Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2182: Nervous situation

(It was a little scary to sleep and sleep for two days yesterday.)

Leonard’s words made Xiao Ran a little speechless. Al Elf looked at Leonard’s eyes and just lowered his head and made up his own terminal without opening. Kane smiled and shrugged his shoulders and said nothing.

The two said so much, and Leonard was sitting on the side of the stable and waiting for the two to finish telling everyone, oh, the recovery organization is, Kowloon has been mixed in, another Leonard There is also concern in the side, this posture is indeed a bit speechless.

Leonard looked at Ayr Elf and Kane, respectively, and said with a smile: "In fact, the things you investigated are also very important. After all, only one Kowloon is mixed into the recovery organization, and the other is Leonard. What is of concern is only the more specific situation of this organization. It is true that those who have been absorbed in the new government have not been investigated."

"Reconstruction organization, originally created by the blue cosmos, the joint disabled party, I learned from another Leonard that the former blue cosmos, although the top staff died in his attack, but Originally, the size of this organization was very large. The disappearance of all the senior staff did not completely destroy the organization. So after a while, the organization re-emerged as a new leader and put The joint disabled party also united."

"The purpose of this organization was to overthrow the new government and establish a new government. They preached the same set of blue cosmos as before, but they added new things to eliminate Fry, preaching that Fry is only an alien. Not qualified to be a member of the Earth, the new government is only the plant and the government of Freedom, polluting their blue sky, anyway, just some slogans."

"But the recovery organization has been supported by many forces. Some forces are not satisfied with the current world situation. Some of the heavy industry enterprises are not willing to weaken their influence and cannot affect the new government. They will not say anything. Being restricted by the new government, I want to create some turmoil. It is best to build a new government. The government in their hands completely overthrows Free, Plant and Aub."

"The current recovery organization has more than 30 military bases. Some of the bases under the name of the new government are actually controlled by the recovery organization. They are rapidly developing themselves with the resources of the new government, but only by the recovery organization. In these bases, not everyone is their own. In addition, there are reasons for the suppression of the three sides of Free, Plant, and Aubu. The reason for military mixing is that they are only developing themselves and have not made more moves. However, once these bases choose to rebel, then the innocents in those bases are estimated to be the first to be sacrificed. This number is very large, so it is now in a very dangerous period."

"The wood was a tree, and he took the initiative to find the door after the establishment of the recovery organization. He also brought a lot of people who had escaped from the armored dragon, and directly became the top of the recovery organization with powerful capabilities in all aspects. One."

"The supporters behind the recovery organization are almost the supporters of the blue cosmos and the United, but now there are more national powers. The specific list is already in my hands, even if this list is not all, but this list is not all, but Once they start to act on them, they will naturally be dug up."

"From Kowloon, it is known that the assassination is not only directed against Askha and Patrick. Many people in the whole world have been assassinated or kidnapped to control those who did not want to join the organization. And the vast majority of these actions are led by Kowloon, and even those who die are at least, and at least those who are still alive are at least in the protection of amalgam."

Leonard said, he also took out his own personal terminal, using virtual projections to display all the information about the organization, and let the eyes of some people in the place put their sights on the displayed materials. With the things that Kane investigated, it basically means that the situation of the recovery organization has been dug up more than seven layers.

On the other hand, on the side of Al Eyre, in addition to the movements of the Apocalypse, it is confirmed that Asha, Patrick has traitors around him, and other things investigated are not as much as Kane’s investigation. There is not much information that Leonard has received with a wave of his mouth.

But the things that El Elf investigated are equally important. At least one of the behind-the-scenes supporters of the Negotiating Organization was investigated. It also investigated the existence of traitors in the Apocalypse and will soon be traitors. Locking, these are also very important situations, just that the direction of the investigation chosen by El Elf was different from that of Kane. I did not think that Leonard would bring back this information, or else I would give it to Eliel. For some time, the things that Leonard took out, like El Eyre, will be slowly investigated.

After the people read the information brought back by Leonard, in this office, except for Xiao Ran, Al Ehr, Kane, and Leonard, all the brows were deeply wrinkled.

The undefeated in the East also looked at Xiao Ran, saying: "I have seen these materials, and I know that this world has even appeared such a horrible organization. The situation in the world is once again worse than the chaos, to deal with the recovery organization. The action, no matter what kind of task can be arranged for me, I will also let the entire Salf League fully assist."

"Not only the Salv League." Xiao Ran took back his own vision from the projection and said: "The recovery organization involves almost every aspect. There are large and small forces in all parts of the world. This time, I am afraid of the organization. The whole world is united once and can only bring these people to the net."

"You can't keep this kind of development going on, even if it's more than a day's time, every day more people will join the recovery organization for various reasons, and there will be innocent people being persecuted. The fastest speed must be used. Solving the loss of the organization, and the Jupiter’s Mulian, it seems that the lessons they have given them are not enough."

Xiao Ran looked at El Elf and said: "Ayr Elf, three days, found the traitor of the Apocalypse in three days, informed the Burning Legion, Malang, and ordered her to leave the members of the Earth Circle within three days. Return, inform Kruze, Zengga, Xia, I want to conduct real-time unified video conference with Aobu, plant, and armored dragon."

"One day." El Elf calmly said: "Before this time tomorrow, I will find the traitors."


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