Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2164: beginner level

Luo Na, has been busy for Xiaoran for a month, the ultra-small gn dragon cavalry, ultra-small beam saber are things that Luo has created, and there are many things besides these two gadgets. To do.

Designing and manufacturing a brand new s-class body for Xiao Ran requires him to participate. The analysis of the Tiejiaman system requires him to participate. Four new technologies need to be put into practical use, and there are many other messy things, but the highest priority. It is the thing of Xiaoran's s-class body.

Others, such as the Tiejiaman new system, do not need Luo as the leader. The project leader is Dylandal, and the first phase is only to study the phase of the new field.

It’s just a month’s time is too short. Actually, there is no special progress in the technology of Tiejiaman. After all, as a civilized technology, they really have to be solved in a month. Ladam is probably already in the other universe. Civilization has been abused a hundred times.

The techniques for the four compensations were distributed to the various research departments. Youzes, Baihe, Kilim, Ingram will also run around in several projects and become a brick. The acceleration of the help project where you need to drill, the four technologies will be fully practical in one month, but it will take some time to achieve full mass production.

The first is the wing of light. This thing is the simplest and the first to be put into practical use in terms of the technical level of the Burning Legion. This wing of light is actually a super technology from v. The versatile technology that allows the body to gain access to the beam is also a devastating weapon.

Devil alloy, the defense of this alloy is not high, and it is not up to the extent of the first generation of Nimes, and now the Burning Legion of the Nimes alloy has been manufactured to the fifth generation, compared to the Nimes The alloy is simply slag, but this material has very high energy-conducting properties. Almost the Burning Legion currently has the best conductive energy properties. Kane made this material more suitable after testing. Used on special super-systems and some fantasy systems.

Retracting the furnace β, this kind of power furnace is very familiar to people in the world of og. This stuff is a bit like a black hole engine. It is more like a relative elimination engine made by Baihe. It is basically just a different name. The kernel and the driving method are a bit different. The difference is that, and the black hole engine, the relative elimination engine should belong to the existence of a technical tree.

However, the beta model obtained from Prometheus is a model with enhanced stability. The explosive ability is weakened, the safety is improved, the key stability and normal output are higher, and the explosion is relatively eliminated. And the black hole engine, which belongs to a high-low limit and low-limit engine, is an energy that is more suitable for mass production configuration for ordinary pilots.

The final space accommodates the technology. This technology is the technology that Xiao Ran always wants to have. It can be used in the battleship's Gennakuli, which can make Gennaku get more space, which is to make the original small space more It is used for large-scale use, and it can also be applied to the body. It really achieves the kind of thing that Xiao Ran said. It only needs a thing that is not big enough to accommodate the body. It can also be done to the body of the body. In the same way, the weapons are stored in the accommodating space, and it is good to take them out of the space when they need to be used. The crystal of Tiejiaman seems to involve space accommodation technology, so this technology is also on the side of Tiejiaman. Research progress has actually helped a lot.

(Iron Manman's setting seems to be two kinds, one is armor, the other is a derivative, the latter is a bit like the feeling of strong colonization, is this the case?)

Of course, the most troublesome thing in all things is the body and the iron plusman technology, but the iron plusman technology can be slowly, the body really needs to do it as soon as possible, Luo can be said to be living and staying. In his own research department, working overtime to create a new body for Xiaoran.

With the new space accommodation technology, with the new light wing technology, how to apply these technologies to the new body also needs to make the most suitable design. More, just telling Luo about his own requirements and then he doesn't care about anything. This pick-up shopkeeper is very slick.

Sometimes there are many people from Yuzes, Baihe, Ingram, Kiliam, Leonard and so on. They will come and discuss with Luo, help Luo to design the body and put forward some opinions. It is not so easy to make a body that is fully compliant with Xiaoran's ability, even if it is based on the technology of the Burning Legion.

Xiao Ran’s request is not complicated. Basically, it is an upgraded version of the dawn. However, Luo does not want to build an upgraded version of the body as simple as it is. It is not an ordinary s-class body. It is a powerful s-class body, coupled with the resulting inverted x, the special ability of the body, such as the body separation, the moonlight disc technology can also be inspired by many, and the use of nano-materials, etc. All series of questions need to be well thought out.

So in the end of the month, I finally got a few more designs. The body didn’t start manufacturing at all. When the detention time was over, Luo also sent a lot of materials and equipment to the Burning Legion, ready for the mission. At the time, the body will continue to develop and manufacture the body.

Xiao Ran did not say much after learning that the manufacturing work of the body did not make much progress. After all, this is a normal thing. Even if the Burning Legion has the ability to manufacture the s-class body, the gap between the a-class bodies is the same. The gap between large and s-class bodies will only be greater.

There is no problem in creating a s-class body. It is already an s-class to create an enhanced version of the diagnosing, but such an s-level is only an entry-level s-level, and it will not be more than a level of dawn. Too much power, it doesn't make much sense to make it.

The body of Nazi, in the present Xiaoran and Luo, can only be regarded as an entry-level body, powerful and powerful, but no more powerful than the top-class a-class body. There are too many, and Nazi, the s-class pilot... It has a great advantage when dealing with general a-class pilots. Even if it is against Xiaoran, it can also grasp the rhythm and advantages, as long as Xiaoran does not Turning on quantum assimilation is no problem, even if quantum assimilation is turned on, it can remain unbeaten, and Xiaoran fights the war of consumption to see who can't support it first.

After Xiaoran became a s-class pilot, Nazi could no longer suppress Xiaoran. The character of Nazi is higher than that of a-class pilot. It can be strengthened compared to the three blood vessels. The level of Xiaoran, but there is no attribute that can reach the height of the Xiaoran spiritual attribute, basically just the standard gate bar that has just crossed the s level, so Nazi can only be regarded as an entry-level s-level pilot. This point is also perceived by Xiao Ran himself after he was promoted to a s-class pilot.

However, this is no way. The situation before Nazi is indeed a little sad reminder. I can grow up to the s-level pilot with a lot of participants who eat big pots of rice. There is really no extra resources to strengthen myself, but now I am joining. This situation will slowly change after the Burning Legion.

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