Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2260: Well grown

Xiao Ran’s invitation to Ernest will certainly not be rejected, and there is no possibility of refusal at all. It’s not because of such a small matter that he is offended by Xiao Ran. As for why the four men of Valkyrie are added, it’s always Xiaoran’s desire to know more. This team, especially the girl named Meiyun, this girl gave Xiao Ran a very strange feeling, it is a kind of abnormal feeling, of course, not Xiaoran is not normal, but this Meiyun does not seem normal.

The unified senior official is also eager to participate in Xiaoran’s private banquet. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him. If he can get Xiaoran’s fancy, then he will have a powerful background in his integration. You don't have to stay on the border planet of this bird, and you might be able to take the opportunity to go to a more lively, prosperous and safer planet.

Basque is very excited inside, and Kruze is plain as water, but both of them have the same idea, that is, to attend the welcome reception organized here at night.

When Ernest agreed, the captain of the Valkyrie behind them, asked Bakaniya to come up with a happy smile, and after the two bags of Shirley and Xiao Ran, they suppressed the inner thrill of the snow. Lilu invited: "Miss Shirley, I am very glad that you can promise us to come to the planet of Ragnar. We have been a fan of Miss Shirley from the beginning. I can see you really today. So happy."

Shirley’s words when she heard that Bakaniya’s words were also a slight smile. She gently rubbed her long hair and took off the sunglasses on her face, revealing her beautiful face that has not changed for many years. Bakaniya smiled and nodded. "I am also very happy to see you. Your fame is not small. The name of Valkyrie is even spread in the center of the Galaxy. I have long wanted to see you." ”

Bakaniya looked at Shirley’s eyes with a star that was unique to the fans. She also smiled happily when she heard Shirley’s compliment: “But it’s still not as good as Miss Shirley, Shirley. Miss Lu, you are the idol of many of us, Miss Shirley, can we take you on a tour?"

Shirley looked at Xiaoran, Xiaoran smiled and nodded. After getting Xiaoran’s reply, Shirley also smiled at Bakaniya and nodded: “Of course, then please. ""

When I heard Shirley’s agreement, Bakaniya’s hand behind her suddenly became v-shaped. The other three people of Valkyrie, except for Meiyun’s smile with the kind of ceremonial gift, the other two I couldn't help but smile and clenched my fist.

Xiao Ran did not look back, and whispered directly: "Xinye, the night, inform Billy and Moses, you follow Shirley."

Xiang Yu Xin Ye, Xiao Ran's most loyal knight, no matter when, as long as Xiao Ran is outside, he will take the initiative to follow Xiao Ran, and Yu Jian night, although Zeng Jia's disciple, but also acts as a Xiao Ran guard. The duties are also Xiaoran’s little assistant, the peripheral secretary under the flow of the wild, followed by Zeng Jia’s long-term study, and then the unbeaten guidance of the East, but also has considerable talent, the strength at this time is more than before It’s also a bad day.

In addition to Billy and Moses, the four people followed Shirley to protect them. In addition to the ms forces that can support them at any time, the warrior forces, Shirley’s safety problems don’t have to worry too much, and snow Lilu itself is not a real ordinary person. In this world, it is more likely to sing a lot of insects at any time. Whoever dares to provoke Xue Lilu is the result of being completely overwhelmed by the insects.

Without delaying too much time, Xiao Ran took the other people to leave with the vehicle, and followed the rushing team behind Ragnar to the place where he would stay for a while, while Shirley was in Moses. Under the protection of the sword and the night, Billy and Xiangyu Xinye began to visit the training base of Valkyrie, and later went to the water city of Ragnar for a tour.

Xiao Ran and Malang sat together on a special extended car. They started to go to the place where they lived under the deformation fighter, ms, and part of the power of the landing force. At this time, the landing troops have completely become the iron armored armored units. The troops put on the iron Gaman armor. Although they only landed on the troops, they also possessed the sea, land and air aerobic combat forces, and they also have the fighting ability that is no less than ordinary ms.

As soon as he got on the bus, Xiao Ran turned his daughter, Artemis, from the hands of Da Xia. The fingers gently hooked on the chin of Artemis, making the children laugh, and in the car, Liu Muye , Da Xia Xiao Xia, two Lax silks are all at this time, and this car is really only a man who Xiaoran sat up.

Da Xia handed the child to Xiao Ran, and he asked a little strangely: "What about Shirley?"

Xiao Ran has been teasing the children. When he heard the big summer, he replied casually: "She, together with the gimmicks of the Valkyrie squad, will be with us later, and this time the protagonist is her, no. It’s not a good idea to get in touch with that team.”

Da Xia nodded, and Malang sat next to Xiao Ran, looking at Xiao Ran like a smile. "The girl named Mei Yun is not worse than Shirley. I found that you just saw it." How many eyes does she have?"

“It’s really good.” Xiao Ran did not deny this, but he also said: “But it’s just that it’s not very attractive to me. I found the girl a little bit wrong, from the news from Kane’s. The information before the girl is almost non-existent. Some gods are mysterious. The other three people should be official members of Kaius, and they have corresponding positions. Only this beautiful cloud is just a interpretation of Kaius. The simple singer under the command does not know who it is."

Malang gently nodded: "Is there a threat?"

Xiao Ran shook his head: "I didn't feel malicious, more should be curious and happy."

Listening to Xiao Ran said, Malang is not saying anything more. Since Xiao Ran believes that there is no threat, then nature may not really threaten.

Looking up, Xiao Ran also looked at the other people in the carriage and said: "The four people who invited the Valkyrie, and the person in charge of the Kais side, unified the person in charge here for a family feast, this evening. You can't participate in the event with you, but when you come to the planet, it really should be fun."

Xiao Ran’s invitation to Ernest will certainly not be rejected, and there is no possibility of refusal at all. It’s not because of such a small matter that he is offended by Xiao Ran. As for why the four men of Valkyrie are added, it’s always Xiaoran’s desire to know more. This team, especially the girl named Meiyun, this girl gave Xiao Ran a very strange feeling, it is a kind of abnormal feeling, of course, not Xiaoran is not normal, but this Meiyun does not seem normal.

The unified senior official is also eager to participate in Xiaoran’s private banquet. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him. If he can get Xiaoran’s fancy, then he will have a powerful background in his integration. You don't have to stay on the border planet of this bird, and you might be able to take the opportunity to go to a more lively, prosperous and safer planet.

Basque is very excited inside, and Kruze is plain as water, but both of them have the same idea, that is, to attend the welcome reception organized here at night.

When Ernest agreed, the captain of the Valkyrie behind them, asked Bakaniya to come up with a happy smile, and after the two bags of Shirley and Xiao Ran, they suppressed the inner thrill of the snow. Lilu invited: "Miss Shirley, I am very glad that you can promise us to come to the planet of Ragnar. We have been a fan of Miss Shirley from the beginning. I can see you really today. So happy."

Shirley’s words when she heard that Bakaniya’s words were also a slight smile. She gently rubbed her long hair and took off the sunglasses on her face, revealing her beautiful face that has not changed for many years. Bakaniya smiled and nodded. "I am also very happy to see you. Your fame is not small. The name of Valkyrie is even spread in the center of the Galaxy. I have long wanted to see you." ”

Bakaniya looked at Shirley’s eyes with a star that was unique to the fans. She also smiled happily when she heard Shirley’s compliment: “But it’s still not as good as Miss Shirley, Shirley. Miss Lu, you are the idol of many of us, Miss Shirley, can we take you on a tour?"

Shirley looked at Xiaoran, Xiaoran smiled and nodded. After getting Xiaoran’s reply, Shirley also smiled at Bakaniya and nodded: “Of course, then please. ""

When I heard Shirley’s agreement, Bakaniya’s hand behind her suddenly became v-shaped. The other three people of Valkyrie, except for Meiyun’s smile with the kind of ceremonial gift, the other two I couldn't help but smile and clenched my fist.

Xiao Ran did not look back, and whispered directly: "Xinye, the night, inform Billy and Moses, you follow Shirley."

Xiang Yu Xin Ye, Xiao Ran's most loyal knight, no matter when, as long as Xiao Ran is outside, he will take the initiative to follow Xiao Ran, and Yu Jian night, although Zeng Jia's disciple, but also acts as a Xiao Ran guard. The duties are also Xiaoran’s little assistant, the peripheral secretary under the flow of the wild, followed by Zeng Jia’s long-term study, and then the unbeaten guidance of the East, but also has considerable talent, the strength at this time is more than before It’s also a bad day.

In addition to Billy and Moses, the four people followed Shirley to protect them. In addition to the ms forces that can support them at any time, the warrior forces, Shirley’s safety problems don’t have to worry too much, and snow Lilu itself is not a real ordinary person. In this world, it is more likely to sing a lot of insects at any time. Whoever dares to provoke Xue Lilu is the result of being completely overwhelmed by the insects.

Without delaying too much time, Xiao Ran took the other people to leave with the vehicle, and followed the rushing team behind Ragnar to the place where he would stay for a while, while Shirley was in Moses. Under the protection of the sword and the night, Billy and Xiangyu Xinye began to visit the training base of Valkyrie, and later went to the water city of Ragnar for a tour.

Xiao Ran and Malang sat together on a special extended car. They started to go to the place where they lived under the deformation fighter, ms, and part of the power of the landing force. At this time, the landing troops have completely become the iron armored armored units. The troops put on the iron Gaman armor. Although they only landed on the troops, they also possessed the sea, land and air aerobic combat forces, and they also have the fighting ability that is no less than ordinary ms.

As soon as he got on the bus, Xiao Ran turned his daughter, Artemis, from the hands of Da Xia. The fingers gently hooked on the chin of Artemis, making the children laugh, and in the car, Liu Muye , Da Xia Xiao Xia, two Lax silks are all at this time, and this car is really only a man who Xiaoran sat up.

Da Xia handed the child to Xiao Ran, and he asked a little strangely: "What about Shirley?"

Xiao Ran has been teasing the children. When he heard the big summer, he replied casually: "She, together with the gimmicks of the Valkyrie squad, will be with us later, and this time the protagonist is her, no. It’s not a good idea to get in touch with that team.”

Da Xia nodded, and Malang sat next to Xiao Ran, looking at Xiao Ran like a smile. "The girl named Mei Yun is not worse than Shirley. I found that you just saw it." How many eyes does she have?"

“It’s really good.” Xiao Ran did not deny this, but he also said: “But it’s just that it’s not very attractive to me. I found the girl a little bit wrong, from the news from Kane’s. The information before the girl is almost non-existent. Some gods are mysterious. The other three people should be official members of Kaius, and they have corresponding positions. Only this beautiful cloud is just a interpretation of Kaius. The simple singer under the command does not know who it is."

Malang gently nodded: "Is there a threat?"

Xiao Ran shook his head: "I didn't feel malicious, more should be curious and happy."

Listening to Xiao Ran said, Malang is not saying anything more. Since Xiao Ran believes that there is no threat, then nature may not really threaten.

Looking up, Xiao Ran also looked at the other people in the carriage and said: "The four people who invited the Valkyrie, and the person in charge of the Kais side, unified the person in charge here for a family feast, this evening. You can't participate in the event with you, but when you come to the planet, it really should be fun."

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