everything you are familiar with will not exist."

Xiao Ran’s face was stunned, his eyes were blinking, and he believed in Prometheus’s, but the truth and falsehood in the message was not Xiaoran’s own. But all he needs to do is to put a trusting attitude on what Prometheus has said. Even if Prometheus says it is not entirely true, then he has no ability to change anything at all. Even if you are promoted to a s-class pilot, what if you don't say that there is no formal promotion yet, even if it is promoted, it is not under the control of Prometheus.

Silenced a bit, perhaps because Prometheus said, until the end of the collision between the two worlds, everything he is familiar with will no longer exist, and Xiao Ran is somewhat reluctant to ask again: "Is it true? A little way is gone!"

Xiaoran’s sentence asks, Prometheus has given Xiaoran any reply for a long time, until almost a minute or so, the sound of Prometheus has once again rang: “No. 678, participant Xiao Ran, Are you unwilling to give up the identity of the number 678 participant."

“Reminder, Participant No. 678, Xiao Ran, you still have the opportunity to leave Prometheus completely, and you can bring all the rewards from Prometheus except for other participants. The rewards include but are not limited to props. , followers, territories, bodies, battleships."

Xiao Ran took a deep breath and the territory was able to take it away. According to Prometheus’s previous words, it seems that it can only be an unattainable expectation after returning, unless he can handle the so-called world. Collision between them, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to establish a stable channel to and from each territory.

And what is the difference between this and not taking it away, the earth does have something he cares about, and there is also the existence that he cares about in the territory, and those who cannot take it away, members of the Burning Legion, members of the Overlord Corps, Basque, Nalo, where is it so easy to give up.

Deeply taking a breath, Xiao Ran exhaled a long breath, perhaps no thought at all, or perhaps prepared well, calmly said: "I recognize my identity as participant number 678, and Reluctant to give up the identity of Participant Number 678."

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