Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2173: Brand new cell

After enjoying the head massage of Shana Mia with her eyes closed, Xiao Ran raised her hand and held the hand of Shana Mia, saying that she would not continue.

After Xiao Ran opened his eyes, he had been silently preparing for a long time, and he also asked Xiao Ran his doubts in his heart. "What did you know just now, are there clones that have already appeared on a large scale?"

Xiao Ran shook his head. He did not know from the unbeaten memory of the fake East that there was a large-scale occurrence of the clone, and the fake was only a second thing that was controlled by brainwashing. As for the cloned person, it is true. There are some, but not as much as I imagined, only a few are few, but the most important thing is to let Xiao Ran know who the controller behind the scenes is.

"There is not much valuable information. It is only the person who controls the guy behind the scenes. That is the original wood tree. As for this clone, the memories in the brain are basically false memories, all of which are manufactured. Memory only."

"It’s just that this fake doesn't know if there are more clones, but with this information, at least it can determine the confusion and problems that are happening in the world, and basically can't escape the relationship with Kiwon Masaru. ""

"What's more important is how much time it takes to cultivate a cloned person, and it takes me a lot of time. In my understanding, the time it takes for a mature clone to grow up is definitely not as simple as a year and a half. But for that fake, it has a memory of at least about a year or so."

"It’s been deducted for one year from the current time, and then the time when Kurohara Masaaki escaped from preparation. There is not much time left in the middle. I wonder if Kiwon Masaru now has a new kind of ability to quickly The way to create clones, can this method be used on a large scale, and if it is possible, the power that Muyuan Yuanshu now has is not so simple."

"And there is no audio to create a large number of clones, equipment, instruments, materials, and there are other people behind the support of the wood original tree, there are many people in this world full of this possibility."

Lax nodded and asked; "Will it be an armored dragon, their actions are very strange."

“It’s impossible to be an armored dragon.” Xiao Ran said with a smile: “To say hatred and hatred towards Muyuan Zhengshu, the people of the armored dragons are more than the people of the world. They are absolutely impossible and the woods are Any connection is created. Once you meet more, it will only be endless. I have made people in the past, and more is just a representation of the armored dragon. Of course, certain investigations and contacts are also necessary. Otherwise, Those who sent the past will not be those few people."

There are so many problems in this world. In fact, in the eyes of many people in the world, the kingdom of the armored dragon that is completely closed to the outside world is actually the most suspicious, but in Xiaoran’s opinion, they are precisely the most unsuspecting, otherwise they will not Two agents, Moses and Billy, will be sent, but the two spies of Kane and El Elf will pass.

There has been a problem in this world. Before Xiaoran, he thought about whether it would be Muyuan Zhengshu, but Xiaoran had to think more, because Muyuan Zhengshu could not do so many things.

Lax is not clear about Xiaoran’s team. In the Burning Legion, everyone assumes responsibility in the team or the legion. If it is destruction and fighting, Xiao Ran will send Bassac, Zengga, Graham, Amro them. In the past; and if it is to be controlled, then Xiaoran will send Youzes, Kane; if you are lurking, then Kiliyam, Ingram will be more appropriate; and contact, of course, Kruze is better. Investigating aspects such as assassination, Kane also added an El Elf.

Moses and Billy have followed Xiaoran for a long time. They belong to special personnel. They are the weakened version of Al Elf. They are usually used as guards and bridge members of Shirley. This time they just made one. The attitude and appearance, although there is indeed a purpose to investigate the current situation of the armored dragon, but the armored dragon is estimated to be very cooperative, so it is enough to send Moses and Billy in the past.

"Before the remnant party of the coalition government of the earth, the national forces on the earth that did not meet the current situation, and the alien Gulatus, in fact, their possibilities are even greater. Without exception, the current new government is estimated to be so Some people have become traitors, and the reason why they have not been completely messed up is actually just a matter of timing."

Xiao Ran continued: "After all, the earth is still under the guise of the threat of aliens, the Ladham civilization, the infinite empire, even Gulatus is also inside, there are Aubu, Fry, the iron triangle of the plant stabilizes the earth. The situation, more crucially, is that the status of Free is more transcendent and stronger, and it maintains a certain degree of closure so that Free's intelligence will not leak out. Nothing will be made before the iron triangle is completely messed up. Dare to jump out like a fool."

"But this time, my return will let those who have the heart find the opportunity to make a fake East unbeaten. To be honest, this fake has indeed saved the idea of ​​killing me, but I have no plans to do it now. It is estimated that the preparation will wait until the situation inside Free is fully understood, but they did not expect that I can only have combat power when I operate the body."

Lax and Shana Mia nodded, and there was a concern in Shannamia’s eyes: "Will those people continue to target Fry and you in the future?"

"If you lose this opportunity, they will never have a chance." Xiao Ran’s mouth curled up and said: "My army is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, how long it will take, those guys who secretly plan what conspiracy It will be all found out, not to mention that there is no role in the conspiracy without strength."

Suddenly, the phone on the table rang, Xiaoran directly slammed the hands-free, Luo’s voice rang in the room: “Xiao Ran, the thing was detected, and found some interesting situations, you don’t want to know.”

Xiao Ran shook his head: "Well, now is not the time to create suspense."

"Well, this stuff is a variant of dg cells. I have compared the dg cells we have. The similarity is 90%, but this thing is not just a pure dg cell, dg cells belong to metal. A kind of cell, but this brand new dg cell is a kind of biological cell. In other words, some people use the technology of dg cell to make it by biological cell. I am now conducting more tests and comparisons. Randall has taken over the work behind him, and he will inform you directly if there is news."

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