Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2187: Welcome back to the team

(If the fan value is 22000, there will be activities in the group, and the number of fans with enough value will be added quickly ~717.025.213)

Putting all the tasks down, Xiaoran himself has nothing to do, no matter what happened before he came alone, but everything has to be done in person, although there are still things that have not been resolved, but in addition to the Freedom and the Apocalypse In addition to the matter, there is really nothing that needs to be handled by Xiao Ran.

In fact, this time the Legion Wars did not have any relationship even if Xiaoran did not participate in the whole process. Now there are so many amnesties in the Burning Legion, and one or two big ones can definitely make the world a lot more, so many big gatherings. If the Burning Legion is tossing together, this earth is actually not enough for them to play.

After telling Xiaoran that he was leaving, Laxie left the moon with great decisiveness. Xiaoran sent the Esh team to **** Lax to return to the plant. It seemed to be a bit of a feeling for the Esh team to revisit in another world.

And the next morning, Al Elf appeared in front of Xiao Ran, and put a list in Xiaoran's hand: "The people on the list are traitors of the Apocalypse."

Xiao Ran took a look at the list in his hand. There are not many names on it. It is simply four people. The name is followed by their position on the Apocalypse. Two work on the bridge and one in Genna. The library, the other is in logistics.

After recording these four names, Xiao Ran also said to El Elf: "Can you be sure?"

El Elf calmly nodded: "Yes, I expanded the scope of the comparison and focused on investigating the communication network of suspicious people for a period of time before and after the destruction of the Tianqi. Only these four people were abnormal."

Xiao Ran nodded. "Well, you should take a good rest. Don't let go of the intelligence investigations in the organization."

After El Elf nodded, he left. The things that were investigated in the previous half of the month have not been run by Leonard. The information brought back is in the heart of El Elf. Although there is no such feeling that I am being compared to it. After all, the source of intelligence is different in different ways. It is also a normal situation to have such a thing. Moreover, El Elf has not investigated a lot of things himself.

However, El Elf had the idea of ​​dereliction of duty, so it was only one day that he went all out to get rid of the traitors inside the Apocalypse.

Be aware that although the scope of suspicious people at the beginning is not large, it is necessary to make a careful comparison to find out all the suspicious people, and then determine who is a traitor and to do it without affecting innocent people. It was also very big, but in the end, El Elf completed the work in a day that was not in the day and handed the final list to Xiaoran.

After getting the list, Xiao Ran left the Burning Legion to go to the lunar base, and once again gathered the Apocalypse troops to meet, and this time it was not just the last few people, but the whole All members of the Apocalypse must be involved.

The number of apocalyptic troops is quite large, and the total number is more than one thousand. The more than 1,000 people are divided into bridge group, maintenance group, logistics group, landing group, defense group, maintenance group, combat group, medical group, etc. After all, the Tianqi battleship used to be a drag and a drop. The fact that more than a thousand people are actually not too much is just a matter of logistics and maintenance.

The general conference room could not accommodate more than a thousand people at all, so the warship Gna Curry of the lunar base made a place for these people, and also set up a platform to temporarily serve as a venue for the Tianqi troops meeting.

It’s only when more than a thousand people are gathered together, wearing different uniforms and standing in different squares according to different groups and positions, can you really feel the size of the Tianqi’s warship. How huge it is, compared to the conventional warship configuration of the world, it is terrible, but it is much less than the regular staffing of the new major-class warships like the Burning Legion.

In the entire huge Gnaku, so many people have neat fighting power in the square, while in the vicinity there are many other people in the lunar base watching quietly, until Xiaoran embarked on a temporary high platform. After that, the entire huge phalanx had a different action under the leadership of Hugo, and at the same time lifted his right hand salute in the direction of Xiaoran.

Xiao Ran came to the front of the microphone after the ceremony. After a moment of silence, he said with a gentle tone: "I am very happy to be here again. I am more happy that the entire Apocalypse has left us forever. In addition to everyone, everyone has returned to the big family of the Apocalypse."

"Although the Tianqi is destroyed, but you are still in the Apocalypse, the battleship can be replaced, the body can be replaced, but every member of the Apocalypse is irreplaceable. I feel happy to be able to regroup here."

"But the Apocalypse has more than a thousand people, and there are more than a thousand ideas, but these different ideas can all fight for the same goal. This is a very valuable thing."

"And now, the Earth has once again suffered a new crisis. I want to know if you have prepared everything for the protection of the Earth again."

"Yes!" The neat sound was heard throughout the huge battleship Gna Curry. After listening to this voice, Xiao Ran also showed a happy smile: "Very good, welcome you to return to the Apocalypse."

Xiao Ran looked around at the black pressure crowd and said with a heavy heart: "I will have another thing to do before I announce the next arrangement, explain the allocation of the body and the battleship, and your next mission. Ask a few people."

"The Apocalypse was destroyed, and we lost our comrades-in-arms and partners forever. What kind of thoughts and thoughts you have in the end can do such a thing, and now I want to ask four people to list my questions."

Xiao Ran said the names of the four people on the list given by Al Elf one by one. When Xiao Ran said the four names, the crowd below put their eyes on them. Four people, three men and one woman.

The four faces that were named to the name were instantly pale. Two people could not bear the horror of the heart and the huge pressure. The woman sat on the ground, but the woman, but only twenty-four-five-year-old woman, was also a blind eye. Red, and kneeling on the floor, crying out loud and crying.

But this does not get the sympathy of anyone else. All the members of the Apocalypse who watched them are all angry, and even impulsive members have already rushed toward these four people.

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