Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 2290: Information exchange

Returning to Ragnar all the way, because Windermere’s declaration of war on the integration also gave people on both ships a completely different idea. Xiaoran and Kane also discussed more details on this return journey.

After returning to Ragnar, the first thing Xiao Ran did was to arrange one of the new macros-class warships that stayed over Ragnar, two Shana Mia, two Lax and the children Aldiya. Returning to the ship group is not only as simple as returning to the ship group, but to leave the world of the ship to go to the og world.

Malang, Shirley and the two women are left behind. Malang, the captain of the Burning Legion, is naturally unable to leave when this may be at any time, and Shirley is the true military in the army. Special weapons, the power of singing can not only resist the singer of Windermere, but also has the ability to suppress the violent disease more effective than the Valkyrie, and certainly will not leave.

Liu Muye, Yu Jian night, a secretary and a guard, the former has a different physical quality than human beings, but also a close-knit person, the latter is the guard of Shirley, and has a formal military position. It is impossible to leave here because of love.

Under the premise of absolute power, Xiao Ran’s making of this arrangement is in fact enough to pay attention to the threat of Windermere. Once the power gathered from other worlds is completed, Xiaoran will start directly on Windermere. The crackdown action.

However, in the current situation of not too many people, Xiao Ran really has the ability to suppress the entire Kingdom of Windermere, and even can completely suppress the Briggaman cluster and the planet related to Windermere, but suppress it. After that, it was impossible to draw enough people to maintain the order afterwards. It is not difficult to destroy. It is difficult after the war.

The new army, that is, the military forces mobilized from other worlds, will not only cooperate with Xiaoran’s actions on the Briggaman army, but even all the external military forces of the entire fleet will be replaced. Directly change the military power of other worlds to the side of the ship group. It will be mixed by the seed world, j world, og world, and the power of the world of 0079. Once it is replaced, it will be completely isolated, completely severing the infection of any vajra bacteria. In this way, there is a way to control the vajra bacteria in the Kingdom of Windermere, and there is absolutely no way to influence the military power of the fleet.

Those who are infected with vajra bacteria and those who have symbiotic with the bacteria will leave the world of the ship to other worlds. In this way, even if Windermere wants to rebel, it will not hurt the fundamentals of the ship. .

The orchids on the other side of the boat will also awaken the Zerg Queen, who has been sleeping all the time, and communicate directly with the Queen to confirm the threat of vajra's transformation of bacteria, and the way to remove it, or to make this transformation Bacteria can't affect the boat. To say vajra bacteria, this is the unique thing of vajra. This is a special thing that is controlled by vajra. There is really a way to solve it. The Queen is of course the easiest.

In addition to this, in order to ensure the safety of the fleet, the orchids must communicate with the Queen to control all the vajra, to avoid them being affected by Windermere. Xiaoran is also afraid that the worms will riot, and some prevention work will naturally Do a good job, and Xiao Ran has done so many arrangements, just for a seemingly insignificant Windermere, I can imagine how much trouble Windermere brought to this violent storm.

Xiao Ran is preparing for this, and Windermere is preparing for it. The same as the party that was declared a war, in addition to the new integration that was admitted to Xiaoran, is also preparing to give Windermer a cruel blow.

On the second night of returning to Ragnar, Xiao Ran received an invitation to take Shirley, Kane, El Elf, Xiang Yu Xinye, and Liu Muye to the majors battleship of Caius. In the lounge, I saw all members of the Delta team and the Valkyrie squad. In addition to the invitation, the captain Ernest, a dozen people gathered together but not crowded but full.

Xiao Ran and others are of course the last to arrive. It is not that Xiao Ran did not follow the time, but all the members of the Caius side, including Captain Ernest, came over here.

After Xiaoran walked in under the leadership of the staff of Kai's, all of them stood up at the same time and marched toward Xiaoran. Regardless of how Xiaoran was the president of a fleet, identity was very special. Normally, there will always be a vain job in the new integration. As a newly-armed armed Kais, it is absolutely necessary to salute Xiaoran.

Among these salutes, Meiyun is not included. Meiyun is only a female Valkyrie. Only a singer does not have any position. The young man who dared to be in front of Xiaoran before the blast has become a serious man. appearance.

Xiao Ran arbitrarily gestured to let everyone put it down, Ernest also voluntarily greeted Xiaoran: "Xiao Ran, my subordinates were very sorry for the rudeness of Xiao Ran, and I hope Xiaoran adults please More forgiveness."

"It’s been a long time since I’ve been there. Don’t mention this anymore.” Xiao Ran shook his head and smiled at the complex temper. He didn’t give the blood of the previous blast to his heart, and said: “Give You introduced, these two are El Elf and Kane, the two responsible persons of the special intelligence agency of my fleet. The information that I mentioned before has the captain Ernest and their handover. ”

Ernest glanced at Kane and El Elf, an older, younger, younger one who looked so young and young. The temperament displayed by the two was completely different. The older looks instead. More sharpness will reveal some, arrogant but indifferent, if you want to describe it, then it is nothing. It is like a nobleman above the top.

The young one is extremely restrained, calm and silent, and can't completely see the other's mind and thoughts, but the only thing that is the same is the cold and dangerous atmosphere that the two of them radiate.

"There is another thing..." Xiao Ran said that he suddenly smiled and shook his head. "This is not anxious. Wait until the information exchange is completed."

Ernest nodded and shook hands with Al Elf and Kane, and then stood aside and nodded to Arad and Bakania.

The two stood in the middle of the place, and waved their hands to open the virtual picture. At the same time, the light in the house was also darkened, and several images and a huge map appeared on the virtual projection.

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