Unlimited Machine War

Chapter 231: Class A branch task completed

Laguna’s face sank for a moment, then he looked at Xiao Ran’s strong smile: “If this is the case, of course, it’s necessary to stop it.”

Xiao Ran’s mouth tilted slightly: “Block? How to stop, is it killing him?”

Laguna’s smile on his face was stiff and reluctantly said: “Of course, the only way to guarantee our secrets and security.”

"Oh." Xiao Ran suddenly nodded, and then stood up and went straight to the second floor: "Naluo, Graham, buried him."

"Yes, General." Graham smiled, opened his coat and pulled out a pistol and headed for Laguna, while Nalo went straight to Laguna before Laguna had reacted. Just pushed him from the couch to the floor.

There was an unbearable pain in the neck, on the hand, and at the waist that was touched by Laguna’s knees. Laguna screamed and then shouted loudly: "Wait, wait, Xiao. General, what are you doing!"

Xiao Ran stopped and turned to look at Laguna: "I am following your wishes and punish the betrayers. Is there anything wrong with it?"

The cold sweat on Laguna’s head suddenly came out, only the vest was cold, and the eyes of Xiao Ran were full of fear: “You can’t do this, I have not betrayed the heavens!”

Xiaoran’s head went to Laguna and went to Laguna’s head and said: “Is it not for you now, but I have the final say, tell me the solar furnace you made. And the new ms, the coordinates of the manufacturing plant. But even if you don't say it doesn't matter, my current identity can be completely for your residence. The company and everything you do is a fair and light search, in cooperation with the intelligence agency of Heaven, 哼Do you think those things can be hidden?"

Xiaoran said that he waved his hand to Naluo. Naluo let go of Laguna and stood up, and Graham stood aside and pointed his gun at Laguna's head.

The sweat on Laguna’s head kept going, watching Xiaoran’s eyes filled with incredible and shocking. But more is still fear. He knows that he has no meaning in how he defends. He has never been aware of what he has been carefully building. He even made it secretly carried out by the organization of the heavenly people, but he did not expect it today. Being broken by the man in front of him has already caused his heart to turn up the wave of the sky.

Laguna stood up slowly, pale in the ground, and asked with some hoarse voice: "How do you know."

"I have my own intelligence agency. Heaven does not focus on you, but I am different. Anyone who might become a threat inside Heaven is within my surveillance. Coincidentally, I found something about you."

Xiao Ran said, standing up, erected **** against Laguna: "You only have two roads now. First, hand over the things in your hand, and then honestly do what to do, but I will add some restrictions for you. Second, I will torture you, forcing you to hand over the things on your hands, then killing you, arresting your family, and taking over everything. I will give you three seconds. Clock time."


"I will pay!" Laguna immediately raised his head. Shouted out loud, and shouted out, but also softened to the ground: "I will pay, I will pay..."

"You made a wise choice." Xiaoran nodded faintly and looked at Graham: "Let's find a place to lock him up. Bring the neck bomb to him, once there is any change. Or someone attacks, Direct detonation."

"Yes, the general." Graham took the lead, and Nalo left Laguna to leave the residence, and Xiaoran sat back in the position he was sitting in, and took a nap in the air. Tea, the face showed a satisfied expression: "gn-x, red solar furnace, gn-x production line to hand."

"Hey, clear any threats in the union that may be a threat to the heavenly camp, the possible causes of the damage (not limited to people or others), 3/3."

When I heard the voice in my mind, Xiao Ran first stunned, and then a very happy smile appeared on his face: "How can the task be completed directly, is it not done before?"

Xiao Ran quickly opened his sleeve and looked through the watch on his hand. After carefully examining it, he suddenly realized: "The fact that Raphael’s old man joined the gods and concealed the nuclear energy was counted once. I have not noticed the tips."

"A-level squad mission, clearing any threats in the union that may be a threat to the celestial camp, the possible cause of the loss (not limited to people or others), has been completed."

"The mission success rewards 10,000 points for the battle, gaining a permanent identity in the world, and the popularity of the heavenly camp is greatly improved. You can choose one of the following options to become a mysterious reward for this mission."

"1, c + level body three choices one, gn-x manufacturing drawings, gn-x one, c-class body, gn-t type solar furnace a c + level energy."

"2, gn-x production line, according to the drawings, can produce gn-x production line. gn-x complete drawing (excluding gn-t type solar furnace.), gn-x can be made according to the drawings."

"3, gn-t type solar furnace complete drawing, gn-x complete drawing."

"please choose."

Xiao Ran looked at the next prompt, but also couldn't help but take a sip of cold air. The mood was like a roller coaster. When excited, it seemed to be rushed to the head by the blood. When I was disappointed, I felt that my heart was full. air.

"The first choice, a c+ class body plus a gn-x, two exclusive bodies, and gn-x manufacturing drawings, three choices, is it the three bodies of the three ones choose one? The reward for the level line task is also too rich."

“The second choice, the gn-x production line, and the gn-x drawings, but there is no solar furnace, this production line is also very tempting.”

“The third choice, the solar furnace and the gn-x finished drawing, each of the three choices is so tempting, why not integrate it.”

Although Xiao Ran’s mood is very exciting, but the three choices are not the most satisfying to Xiao Ran, what he hopes most is the production line, the drawings of the solar furnace and the drawings of gn-x. If this is the case, then it will be perfect.

However, the rewards given have been fixed, Xiaoran can only choose one of three, and looked at the three choices, Xiao Ran is also somewhat hesitant.

The first item is definitely not to think about it. The meaning of the two exclusive bodies is not great. Xiao Ran’s body has already been a lot, bringing three of the world, leaving one in Prometheus still in the process of transformation. Vf-27, there is really no need to choose this option.

The second option and the third option make Xiaoran struggle. If you choose the second option, you may also use the human tactics to carry out the task in the future. Although there is no pilot, you can't stand Xiaoran with artificial intelligence chips. Without a solar furnace, it is also possible to use thermonuclear energy for energy output. Except for the special energy without gn particles, the output and speed are not the existence of the gn solar furnace.

For the third option, although there is no production line, the solar furnace and gn-x drawings are available. Although it is not possible to mass produce anything, at least it can be used ten times in Lao Luo to create ten corresponding ones. The body is also completely enough.

"It’s difficult for that, gn-x's drawings are actually not very useful to me. What is really useful is the drawings and production lines of the t-type solar furnace. If you can redeem it, then it would be fine. But so, t-type The value of the drawing of the solar furnace is equivalent to the value of a production line?"

Xiao Ran frowned and thought carefully: "In terms of drawings, I have a complete vf-27, there are incomplete assaults up to, energy, I have a thermonuclear energy engine, the real lack of production line, just do not know this The production line for rewards is only for mass production of gn-x, or other drawings can be used. If it is the latter, then the most valuable for me is this production line."

"But now I don't have any power at all. Getting a production line for a short period of time or even a long time has a very small meaning to me. After all, I can only carry three bodies into the world at a time, even if there is a production line. It doesn't make much sense."

Shaking his head, Xiao Ran sighed slightly, and finally chose the third one: "Or the third, the solar furnace is very useful for the performance enhancement of the body. If you can install the solar furnace on all of my bodies, That kind of picture... so beautiful."

“You have obtained a complete gn-x drawing, a complete drawing of the gn-t solar furnace.”

"Call." Xiao Ran gently exhaled a breath, although the production line is very attractive, but the election has been chosen, Xiao Ran naturally will not regret anything, after all, the world's most valuable is the solar furnace, Although it is a t-type solar furnace without a filtering device, the performance is not worse than that of a green solar oven. Even if it is red, it can be no problem.

As for the complete gn-x drawing, it is a new addition. It is also a c-class body. It is almost as high as a angel.

There is no production line, and Xiao Ran believes that he is absolutely capable of obtaining a better production line in the future. A gn-x production line should not be worth mentioning.

"There is no gn-x and red solar furnace, human leather, aeu, union, this time you will rely on what to deal with the angels." Xiao Ran narrowed his eyes, his mouth curled up: "I got these bodies It is also a way to level up the participants to join the three major national forces, leading to the weakness of the heavens."

"Thirty gn-x, it seems to be a good start to look for the pilot." (To be continued.)

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