Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2162: Five choice two

(The last chapter attribute is wrong, deleted, broken network plus wps out of the problem, made a little blind and did not pay attention.)

In addition to the blood, I got the s-class body driving technology, this is nothing to say, the rest is to upgrade the assault specialization to the tenth level, the firepower specialization is upgraded to six.

As a result, all attribute growth and attribute growth make Xiaoran's attributes look like this:

Hit 180+164 affects shooting ability and accuracy

?200+154 influences fighting ability and strength

? Reflect 260 + 213 affects the reaction speed and sensitivity

Spirit 305+280 affects skill consumption and perception

Physique 155+127 affects physical fitness and endurance

(The front is the sum of the fixed attributes, followed by the sum of the amplification attributes.)

In addition to the physical fitness of less than three hundred points, the rest of the attributes have exceeded more than three hundred, the spiritual attribute is as high as 585 points, compared to the promotion of the s-class pilot to strengthen the blood, it is simply a huge difference, really The strength is more than doubled. Now Xiaoran wants to fully play the meaning of these attributes, and destroying a planet is really not just a slogan.

“Number Participant 678, you have successfully advanced to the s-level pilot, you will receive the exclusive promotion of the s-level pilot, you can choose two of all the rewards as your promotion award.”

“The s-class body-enhanced volume can be used to strengthen the specified direction of a single body, and can be used for the a-class body and strengthened to the s level.”

“Specify a bloodline reward and get a designated blood reward.”

"The battle point is 10 million points."

"S-level component set, you can get s-class weapon parts, s-level armor parts, s-class special parts, s-level plug-ins."

“Skill upgrade volume, you can upgrade any skill to full level, except for non-upgrade skills.”

Two of the five rewards are really far worse than the previous Prometheus compensation, but the rewards are very weighty for the participants, especially for the promotion. This is especially true for s-class pilots. The s-class body-enhanced volume can be used to reinforce a class-a machine into an s-class, s-level component set, and a set of s-level components.

When Nazi was promoted, it was estimated that these two rewards were chosen, so that the s-class body that she is currently driving has a special field.

As for the merits and demerits, this is probably the most useless thing for the s-class pilot. The 10 million battle points can do a lot of things. It can also bring a lot of help to supplement their own strength, but Xiao Ran There is no idea at all about this choice, including the first two choices.

The rest is the skill upgrade volume and the designated blood pulse. The help that a good blood can bring is enormous. Just like Xiao Ran’s current changer, the lover’s two blood vessels are the same. Xiao Ran's promotion is indeed terrible, and the improvement brought by the adjusters is not obvious, but the hidden improvement is not small.

The skill upgrade volume can upgrade the skill to the full level. There is no other limit except for a limit that cannot be upgraded. To increase a skill to full level, there is not much to say, say less, what is the key? The skill can play a big role, especially for the limited skills that can't be upgraded to full level but are very useful.

Just like some of the skills that Xiao Ran can't grasp, such as strength, if you can upgrade, this Xiaoran even if you have learned the skills of a little use is directly promoted to the full level, then the passive effect is quite good, of course. This is just an analogy. Some skills upgrades do have some limitations, and the effect is not small when used in the right place.

The body, parts, and combat points are really useless, so Xiao Ran chose to specify the blood and skill upgrade volume.

After coming out of the fortified room, Xiao Ran did not stay in Prometheus and went straight back to the camp territory. The whole trip was very rushed, and he did not dare to stop at Prometheus.

He feels that he is a little out of control, especially if his mental strength grows too terribly. He is just screaming around. If anyone can see the mental power, then absolutely seeing Xiaoran is equal to seeing a light bulb, the brightest and brightest light bulb. It is enough to give the eyes of the human eye to the hedgehog.

This time, the enhanced promotion almost doubled his attributes. Sudden expansion made Xiao Ran feel that it is difficult to control his body, and he is not used to controlling his body. If the attribute grows slowly, this feeling will not It’s too obvious, but it’s doubled at once, and it’s doubled with a very high base. This is a bit unreasonable.

When he returned to the camp territory, Xiao Ran felt that he was a little fluttering. He did everything lightly. He even had a feeling. Even if he didn’t walk with his legs, he could fly with his own power. Even if you walk with your legs, you can take a long step.

This is purely the ability to come up but the control has not kept up with the relationship. Fortunately, Xiao Ran’s second specialization option is to control the ability. The control ability to choose the choice is not for the purpose of the present. Prepared for the situation, but the improvement of control ability also makes Xiao Ran gradually regain his body in this short period of returning to the camp. At least on the way of walking, he has slowly recovered to normal. .

As for other aspects, especially the surge in mental strength, it will take a while to get to know it again.

In a few days, Xiao Ran was alone in his room. He didn’t go out and didn’t run around. Even if it was Xia Mia, Malang, Shirley, and Xiao Ran, they would be far apart. It is Xiaoran who is worried that their ability to get out of control will hurt them.

Sometimes Xiaoran wants to drink a glass of water. The thought is just a turn, the water and the cup are coming, but it is really separated. The water is directly on the head with the kettle. The cup hits the face two or three times, the door handle. Broken a few, the bed, the table, the computer and everything have been changed several times, until two or three days have worked hard to become familiar with their new power, Xiao Ran slowly began to return to normal.

If you want to fully control the ability to skyrocket and really make these abilities as if you are an arm, Xiao Ran estimates that it will take about a month or so. If you don’t consider buying a stay, you can only wait until you enter the machine. After the j world, we can slowly solve the problem now.

Xiaoran finally decided to purchase a one-month stay, not only because of this problem, but also for the sake of the new body.

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