Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2169: Task placement

Askha was poisoned, Patrick was assassinated, and the Apocalypse was destroyed. Three things more or less made Xiao Ran feel that there was such an unexpected feeling, that is to say, Askha has not led the new government at present, and Patrick Because the injury can only be remotely controlled by the new government army, the destruction of the Tianqi is to take down the sword of the ceiling that is on the head of everyone.

One person controls the situation and stabilizes the situation. One person controls the army to suppress the situation, and the other side of the Tianqi is the balance of the situation. This is originally the iron triangle left by Xiao Ran to contain the new government forces, but it is only destroyed in a month or so. Once?

Of course, this is more than a month for Xiao Ran, but in this world it has been a full year and a half, no, less than a year and a half.

But this time it was not because of Askha, Patrick’s ability was too bad to bring the situation to the present level. The ability of Asha and Patrick is absolutely not bad, and there is no problem in the normal situation of the eyes and mind. It can only be said that because the enemy is more sinister, he has chosen such a way of paying the bottom.

After the departure of the two secret agents, Kane and El Elf, Xiao Ran also closed his eyes and asked, "What about the armored dragon?"

Lax said: "There is nothing difference in the armored dragons, but then there are so many things. They have closed themselves up, and except for the normal communication, they are forbidden to approach and enter their colonial satellites. Made a gesture that didn’t want to be stirred up anyway."

"Zawt and the new government have sent several batches of people to investigate in the past, but they have not been able to enter their colonial satellites and they have been caught. Then they are all sent back. The armored dragon is also verbally protesting a few words. There is no other performance outside."

"Right, the Rodriguez over the armored dragon has said to the outside world, no matter who orders who they do not listen, but except you."

Xiao Ran nodded and looked at the bald head Roland. This is the third largest intelligence leader in the Burning Legion territory. He said: "Roland, Fry, hand it over to you, from top to bottom. Including all the circumstances of the entire moon, inform Moses and Billy that they went to the armored dragon in my name, let Xia lead the team to escort, and by the way, check the iron armor inside and out."

"Lacks, send some people to help them with their work."

The bald head Roland nodded and stood up and made a typical Frye's tribute to Shana Mia, before turning away from the conference room.

Lax also turned to look at Fulu, who quickly stood up and left the meeting room with Roland.

"Kruze, you choose some people to go to the plant, see you and Patrick in person, in my name, I said that I sent you to help them investigate the inside, I think Patrick will not refuse."

"Do you think there is a ghost?" Kruze's mouth curled up and said: "Really, otherwise, many questions cannot be explained, then I will take a trip, but you have not considered something that is likely to be self-directed. ?"

Xiao Ran nodded gently: "This will be handed over to you to check."

"Alright." Kruze also stood up and left the meeting room.

Xiao Ran asked again: "How about the amalgam?"

Lax shook his head: "There is no movement, but it has not been done, or what has been done is concealed, I can't investigate."

Xiao Ran looked at Leonard again: "Leonard, the world's amalgam is handled by you."

"Amalgam does not need to worry," Leonard said calmly. "No matter what I did, I believe he is just preparing. He will not really do anything until he is sure that you will not return." The way I can communicate directly with him, there is no problem with amalgam."

"You look at it yourself." Xiao Ran nodded, and Leonard was very familiar with himself. Since the task was given to Leonard, what he had to do could let him arrange it himself.

Xiao Ran thought about it and asked: "What is the situation now?"

"Ashaha is unconscious, and Aub's princess Cargill has taken over the real rights of Aub, and every day is overwhelmed. Fortunately, the power of Asha is still there, and there are also the care of Free and Plant. There is no big problem for the time being."

Xiao Ran sighed, but then sighed a little: "I have no reason to intervene in the things of Aobu, but it is OK to help them, Lax, let people tell Carcaly, tell her whatever, as long as it is reasonable And correct, I will give unconditional support."

"Ma Ma, informed the Zengjia team to go to Aubu to protect the Asha and Cargill, and ordered the shovel to carry the fleet to which he controlled to land on the earth. The destination was placed in the new government, and the new government and new The government army informed Patrick to let him arrange."

Askha, Patrick, and the Tianqi all have problems. This is definitely the result of some people or forces leading in the dark, and Xiao Ran is so arranged that Obu, will zaft, will armor, will protect the new government, or It is controlled, and in addition to the main fleet of the Burning Legion with Freedom, the town is seated.

The focus of the world is all falling into the control of Xiaoran. No matter what kind of situation, there is no way to influence these places too much. As long as it can guarantee that there is no problem in these places, other places will appear. What problems can be solved very easily, and maintaining the stability of these places is equivalent to maintaining the stability of the whole world.

It’s just who this person is behind the scenes. Although there is already a little bit of speculation in Xiaoran’s mind, Xiaoran is not sure if there is no evidence. I can only wait for El Elf, Kay. Well, their findings are gone.

Now the situation on this earth seems to be turbulent, but it seems to be nothing in the eyes of Xiao Ran. As Xiaoran said before, any intrigue will not be of any use after they arrive, because only power It is the root of everything. As long as the Burning Legion is in the solar system, any situation can be easily solved with the power of the Burning Legion.

Various arrangements were made, and the corresponding personnel left the moon with their respective teams. The scattered fleet of burning corps went to the plant and landed on the earth under the eyes of countless people.

In the end, Xiao Ran let Lax informed all members of the Apocalypse, and issued a reconstruction order to the Apocalypse.

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