Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2167: Variety

Across the distant distance, one ship and one large and small warships flew out from the huge purple channel, pulling out long light and shadow and finally returning to normal and slow progress. The fleet of huge burning army led by the Burning Legion finally arrived. For the first time, it was displayed in the eyes of the Earth people in the world of warfare.

"The first formation of the ms team is released, the deformation fighter team is released, the ms team is in front of the defense line, and the various variant fighter teams spread the warning."

"The second formation of the ms squad, the deformation of the squad squad release is completed, the defense line is formed on the left, and the investigation is spread."

"The third formation has completed the right guard."

"The fourth formation to ensure the rear line of defense and alert."

Malang glanced at the earth and the moon, which had been clearly visible to the eye. After looking at Xiaoran, he said: "All the members will maintain the first battle alert. If there is an armed force in the world, the verbal warning should be the first priority. Any armed forces are prohibited from approaching the fleet, encountering forcible breakthroughs and active attackers, allowing the troops to fight back."

After that, Malang asked Xiao Ran again, "Would you like to arrange it?"

Xiao Ran nodded, and after taking a shot of Shirley's hand, he looked at the front of the bridge and said: "According to the normal communication channel, contact Fry, Aub, zaft, inform the Free Moon base to prepare for the match, notify Ou Cloth, zaft this fleet is led by Xiao Ran, do not have any armed conflict."


When Malang heard Xiaoran, he also asked: "Is it OK? You don't have to stay in place for a while? After all, we are such a huge fleet, you are not worried about causing the earth's suspicions?"

Xiao Ran clearly sees the earth from the bridge, and leisurely said: "Just is inevitable. After all, I was alone alone, even if my strength is strong, for some people, their self-deception and self-settlement, I think that I am not threatened by this whole world. My approach has given them such confidence, but they have not thought about it. Even if they can't control me, they can choose to destroy."

"This time not only I am back, but also brought a strong and huge fleet, more or less will be a little worried and normal, but it does not matter, as long as they can let them know that our arrival will only bring them The benefits will not bring harm, then everything will be fine. At least there are forces in the world that support me, those who support me, and the suppression of force, even those who have the suspicion to make real temptations. Not much."

"But well, I really want to turn this world into a camp territory. Although there are some repetitions, other things that are not repeated will be of great help to the territory."

Shirley looked at Xiaoran with her hand and knocked on Erlang's leg. "Are you sure that it is not because of the other two hoes?"

Xiao Ran smiled and looked at Shirley Lu: "If you say it, the world of Shana Mia is about the same size as the Shana Mia you know."

"Reporting, Free sent information from the lunar military base, and immediately began to prepare for the work, please inform the layout plan, and invited Xiao Ran to personally come forward with the Princess Xia Mia for remote video communication."

"Aub, zaft sent a message, welcome Xiaoran to return, please Xiaoran adults limit the fleet, do not have unnecessary military conflict with our armed forces."

"Report, the World Integration Government sent a message and welcomed Speaker Xiaoran back to the world."

When Malang heard the report from the following bridge personnel, he once again looked at Xiao Ran: "Are you sure that when you left, you are a person from another world, only a few people know? Will not affect the next plan."

"Oh." Xiao Ran grinned and said: "It seems that someone is deliberately reducing my influence, and then let more people rise to the defense of non-family."

"But it doesn't matter. From the very beginning, I set my goal on Free. The new government is just what I made to temporarily maintain the situation. Isn't Fry's attitude already obvious? Don't worry too much. many."

Malang thought for a moment and asked: "Do you think this person, or who will these people be?"

"No matter who it is, there will be no use for any intrigue in front of us." Xiaoran shook his head and walked a few steps forward: "Open the factual communication with the Moon."

"To understanding."

A virtual screen suddenly appeared at a distance of about five meters in front of Xiaoran. There were several people on the clear and colorful picture. Wearing a luxurious, crystal-clear blue-haired Shana Mia, wearing a black robes Lax, with red hair, and Fulu, who also has blue hair behind the two, and a woman standing behind her, wearing the same uniform but with long brown hair.

At this time, the face of the woman with long brown hair was amazed, and some of them did not dare to believe that they saw the picture and thus caught their mouth.

In addition, the four women seem to be more mature than the time when Xiaoran left.

Xiao Ran looked at the four women in the screen and smiled at the screen: "Xia Mia, Lax, I am back."

There was a subtle joy in the eyes of Shana Mia, and the corners of her mouth were slowly tilted up. Lax also said with a smile, gentlely: "You are finally back, we have arranged the lunar base, come back soon."

Xiao Ran nodded. The Malang on his side paused on the four women in the screen. Finally, he put his eyes on the last woman with brown hair. He smiled friendlyly and smiled at each other. Nodded, and the woman in the video communication on the other side also made a quick return.

Xiao Ran said: "Lacks is not at the plant but at the lunar base. Xia Mia is not at the base of the Earth's Freedom Palace. Lax is wearing this costume that will only be worn under abnormal conditions. It should not be It’s right to meet me, forget it, what's the matter, I will say it later.”

"Yeah." Lax and Shana Mia nodded at the same time, and Lax smiled at the screen again. The kind of sorrow was exactly the same as Lax's in the seed world, full of intellectuality and gentleness, only Listening to Laksh said: "Two, Miss Martell, Miss Shirley, we also have a welcome gift for the two, I am very glad that you can come with you this time."

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