Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2254: Tour group departure

After Catherine left, Xiao Ran’s hand was gently placed on the table twice, Valkyrie, violent, and an invitation to Shirley, which made Xiao Ran feel that the story is not so simple and simple. Even though the ship’s territory has been leading the entire galaxy in a leading position, there is a communion of vajra, the settlement of the original demon, plus the strength of its own military strength, and some things have stuck the throat of many forces, but In this world, in addition to the inside of the fleet, people inside the regiment, there are only a few very few people who understand the true strength of the regiment.

Of course, this is rarely very rare. It is also based on the current number of life under the new integration of the entire Milky Way. In fact, there are also many people. Otherwise, there will be no words, new integration and other greatness. Most forces will follow their orders.

Perhaps in the eyes of many people, the current fleet is special and indeed powerful. At least it is not a powerful force that can be easily provoked. It is also a transcendental force that is slightly above the new integration and has a special relationship with the new integration. However, for some of the two idiots, I am afraid that the status, power, and special items of the ship’s group will become the scent of other people’s eyes, and they will not come over to share a piece of glutinous rice. Power has never been the real power of the Burning Legion, but its status is special, and it cannot be provoked. These characteristics are recognized by other forces, but some emerging companies, such as Caius, may not understand the fleet. It is.

However, with the current size of Kaius, there must be a deep relationship in the new integration. Therefore, it is possible to know some real things about the fleet from the mouths of some insiders. If this is the case, then maybe it is against the snow. Lilu’s invitation is really just a normal invitation, not based on the invitation of cooperation, but based on the respect for Shirley’s own respect. I sincerely hope that Shirley has a special status and special status. And the forerunner with special ability can give a sincere invitation to the guidance of Valkyrie.

But in the eyes of Xiao Ran, there are some things in the three things of Valkyrie, violent, and invitation letters. The appearance of Valkyrie and the emergence of violent disease are either coincidence or deliberate. If it is the latter, then it is estimated. Another person can't sit still and want to get something out.

However, Xiao Ran is not worried about what will happen. In terms of his current ability, in terms of the strength of the entire legion, even if the forces of the entire galaxy are now hostile to the regiment, he is not worried, just look at this. How much sacrifice is necessary for hostile and derived wars, but the power of the general individual forces is not at all in the heart, and Xiao Ran has reason to believe that a compound enterprise can develop to such a scale in ten years. The person is definitely not a fool, so it is not necessary to think about going to the planet of Ragnar, as long as you are prepared.

From Shirley Lu to Xiao Ran to say the invitation, and then get the other people to agree, and the time before and after the preparation of the selection of personnel is only three days, three days really waste more is not these ordinary Preparation, but a group of people who want to go along with preparations, and is a common preparation that spans several worlds.

The members of this departure are quite luxurious, El Elf, Leonard, Basque, Graham, Nalo, Youzes, Kyliam, Ingram, Zengga, Elsam , Kruze, Xia, Larasin, Nazi, etc., their past purpose is really tourism, knowing that Xiao Ran is going out to play, a notice to one comes to a lot of people, such as Luo They also have the idea of ​​relaxing and relaxing.

In addition, there is also Ozma, for example, and I am going to take the orchids around to look around. As for Catherine, I have to take care of the things that the boat can’t leave, then the big Lax, accompanied by the invitation of Little Lax, and the seed. The world's Cargill, the Stella trio, etc. will also go together. Even the East is unbeaten and brought several people to the fleet of the long-distance, ready to see the alien life of the world. .

There are a total of ten warships, three large macos-class, seven small macos-class, and a fleet of more and more warships in the fleet will be ready to leave at any time after the order, in addition to the steel dragon of the og world. The team is also basically accompanied by all the members, as the main force of the **** troops to go together, but also by the way to participate in this interstellar travel.

Therefore, the normal entourage is really just an order. The number of follow-up applicants will be a total of three days before and after. Although Xiao Ran feels that such a configuration is a bit exaggerated in the past, it can be done without any problems. The purpose is indeed only a trip. Once I arrive at the Brisghaman Cluster, this group of people is estimated to split up and go to the planets they are interested in. They will not all gather in Ragnar. On the top of the planet, let out all the evil guys, and really want to make something happen... Hey, Xiao Ran thinks that the scalp is numb.

In addition to the normal defense force and the steel dragon team, there are also a certain number of battle super ai on the ten warships. All the accompanying defense forces are also b-level or above, and the a-level is not in a minority. It is enough to crush the entire Brisgman cluster, and at most it is slower.

A large group of people boarded the battleship and set off. The most simple and convenient way to use the fold space to jump from the center of the Milky Way to the edge of the Milky Way. Such a distant distance is not a short time. The farther away, of course, the distance is far. The longer it takes to make a space jump, it takes a few days before and after entering the space channel to reach the Laguna Star.

And the group of big cockroaches did indeed take this prototype as a trip. When they were on the boat, they got together every day. It’s not playing this game, playing it, drinking and playing cards, relaxing in the East, and undefeated in the East is also holding this unknown world. Curiosity, I am so happy that I have to drink a few cups every day. Even Bassac is simply liberated in this environment. I am happy to drink without worrying about the contempt of two resurgence and the unbeaten arrogance of the East. .


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